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I wonder what the implications of this "blackpill" are?



Mar 11, 2018
HYPOTHESIS: I am willing to bet that the marriage-rate of physically-disabled/handicapped women vs. physically-disabled/handicapped men is at least 5/1 in favor of women being married over men.

We already know that the marriage rate of women vs. men, who are obese or depressed or whatever are very likely greater because these disabililities are somewhat subjective and are prone to being rationalised. This is something we can observe but not necessarily quantify which gives huge variance on the definitions alone. When I say physically-disabled I specifically am referring to someone who is permanently incapable of performing daily & routine duties...not someone who has carpal tunnel syndrome or flat-footed or something.

That said, legitimately physically-disabled members of either gender data SHOULD be much more stark and in favor of women being coupled. These statistics could be assessed within 10 minutes by most government health departments as who is reported as single, married or primary caregiver is denoted as being on any database-compiling software.

I wonder, if these statistics ever get compiled, HOW inceltears or bluepillers would COPE? How would you argue against almost any blackpill that is mentioned in any context with such clear-cut evidence in this one???? If women are much more likely to be coupled whilst being a burden on their partner wouldn't other blackpills also lean favorably for them?

Cliffs: Must be 6'ft tall, have solid-career & a special-needs equipped-transportation (leather seats preferred)

"Right this way, muh Queen!"

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When it comes to relationships foids live in tutorial mode, not only can you clearly see this irl but all official statistics related to the matter also point to this conclusion.
When it comes to relationships foids live in tutorial mode, not only can you clearly see this irl but all official statistics related to the matter also point to this conclusion.

But the only people who could publish such a trove of data would have to be in government? The reason it is such a blackpill is because it would be suggestive of many other dark truths bandied about but not "proven" (outside of overwhelmingly consensual observation by most people in general (ex. like height is beneficial to playing in the NBA).

Maybe it could be done by an outsider but it I bet the organization/data is already pretty messy to gather.
Women are privileged
Women can't truly be victims of "isms" such as racism or classism or ableism the way men can. Throughout history, when one tribe or race conquered another, the men of the defeated tribe were exterminated, but the women were allowed to live and join the new society. Throughout history, women from poor families have always had the option of marrying up, while a man who was born poor would almost certainly stay poor his entire life. The true definition of racism is discrimination against the men of a particular race. Just look at how well Asian women do in Western society vs. how poorly Asian men do, or how the rebel slaves in Haiti exterminated the white men but let the white women live. Basically, a woman's race isn't white or black or Asian, her race is foid. The true definition of classism is discrimination against working class men. A woman's class isn't working class or middle class, it's foid.

The pussy pass cancels out for women the discrimination that men of her "group" have to face.
Women can't truly be victims of "isms" such as racism or classism or ableism the way men can. Throughout history, when one tribe or race conquered another, the men of the defeated tribe were exterminated, but the women were allowed to live and join the new society. Throughout history, women from poor families have always had the option of marrying up, while a man who was born poor would almost certainly stay poor his entire life. The true definition of racism is discrimination against the men of a particular race. Just look at how well Asian women do in Western society vs. how poorly Asian men do, or how the rebel slaves in Haiti exterminated the white men but let the white women live. Basically, a woman's race isn't white or black or Asian, her race is foid. The true definition of classism is discrimination against working class men. A woman's class isn't working class or middle class, it's foid.

The pussy pass cancels out for women the discrimination that men of her "group" have to face.

Thassss what I'm talkin' bout.

However if you publish RAW data (which isn't subject to emotions like sympathy or historical-context) what would the results look like?

Cliffs: Tis Over
Women can't truly be victims of "isms" such as racism or classism or ableism the way men can. Throughout history, when one tribe or race conquered another, the men of the defeated tribe were exterminated, but the women were allowed to live and join the new society. Throughout history, women from poor families have always had the option of marrying up, while a man who was born poor would almost certainly stay poor his entire life. The true definition of racism is discrimination against the men of a particular race. Just look at how well Asian women do in Western society vs. how poorly Asian men do, or how the rebel slaves in Haiti exterminated the white men but let the white women live. Basically, a woman's race isn't white or black or Asian, her race is foid. The true definition of classism is discrimination against working class men. A woman's class isn't working class or middle class, it's foid.

The pussy pass cancels out for women the discrimination that men of her "group" have to face.

Good point, I never really thought of it that way.
IQ is beyond our understanding
IQ is beyond our understanding

This is a very important blackpill (handicapped marriage statistics) because it can be quantified rather than so many "muh feelz" blackpills. These muhfeelz-blackpills are always what IncelTears focuses on because you can always find an exception, or they can be criticized, rationalized, explained away or dismissed. But marriage/care-giver statistics would be irrefutable. You could easily parse up the numbers of when they were married before or after disability (war veterans), cause of disability, etc. Like I said, if women are more likely to be proposed to when they are a legitimate financial/physical burden wouldnt' that support every other argument against men as being unfair? If men are more likely to commit to a foid in the worst-case scenario wouldn't even mildly-bad situations favor men.?

I am willing to bet more disabled foids are proposed to AFTER they become/are disabled than similarly-situated disabled men. What other possible explanation could explain why the male rots with their aged long-suffering parents and the foid is married to some guy..... besides the fact that the foid has a wet hole between her legs?


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Inceltears are retards, they would invent an excuse. The blackpill is everywhere and they still refuse to accept it
HYPOTHESIS: I am willing to bet that the marriage-rate of physically-disabled/handicapped women vs. physically-disabled/handicapped men is at least 5/1 in favor of women being married over men.

I would bet my eternal soul that women with disabilities do MUCH better in finding partners than men who are disabled do. I have seen women IRL with cerebral palsy who were married, yes MARRIED to upper-tier normies. Other than those virtue-signaling youtube bitches (doing it for the clout) a woman would literally rather die than be married to a disabled man.
I would bet my eternal soul that women with disabilities do MUCH better in finding partners than men who are disabled do. I have seen women IRL with cerebral palsy who were married, yes MARRIED to upper-tier normies. Other than those virtue-signaling youtube bitches (doing it for the clout) a woman would literally rather die than be married to a disabled man.

Yup. This is why statistics would be so important. The obvious lowIQ rebuttal would "look how many women are married to wounded war-veterans" etc. but that isn't what you & I are addressing...we are talking post-disability coupling. And this underlying hypothesis re: disability could be reasoned to explain other anomolies in the mating market....why so many more men than women are homeless (guys will support a foid cuz of regularity of sex), why women tend not to work as much/retire earlier than men, height and dating statistics. etc.

Cliffs: It's Over
I would say much higher!
The only way a disabled man could land a foid is he would’ve had to started the relationship able bodied. Foids no matter what condition they’re in have orbiters!
Yup. This is why statistics would be so important. The obvious lowIQ rebuttal would "look how many women are married to wounded war-veterans" etc. but that isn't what you & I are addressing...we are talking post-disability coupling. And this underlying hypothesis re: disability could be reasoned to explain other anomolies in the mating market....why so many more men than women are homeless (guys will support a foid cuz of regularity of sex), why women tend not to work as much/retire earlier than men, height and dating statistics. etc.

Cliffs: It's Over

Remember that bitch someone posted here earlier who was deaf, had no jaw, and had to eat through a feeding tube who had a boyfriend? JFL it's so over.

Just look at the heightpill for women. Height is literally a non-factor for women's SMV (wasn't there a foid who was like 3 feet tall with a boyfriend posted earlier?) You have to be on the extreme end of being tall (6'2+) for your height to even potentially be an issue for a man because men don't care how tall you are. And way more likely is that YOU, the foid, will have the issue with the man not being tall enough, not the issue being that you are too tall.

Woman - Literally exist at any height with any face and even have a crippling disability and there will be men who will still want and care for you because VAGINA.

Man - Anything under 5'7" it's over. Ugly? It's over. Disabled? Beyond over.

Cliffs: It's Over
I don't remember anymore, why?

I mean I'm sure that graph is accurate, but without any source to back it up it's not worth adding to any sort of real blackpill database.
I mean I'm sure that graph is accurate, but without any source to back it up it's not worth adding to any sort of real blackpill database.

Ok, I have a bunch of these, whatever, it's here

I mean I'm sure that graph is accurate, but without any source to back it up it's not worth adding to any sort of real blackpill database.

Moreover it addresses "Psychiatric Disorders" rather than physical-disabilities. These are largely unquantifiable (muh depression, muh substance abuse). This is what IncelTears tends to target (vague subjective maladies not crippling disabilities). And in their defense, a foid could say she has depression because she is only the 4th most attractive girl at her school thus Chad will never take her seriously. utterly meaningless.

Notice how Chad with a substance-abuse problem (aka drinking too much on the weekend and fucking random Stacies) is considered a disorder but doesn't really affect his fertility. I bet the same numbers/ratios would exist with people who work too much....LOL.

Cliffs: It's Over
Moreover it addresses "Psychiatric Disorders" rather than physical-disabilities. These are largely unquantifiable (muh depression, muh substance abuse). This is what IncelTears tends to target (vague subjective maladies not crippling disabilities). And in their defense, a foid could say she has depression because she is only the 4th most attractive girl at her school thus Chad will never take her seriously. utterly meaningless.

Notice how Chad with a substance-abuse problem (aka drinking too much on the weekend and fucking random Stacies) is considered a disorder but doesn't really affect his fertility. I bet the same numbers/ratios would exist with people who work too much....LOL.

Cliffs: It's Over

I also enjoyed the "female depression" part on the graph, how it had zero impact whatsoever on fertility ratio, meanwhile being a male schizophrenic is a death sentence. It's almost like female depression is a literal meme.
I also enjoyed the "female depression" part on the graph, how it had zero impact whatsoever on fertility ratio, meanwhile being a male schizophrenic is a death sentence. It's almost like female depression is a literal meme.

I wouldn't doubt if "female-depression" is actually an attractant for many men .....(muh I can finally be the white-knight to a foid that I've always wanted to be and she'll appreciate me and never leave me once she feels better cuz of muh sacrifices!!!....Rrright guyz???)

Cliffs: LOL
HYPOTHESIS: I am willing to bet that the marriage-rate of physically-disabled/handicapped women vs. physically-disabled/handicapped men is at least 5/1 in favor of women being married over men.

We already know that the marriage rate of women vs. men, who are obese or depressed or whatever are very likely greater because these disabililities are somewhat subjective and are prone to being rationalised. This is something we can observe but not necessarily quantify which gives huge variance on the definitions alone. When I say physically-disabled I specifically am referring to someone who is permanently incapable of performing daily & routine duties...not someone who has carpal tunnel syndrome or flat-footed or something.

That said, legitimately physically-disabled members of either gender data SHOULD be much more stark and in favor of women being coupled. These statistics could be assessed within 10 minutes by most government health departments as who is reported as single, married or primary caregiver is denoted as being on any database-compiling software.

I wonder, if these statistics ever get compiled, HOW inceltears or bluepillers would COPE? How would you argue against almost any blackpill that is mentioned in any context with such clear-cut evidence in this one???? If women are much more likely to be coupled whilst being a burden on their partner wouldn't other blackpills also lean favorably for them?

Cliffs: Must be 6'ft tall, have solid-career & a special-needs equipped-transportation (leather seats preferred)

"Right this way, muh Queen!"

My granny helps take care of my granddad even though he was partially disabled by a stroke and he's married.
Cliffs: Must be 6'ft tall, have solid-career & a special-needs equipped-transportation (leather seats preferred)

"Right this way, muh Queen!"


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