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I wish I were normal



The only salvation is in NEETopia
Nov 8, 2017
I just got out of the shower, where I sulked for 40 minutes comforting myself by imaging a life I never had. 

First, I thought back to a girl from my high school. She was two years younger than me, naive, solemn and very warm to me. We volunteered at the our school's library together once a week, but almost no one checked books in or out, so we spent around ten to twenty minutes actually working and an hour sitting alone at the front desk while talking (we were assigned two-person shifts). When our time was up, I would always walk her home and we would say goodbye. We each worked a second shift on a different day of the week, but we weren't supposed to be paired-up for that one. Yet, against the rules, she still regularly invited me to join her  behind the desk on her second shift, during my spare time, as did she on mine. I wasn't interested in her though, I was too busy thinking about another girl who ended up rejecting me. Around the end of the year, I began to skip my shifts, and as I graduated, she left my life, and I didn't even say goodbye. We spent so much time together after school, but we never exchanged contact info and she doesn't have a facebook. I thought about how wonderful it was to be young, social, careless and distracted. 

I drifted off to think about how my life could have been different had I not broken contact with her. I didn't even have a crush on her when I knew her, but here I am, so lonely that I'm developing an after-thought oneitis. I dreamed that I married her in my teens, lived with my young wife and had a son. I thought about spending evenings walking by the sea with her at my side, embracing the dry sun as we hike, eating out, comforting each other with talk and embrace after I come home from work, and an array of other bluepilled shit. I imagined the immense pride I'd feel introducing my new family to my parents, grandparents and cousins, and about the happiness and redemption it would bring them. I wanted to be believe so badly in my fake reality that I almost felt satisfied of myself, like I had actually achieved it. Then, I turned off the warm water, put on my cold wet towel, stepped out of the bathroom and sat back into my lonesome chair. FUCK.

I know this girl probably couldn't have given me that life. I know it's a fairy tale. But I wish I could experience a normal, healthy life.

I wish I didn't become such a bitter and malevolent person. I wish I could get out of this nihilistic rut. I wish this day-in, day-out cycle of isolation, fatalism and existentialism didn't rot my brain into mush. I wish I were young and distracted. I wish I could still see something to live for. I wish I didn't blow it. I wish I could just live like everyone else and not think about these stupid fucking "pills". I wish I were normal.
Meanwhile that “girl” probably felt sorry for you. I was in a situation similar to yours and asked her out, she started off by saying she had a boyfriend then said “NO, I DON’T!” then explained why she would never consider me as a bf, then told everyone in school about it. Even some teachers laughed at me after that. You’re here for a reason, OP.
TheRealChincel said:
Meanwhile that “girl” probably felt sorry for you. I was in a situation similar to yours and asked her out, she started off by saying she had a boyfriend then said “NO, I DON’T!” then explained why she would never consider me as a bf, then told everyone in school about it. Even some teachers laughed at me after that. You’re here for a reason, OP.

TheRealChincel said:
Meanwhile that “girl” probably felt sorry for you. I was in a situation similar to yours and asked her out, she started off by saying she had a boyfriend then said “NO, I DON’T!” then explained why she would never consider me as a bf, then told everyone in school about it. Even some teachers laughed at me after that. You’re here for a reason, OP.
Why is "girl" in quotation marks, do you think she was a man or something?

Is that all you got from my post? "Nah she would have rejected you" 

Maybe, I don't believe she would have, but that's not the point. You don't identify with the yearn for the normal life, the regret for the past, the desire for change at all? Dare I say the majority of people on this forum could've lived a normal life had their autism not driven them to make poor decisions. People like @Twisted have me convinced that inceldom itself is just a cope for the regret most people here probably feel for fucking their own lives up. Most people here don't stand out one way or another at all and this spiral of fatalism genuinely is what fucks them up. Just go outside and look around you. Most twenty something mediocre and even somewhat ugly looking guys have kids, let alone a relationship. You must be blind not to see that the typical "incel's" inhibition is his own worst enemy. No one puts you through this self-destructive cycle but yourself, anyone who spends too much time here will forget that. I'd put money on there only being a handful of people on here who are actually ugly enough for it to significantly worsen their lives and I'm fucking tired of seeing people like @twisted go on about how it's over for him without surgery. Just shut the fuck up.

And your avatar is so damn irritating, I hope the guy in the picture is dead because seeing a face as ugly as that one makes me want to kill something. It's fucking disgusting and it makes me mad, and I hate that stupid fucking facial expression. People who look like that need to be culled.
kkt6 said:
TheRealChincel said:
Meanwhile that “girl” probably felt sorry for you. I was in a situation similar to yours and asked her out, she started off by saying she had a boyfriend then said “NO, I DON’T!” then explained why she would never consider me as a bf, then told everyone in school about it. Even some teachers laughed at me after that. You’re here for a reason, OP.
Why is "girl" in quotation marks, do you think she was a man?
Is that all you got from my post? "Nah she would have rejected you"
Maybe, I don't believe she would have, but that's not the point. You don't identify with the yearn for the normal life, the regret for the past, the desire for change at all? Dare I say the majority of people on this forum could've lived a normal life had their autism not driven them to make poor decisions. People like @Twisted have me convinced that inceldom itself is just a cope for the regret most people here probably feel for fucking their own lives up. Most people here don't stand out one way or another and all and this spiral of fatalism genuinely fucks them up. Just go outside and look around you. Many twenty something mediocre and ugly looking guys have kids, let alone a relationship. You must be blind not to see that the typical incel's inhibition is his own worst enemy.
And your avatar is so damn irritating, I hope the guy in the picture is dead because seeing a face as ugly as that one makes me want to kill something.

The ugly dudes in relationships are all betabux, their women cheat on them with Chad
I wish I never broke my nose.
Cynistic said:
The ugly dudes in relationships are all betabux, their women cheat on them with Chad
I laugh when i see those guys paying for all the groceries while their wife watches him.
WorldRulerAisha said:
Cynistic said:
The ugly dudes in relationships are all betabux, their women cheat on them with Chad
I laugh when i see those guys paying for all the groceries while their wife watches him.

Meanwhile she will spend money on (cheating with) Chad.
JFL at no prenup marriages.

JFL at being a womans personal ATM, never in my life will i BB, id rather stay incel 4 life.
i wish i wasnt forced to eat so much ass
kkt6 said:
Why is "girl" in quotation marks, do you think she was a man or something?

Is that all you got from my post? "Nah she would have rejected you" 

Maybe, I don't believe she would have, but that's not the point. You don't identify with the yearn for the normal life, the regret for the past, the desire for change at all? Dare I say the majority of people on this forum could've lived a normal life had their autism not driven them to make poor decisions. People like @Twisted have me convinced that inceldom itself is just a cope for the regret most people here probably feel for fucking their own lives up. Most people here don't stand out one way or another at all and this spiral of fatalism genuinely is what them up. Just go outside and look around you. Most twenty something mediocre and even somewhat ugly looking guys have kids, let alone a relationship. You must be blind not to see that the typical "incel's" inhibition is his own worst enemy. No one puts you through this self-destructive cycle but yourself, anyone who spends too much time here will forget that. I'd put money on there only being a handful of people on here who are actually ugly enough for it to significantly worsen their lives and I'm fucking tired of seeing people like @twisted go on about how it's over for him without surgery. Just shut the fuck up.

And your avatar is so damn irritating, I hope the guy in the picture is dead because seeing a face as ugly as that one makes me want to kill something. It's fucking disgusting and it makes me mad, and I hate that stupid fucking facial expression. People who look like that need to be culled.

Are you bluepilled now? My condolences. We're losing members to the bluepill everyday.
kkt6 said:
Why is "girl" in quotation marks, do you think she was a man?

Is that all you got from my post? "Nah she would have rejected you" 

Maybe, I don't believe she would have, but that's not the point. You don't identify with the yearn for the normal life, the regret for the past, the desire for change at all? Dare I say the majority of people on this forum could've lived a normal life had their autism not driven them to make poor decisions. People like @Twisted have me convinced that inceldom itself is just a cope for the regret most people here probably feel for fucking their own lives up. Most people here don't stand out one way or another and all and this spiral of fatalism genuinely fucks them up. Just go outside and look around you. Many twenty something mediocre and ugly looking guys have kids, let alone a relationship. You must be blind not to see that the typical incel's inhibition is his own worst enemy.

And your avatar is so damn irritating, I hope the guy in the picture is dead because seeing a face as ugly as that one makes me want to kill something.

Because even young females are raptors. I’m easily top 1% in terms of approaching women. 0 for over 2k. No regrets or yearning for mediocrity here but I understand why others want it. You’re imagining things in a Disney haze, maybe you’re right, but I can speak for most of us when I say that going out there would lead to where we are today: nowhere. Now imagine women seeing us as they see that guy, I’m not too far off in that belief. You long for an idealized image of a woman you barely knew while she more than likely longs for Chad.
TheRealChincel said:
kkt6 said:
Why is "girl" in quotation marks, do you think she was a man?
Is that all you got from my post? "Nah she would have rejected you"
Maybe, I don't believe she would have, but that's not the point. You don't identify with the yearn for the normal life, the regret for the past, the desire for change at all? Dare I say the majority of people on this forum could've lived a normal life had their autism not driven them to make poor decisions. People like @Twisted have me convinced that inceldom itself is just a cope for the regret most people here probably feel for fucking their own lives up. Most people here don't stand out one way or another and all and this spiral of fatalism genuinely fucks them up. Just go outside and look around you. Many twenty something mediocre and ugly looking guys have kids, let alone a relationship. You must be blind not to see that the typical incel's inhibition is his own worst enemy.
And your avatar is so damn irritating, I hope the guy in the picture is dead because seeing a face as ugly as that one makes me want to kill something.
Because even young females are raptors. I’m easily top 1% in terms of approaching women. 0 for over 2k. No regrets or yearning for mediocrity here but I understand why others want it. You’re imagining things in a Disney haze, maybe you’re right, but I can speak for most of us when I say that going out there would lead to where we are today: nowhere. Now imagine women seeing us as they see that guy, I’m not too far off in that belief. You long for an idealized image of a woman you barely knew while she more than likely longs for Chad.

Give me the fkin source of your avatar image pls @TheRealChincel , morbid curiousity.
Kointo said:
Are you bluepilled now? My condolences. We're losing members to the bluepill everyday.
No. I just wish I didn't live like this. I can't help but think if I'd done things differently.

The blackpill is still true in its entirety, but people here give up way too soon. If most people here tried to get out of the hole before beginning their indefinite whining, they probably could escape. Especially young people.

I wanted to write this down before I go back to being my old, hopeless self.

I think @FACEandLMS may feel similarly
Nah, I’ll do you one better, just found this vid:

Cynistic said:
Give me the fkin source of your avatar image pls @TheRealChincel , morbid curiousity.
This is the source:
TheRealChincel said:
Nah, I’ll do you one better, just found this vid:

Oh my God, someone needs to dump a slug in that thing.
TheRealChincel said:
Nah, I’ll do you one better, just found this vid:


Wait, why were they calling him "her"?!
Oh fuck, it's a woman. Time to change Avis.
TheRealChincel said:
Nah, I’ll do you one better, just found this vid:

I feel bad for him/her tbh, life is so fucked.
Just imagine how he/she is treated WTF dude.
TheRealChincel said:
Oh fuck, it's a woman. Time to change Avis.

It's actually a woman? Goddamn.
kkt6 said:
No. I just wish I didn't live like this. I can't help but think if I'd done things differently.

The blackpill is still true in its entirety, but people here give up way too soon. If most people here tried to get out of the hole before beginning their indefinite whining, they probably could escape. Especially young people.

I wanted to write this down before I go back to being my old, hopeless self.

I think @FACEandLMS may feel similarly


TheRealChincel said:
Nah, I’ll do you one better, just found this vid:





Smh, I am tired of saying it.

I have other things to say about the video but they are inappropriate.
FACEandLMS said:



Smh, I am tired of saying it.

I have other things to say about the video but they are inappropriate.

Tinder experiment?
FACEandLMS said:




Smh, I am tired of saying it.

I have other things to say about the video but they are inappropriate.

She’s lesbian but yeah, I doubt she’d be incel to guys.
TheRealChincel said:
She’s lesbian but yeah, I doubt she’d be incel to guys.

Lesbian with 2 kids.

just fucking lol.

Heterosexuality is a GAME for women. Even lesbians play it.

Kointo said:
Tinder experiment?

Someone with NEET free-time can do it.
FACEandLMS said:
Lesbian with 2 kids.

just fucking lol.

Heterosexuality is a GAME for women. Even lesbians play it.

Those aren't her kids.
FACEandLMS said:
Lesbian with 2 kids.

just fucking lol.

Heterosexuality is a GAME for women. Even lesbians play it.

Someone with NEET free-time can do it.

I’m betting they’re her nieces.
I wish not, i just wish i wouldn´t get these fucking anxiety attacks anymore and could be completely antisocial.
Kointo said:
Those aren't her kids.

Oh, what is the situation then? i didn't watch the whole video. They can't sing for shit,
FACEandLMS said:
Oh, what is the situation then? i didn't watch the whole video. They can't sing for shit,

Married to a woman and those are her stepkids. She sings in front of crowds and people treat her like a spectacle.
FACEandLMS said:
Oh, what is the situation then? i didn't watch the whole video. They can't sing for shit,

Step daughter. At least for the girl.


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