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Theory Idea: The Incel Investment Fund



Nov 18, 2023
It's obvious that modern society and the system is rigged against us.

HowevER, if we analyze what options we have, we number at least as much as the entire global population of Jews.

If the Jews can band together for the ADL, World Jewish Council, and support each other than why couldn't we?

My idea is The Incel Investment Fund

Engage in lobbying worldwide against the discrimination we have and fund politicians who will support our cause. The politicians should have harsher punishments for foids. Also, it will invest the money. Eventually there will be moneymaxx geomaxx group tours. It will support incels in need of legal assistance.

Obviously, this would require enough incels to donate, a council to manage it, and decide directions.

Surely we could accomplish just as much as Jews?

There was a Men's Rights Movement over a decade ago but it disappeared because men couldn't band together like Jews, Feminists, Fags, and Blacks. Why is it that most men nevER want to band together to try to change things?

Imagine if a fund raised $10 per month for a year from 3 million incels, how much things could change? It's like the American motto, "United We Stand", or whatever it is, or maybe the motto about being strong together than divided?

Obviously the Jews would be like "Oy Vey! Shut it down!" and normies would be outraged, and the banks and governments would also try to stop it. However, there's cryptocurrency.

The Incel Investment Fund could also find bandcels for an Incels Got Talent that spoofs the regular Got Talent shows. Award prizes.

It would become a CountER Culture biggER than anything seen in a century.

Incel could become the new Nigga if everything works out and maybe we all become new Chads. Probably not, but it's a good thought.

Obviously this is just going to remain cope because I doubt anyone would contribute to the cause of a CountER Culture resistance movement and trying to obtain power by replicating examples of other groups.
We don't have the advantages the Jews have
If anything a trust fund for incels looking to surgerymaxx should be created, something like a cooperative.

This sounds laughable
If it gives me the ability to live a better life or cure my facial pain then why not.
We don't have the advantages the Jews have
What real advantages do the Jews have? The Holohoax and their Jewish Religion Offshoots for Goyim? I can't think of anything else. Everything they gained in history is because of those things that I mentioned.
What real advantages do the Jews have? The Holohoax and their Jewish Religion Offshoots for Goyim? I can't think of anything else. Everything they gained in history is because of those things that I mentioned.
They control the West too. So they use their control to expand their Jewish organisations all over the World
Yes just convince people in power to shoot themselves in the foot
Yes just convince people in power to shoot themselves in the foot
I think he ment incels pool money together incase an incel is in trouble then he can get the help he deserves aslong as its legal.
I think he ment incels pool money together incase an incel is in trouble then he can get the help he deserves aslong as its legal.
Most incels are bluepilled and those who aren't are poor wages

Rich incels would've surgerymaxxed already
Brilliant idea! I had a similar idea before about an incel charity where people who sympathize with incels or other richcels may pool money, so incels in worst conditions can receive help and actual professional support.

Incel Investment Fund(IIF) sounds even better for me.

What do you think admincels? Is this the type of real world organization you would allow it to be organized and promoted here, since it will be in complete accordance with the law? @Master @Fat Link

Maybe it won’t be something huge at the first since the forum is relatively tiny. However since it will be a completely lawful initiative, we will be able to advertise it on other platforms and promote it practically everywhere else which allows it.

This will not only make it possible for incels to acquire wealth overtime as a group but it will also make it possible, if it gets big enough in the future, for incels as a collective to lawfully negotiate with and boycott certain companies if necessary.

And we just need lawyers to take the first step. It may or may not be something feasible to pursue but it is absolutely feasible to take the first step necessary to gather enough information and make a gameplan to better determine whether this is an idea with merit or not.
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We have some jewcels here in this site itself, maybe they can help set up an investment fund for us, there are not enough brocels interested in this kind of thing tbh, we need large groups to pool in more investments, and then we use the fund to hire a hedge fund expert or arbitrage trader who is expert and invest our money that benefits everyone of us ....
First you need gorillions of money and interest collected to do that
2000 incels at 1.000$ avg is still 2.000.000$

Don’t you think it is probable to achieve that?
Who tf would give away 1K don't you know most are jobless and don't even have that and if they did they wouldn't send it for some anon online...
Even if they were that'd be nothing, you need investment and money flowing in constantly
Also what stops whoever running the bank account from running with the money JFL we'll be the joke of the century
Who tf would give away 1K don't you know most are jobless and don't even have that and if they did they wouldn't send it for some anon online...
Even if they were that'd be nothing, you need investment and money flowing in constantly
Also what stops whoever running the bank from running with the money JFL we'll be the joke of the century
He doesn't even know how to "punctuate." Money. Let alone invest any.

$1,000 (a thousand) not $1.000! (A dollar)
Who tf would give away 1K don't you know most are jobless and don't even have that and if they did they wouldn't send it for some anon online...
Even if they were that'd be nothing, you need investment and money flowing in constantly
Also what stops whoever running the bank account from running with the money JFL we'll be the joke of the century
I specifically put in average in bold because I knew people would ask this but I guess it is just impossible to you know sometimes
@proudweeb for Portfolio Manager
He doesn't even know how to "punctuate." Money. Let alone invest any.

$1,000 (a thousand) not $1.000! (A dollar)
I fixed it now.

If you think the fact that I mistakenly used a period instead of a comma is more important than the idea at hand here, you are in this thread in bad faith.
I'm ready to invest in that fund Bro. This is great stuff! We must start owning stuff and build our fortunes even greater!

Why did you try to sabotage this?
I asked you a genuine question and instead of participating in a constructive discussion, you attacked the idea by using a mistake in punctuation as an argument.

My first instinct says you are roastie panicking that incels might ascend in a different way which would not require them to cuck themselves into a marriage with a disgusting cow(similar to your pp), which can’t even be milked, such as herself.
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My mistake was punctuation, you on the other hand failed to understand the difference between everyone putting 1,000$ vs everyone putting something(even 10$) which averages to 1,000$ per person.
Relax I understood what you meant, it's still unrealistic
it's still unrealistic
OFFC it is unrealistic with that type of attitude!

Only around 5 to 10K is needed to take the first step and that is not unrealistic. (And that much is only needed if we want to hire giga lawyers, it is even possible to take the first step with 0$ If we can find a lawyer among us)
High IQ post. We should be the ones to rule the world and overthrow the chads and stacies. We're way more than 3 million, but unfortunately the vast majority of incels isn't blackpilled and will refuse to blame foids for their lack of sex
This sites full of broke ass niggas
Even 1$ a month is something when you consider compounding over long periods.

Also, there are many other ways for poorcels to contribute to the development of this hypothetical fund. There may be programs where richcels invest in the name of poorcels(as in put money to the fund in their name) in exchange for their promotion of the fund across different mediums e.g. social media.(like guerrilla marketing operations)

The objective should be achieving win-win for all brocels
I fixed it now.

If you think the fact that I mistakenly used a period instead of a comma is more important than the idea at hand here, you are in this thread in bad faith.
Faith lost.

Why did you try to sabotage this?
I asked you a genuine question and instead of participating in a constructive discussion, you attacked the idea by using a mistake in punctuation as an argument.

My first instinct says you are roastie panicking that incels might ascend in a different way which would not require them to cuck themselves into a marriage with a disgusting cow(similar to your pp), which can’t even be milked, such as herself.
Eat my poop, retard!

You cannot be trusted to use financial tools! You lost my Faith in you!
Faith lost.
Eat my poop, retard!

You cannot be trusted to use financial tools! You lost my Faith in you!
This is what happens when you live among animals and act like they’re your equals, you turn into an incoherent animal yourself. Far away from human reason, logic and ability to absorb, reflect, process and create ideas — all inherent to the human condition.
This is what happens when you live among animals and act like they’re your equals, you turn into an incoherent animal yourself. Far away from human reason, logic and ability to absorb, reflect, process and create ideas — all inherent to the human condition.
Don't you have a reddit page to doot?
Because good dogs follow commands Emba. I am going to have the last reply between each of us itt, and you are going to stop replying to me itt
This isn't even you're thread! Stop stealing better men's threads nigger!
This isn't even you're thread! Stop stealing better men's threads nigger!
I never claimed it to be my thread. I liked the idea and I will try to see what I can do to make it a reality. It is for the interest of incels, and I am an incel.

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