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If God loves, what kind of “love” does he have for the Truecels?

Kina Hikikomori

Kina Hikikomori

Dec 8, 2023

Bear Disgust GIF by DevX Art
If God loves, what kind of love does he have for chronic ill people?
God is not real.
He loves torturing incels. We're god's designated punching bags
It is not a pun, it is the same question. There is always people having it worse than you. It is not a cope, but a fact.
Yes, it's true, there is always someone going through worse circumstances than mine, and tell me, how does that “cancel out” mine? How can this “undo” what He did to me?

It's not because others suffer worse than me, that I should feel better and accept it willingly, the normie advice is yours.

everyone suffers in their own way. And finding excuses for it is an act of refuge and beautiful as the best way to hide, so fuck it
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Yes, it's true, there is always someone going through worse circumstances than mine, and tell me, how does that “cancel out” mine? How can this “undo” what He did to me?

It's not because others suffer worse than me, that I should feel better and accept it willingly, the normie advice is yours.
It does not.

It simply means that most people suffer.

It is not a matter of cancellation, it is a way of accepting it.

What do you get complaining? Nothing. What do you get not complaining? Nothing at all. You just loose your time asking things that either are beyond your understanding or asking about a god that does not exist.
Perhaps we were demons in our previous lives
If he exists and is actually good perhaps we serve as a kind of test for the normies to see how they will treat us?

As well how we react and cope with our shitty station in life?

Ultimately though all available evidence points to him playing favorites in this life.

If we’re all children of wrath and condemned to Hell apart from the saving grace of Jesus Christ it makes very little sense why scum like Chris Brown, Jeremy Meeks and Zac Stacy get to have hot women all up on their dicks while we get nothing save for overpriced shitty prostitutes for trucels that want to go that route.
It does not.

It simply means that most people suffer.

It is not a matter of cancellation, it is a way of accepting it.

What do you get complaining? Nothing. What do you get not complaining? Nothing at all. You just loose your time asking things that either are beyond your understanding or asking about a god that does not exist.

Both paths are nothing but backwards thinking.Questions, whether they are beyond my understanding or not, are still questions that need answers.

there is no gain, and life is just something that should be spent, and I spend it complaining.
everyone suffers in their own way. And finding excuses for it is an act of refuge and beautiful as the best way to hide, so fuck it
Denying reality does not help at all. Accept it, and let's find out what can be done to lifemaxx. If there is nothing to lifemaxx, you are not coping good enough.

Literally we live in the best age to be incels.
If he exists and is actually good perhaps we serve as a kind of test for the normies to see how they will treat us?

As well how we react and cope with our shitty station in life?

Ultimately though all available evidence points to him playing favorites in this life.

If we’re all children of wrath and condemned to Hell apart from the saving grace of Jesus Christ it makes very little sense why scum like Chris Brown, Jeremy Meeks and Zac Stacy get to have hot women all up on their dicks while we get nothing save for overpriced shitty prostitutes for trucels that want to go that route.
this seems like the most correct answer. Even in this world we are not the main characters. Rather we are actually just living tests for the normies to interact with.

Brutal. Our lives truly are worth less than the average normie's and you cannot tell me otherwise
Both paths are nothing but backwards thinking.Questions, whether they are beyond my understanding or not, are still questions that need answers.

there is no gain, and life is just something that should be spent, and I spend it complaining.
If God exists, probably it is beyond your understanding, because you will not be able to understand the infinite chain of cause and effect for you to be how you are.

If he does not exist, then, talking about it does not make any sense at all. Yet, sometimes it feels that God was invented as a social reason for oraganizing societies.

Well, if you spend it complaining, what can I say to you? More than spending, you are just wasting it.
If he exists and is actually good perhaps we serve as a kind of test for the normies to see how they will treat us?

As well how we react and cope with our shitty station in life?

Yes. This world is meant to be a place of tests and trials.
If God exists, probably it is beyond your understanding, because you will not be able to understand the infinite chain of cause and effect for you to be how you are.

God is said to be the ultimate being, not an entity but a force. He wanted to put me in the worst place, that's why.

Placing complexes on God is not good, He is simple, because the concept of God is to be simple and have the power to do what pleases Him. He did this to me.
God doesn't love or hate anyone because he is not even a being like you and me
And you say you are in the worst place?

Do you think this shit here is a playground, poverty only exists in your country? LOL

Same discussion again, my suffering doesn't compare

Do you think this shit here is a playground, poverty only exists in your country? LOL

Same discussion again, my suffering doesn't compare
I am also a trucel, and I have to work my shit just to survive and get by with some basic copes like cigarettes and internet. Here if you do not work, you die. There is no social programs, there is no healthcare at all, no money, you can die in the street, be it a hard infection, pleuritis or a fucking cancer. So yeah, FUCKING YEAH, you have a better place than mine, and I doubt you live in poverty. And less if you live as a real hikikomori.

Your suffering does not compare, yet, the material conditions are yet objectives.
I am also a trucel, and I have to work my shit just to survive and get by with some basic copes like cigarettes and internet. Here if you do not work, you die. There is no social programs, there is no healthcare at all, no money, you can die in the street, be it a hard infection, pleuritis or a fucking cancer. So yeah, FUCKING YEAH, you have a better place than mine, and I doubt you live in poverty. And less if you live as a real hikikomori.

Your suffering does not compare, yet, the material conditions are yet objectives.

YOU have the fucking internet, are you poor too?I DON'T HAVE SOCIAL ASSISTANCE, tell me, where do you think this exists.......AND WHAT TYPE OF ASSISTANCE is this you say?


I might even recognize this as the only good thing in my life, because it is. AND IT IS BECAUSE OF MY MOTHER WHO SUSTAINS ME, not because of a God.

your reality is not mine, and I am disabled....let's become two queers now and talk about who suffers more? I have said that suffering cannot be compared and I am directing that blame towards God by asking these questions.
Good question. Maybe God is a foreign concept to me because of my mutted blood. Idk. Probably has to do with my shit-kicker commie years
Do you know about incel forums in your country since there are no japcels here?

Yes, there are still some... but most are private chats made by a group of individuals, such as servers and phone groups.
Yes, there are still some... but most are private chats made by a group of individuals, such as servers and phone groups.
Good to know because no way they can be this bluepilled and delusional.
God's got a plan for you bro! He's just testing you! :soy::soy:
YOU have the fucking internet, are you poor too?I DON'T HAVE SOCIAL ASSISTANCE, tell me, where do you think this exists.......AND WHAT TYPE OF ASSISTANCE is this you say?


I might even recognize this as the only good thing in my life, because it is. AND IT IS BECAUSE OF MY MOTHER WHO SUSTAINS ME, not because of a God.

your reality is not mine, and I am disabled....let's become two queers now and talk about who suffers more? I have said that suffering cannot be compared and I am directing that blame towards God by asking these questions.

Are you comparing a developed country like Japan to the shithole I live in? Brutal.

So thats it. You mother sustains you and you are disabled. Here disabled people beg on the streets because they are a burden on their families and because costs cannot be paid nor for a host of medical reasons.

It's incredible how you can compare living in a first world country, developed, with a good structure and one of the most developed societies on the planet with an African shithole.

P Well now, imagine this. Having to work 10 to 12 hours a day (sometimes more) to earn a shitty salary that leaves me tired all day, with no hope for anything else, with no more than one week of rest per year, having absolutely no one and not being able to stop because if you stop you will starve to death.

You complain about life and you haven't lived at all.

You either believe or you don't. When you don't even have enough to eat, sometimes you don't even have time to be depressed.
Good to know because no way they can be this bluepilled and delusional.

the entire incel community is melancholic, and all the forums here are, for example, “unpopular men”.What else exists here is delusional truecel, which will always exist.
worship the devil pill
when making the universe he personally set us aside and decided we would suffer while our other half would find evil dark triad criminal chad attractive to give him pussy and to reproduce
or there is no god
the entire incel community is melancholic, and all the forums here are, for example, “unpopular men”.What else exists here is delusional truecel, which will always exist.
Sounds about right for ricecels. Do they also talk about chads/lookism or they deny those concepts?
Are you comparing a developed country like Japan to the shithole I live in? Brutal.

So thats it. You mother sustains you and you are disabled. Here disabled people beg on the streets because they are a burden on their families and because costs cannot be paid nor for a host of medical reasons.

It's incredible how you can compare living in a first world country, developed, with a good structure and one of the most developed societies on the planet with an African shithole.

P Well now, imagine this. Having to work 10 to 12 hours a day (sometimes more) to earn a shitty salary that leaves me tired all day, with no hope for anything else, with no more than one week of rest per year, having absolutely no one and not being able to stop because if you stop you will starve to death.

You complain about life and you haven't lived at all.

You either believe or you don't. When you don't even have enough to eat, sometimes you don't even have time to be depressed.

I'm sorry, but I don't want to compare other people's suffering.Here in Japan there are homeless people, especially in today's contemporary world. The Japanese work the hardest, not 12 hours, but days. Our society is not advanced, it is decadent like any other. A developed country is also a failed country. And I have lived my life, I have lived long enough to know that I am MISERABLE. There are also beggars here. WORLDWIDE MODERNISM IS NOT SOMETHING PRETTY AND BEAUTIFUL WITH CLOUDS AND FLYING HORSES.

Africans are not the only ones who suffer from hunger.The Neet in Japan are mostly beggars, those who have nowhere to live. Even my friend Truecel is homeless, he was evicted from his house years ago because his relative had died and he had nowhere to go. I haven't seen him in 1 year.

And romanticizing work (effort) is a slave thing. You wouldn't last 1 week in Japanese society, because you would work 2 days in a row for the simple convenience of the State
Sounds about right for ricecels. Do they also talk about chads/lookism or they deny those concepts?

here are also bluepill fags which are livestock owned by women here.
Existence itself is suffering. Ignorance is the only state where peace truly exists. It doesn't matter if "God" exists, whatever a "god" is. Suffering is the fate of existence
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And romanticizing work (effort) is a slave thing. You wouldn't last 1 week in Japanese society, because you would work 2 days in a row for the simple convenience of the State

I would, for the paying and the quality of life? Hohohohohoh, shit, man.
Africans are not the only ones who suffer from hunger.The Neet in Japan are mostly beggars, those who have nowhere to live. Even my friend Truecel is homeless, he was evicted from his house years ago because his relative had died and he had nowhere to go. I haven't seen him in 1 year.
How much is the proportion?

Poverty in the first world is not like here. You may have a minority in there. Most people are broken economically. They just get by.
Our society is not advanced, it is decadent like any other.
You are just comparing among first world countries. It is not Vietnam, nor Indonesia nor Cambodia.

You have become so fucking advaced like all the advanced societies that you are starting to destroy yourself -some people say it is natural with highly developed socities-
I would, for the paying and the quality of life? Hohohohohoh, shit, man.

what minimum wage do you think is for a Japanese person? LOLThe entire African continent lives in poverty, any country, even in the Middle East, can have a better life. Even South American Venezuelans.... AND THAT IS NO REASON TO SAY THAT THE SUFFERING OF OTHERS CAN BE COMPARED, NO MATTER HOW MANY PEOPLE SUFFER MORE THAN YOU, THAT IS NO REASON.

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