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JFL I wish God was truecel and lived a life like that.

Kina Hikikomori

Kina Hikikomori

Dec 8, 2023
Without him having the power, and deciding to live like a truecel to feel the same reality.
Jesus fucked Mary Magdalene and his own mother as God
Jesus fucked Mary Magdalene and his own mother as God
alright nigga even i wouldn't say this i have massive respect for the JC he rose from the dead.

Also JC was a man "Above Time", like the Buddha, and i like the buddha so shoutout jesus and buddha
Jesus fucked Mary Magdalene and his own mother as God

Jesus was a manzer within his own culture, as he was the son of adultery, he was a man who has already died. There's nothing God about it, just Christian idiots idolizing a dead Jew and creating a distorted Jewish mystique.
alright nigga even i wouldn't say this i have massive respect for the JC he rose from the dead.

Also JC was a man "Above Time", like the Buddha, and i like the buddha so shoutout jesus and buddha
a platonic Christian detected, no one here likes that, be careful what you preach here, especially if it is a Jewish esoteric aspect.
a platonic Christian detected, no one here likes that, be careful what you preach here, especially if it is a Jewish esoteric aspect.
Christianity isn't Platonism, that's a massive misreading of the christian scriptures. also im not even a fucking christian lmfao, i Just said that I liked Jesus and he was a man above time ie a man who didnt try to change the world or enforce a worldview but understood the nature of reality and lived a contemplative life.
Theres no fucking God man, you idiot-Christocel!:feelskek: Religion was just a gigacope back in the days, so that men would not kill or rape at will, and keep foids from cucking Sub-5-commoners for Chad-knights; which would be considered punishment by death by the fuck-wit-cocksucker "God" himself.:feelsrope: BTW; Charles Darwin > Fuck-Wit-Cocksucker God.:feelsokman:
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Christianity isn't Platonism, that's a massive misreading of the christian scriptures. also im not even a fucking christian lmfao, i Just said that I liked Jesus and he was a man above time ie a man who didnt try to change the world or enforce a worldview but understood the nature of reality and lived a contemplative life.

Christianity has platonic foundations, and much of that came from Paul, who had no culture and just spread shit. 2, Christianity does not have its own scripture, as it is a Jewish sect that was born by distorting the Torah and Talmud, and the Bible was a book of the primitive Jews, until Christians arrived and took control. 3, Jesus was not ahead of his time, he was a plagiarist and nothing that came out of his mouth came from himself, but from the Talmud, and he tried to impose himself on it... Jesus was never a good man, because the papyrus of Jesus shows how bad he was. YES, HE WAS A DISGRACEFUL WORM.

And Christianity copied the Essenes' idea of the 'end of the world'.
Christianity has platonic foundations, and much of that came from Paul, who had no culture and just spread shit. 2, Christianity does not have its own scripture, as it is a Jewish sect that was born by distorting the Torah and Talmud, and the Bible was a book of the primitive Jews, until Christians arrived and took control. 3, Jesus was not ahead of his time, he was a plagiarist and nothing that came out of his mouth came from himself, but from the Talmud, and he tried to impose himself on it... Jesus was never a good man, because the papyrus of Jesus shows how bad he was. YES, HE WAS A DISGRACEFUL WORM.
Dnr hating Jesus is a Jewish trait
Christianity has platonic foundations, and much of that came from Paul, who had no culture and just spread shit. 2, Christianity does not have its own scripture, as it is a Jewish sect that was born by distorting the Torah and Talmud, and the Bible was a book of the primitive Jews, until Christians arrived and took control. 3, Jesus was not ahead of his time, he was a plagiarist and nothing that came out of his mouth came from himself, but from the Talmud, and he tried to impose himself on it... Jesus was never a good man, because the papyrus of Jesus shows how bad he was. YES, HE WAS A DISGRACEFUL WORM.
Literally none of this is correct
Literally none of this is correct


Furthermore, Jesus was the son of manzer (adultery), his father was a Roman soldier with Phoenician ancestry.
You really tneed to work on backing up your claims with evidence.
Christianity has platonic foundations
It objectively does not. That's read into the text by low IQ protestants and cultural christians who have never opened up a copy of hte New Testament in their life. This pseudoNietzschean critique you're doing is wrong. The point of heaven in Christiantiy is a restored creation, not a place in the sky you escape to from the earth. Futhtermore, the majority of church fathers understood creation was good and repudiated gnostic conceptions of an evil body/good spirit.
Paul, who had no culture and just spread shit
Saint Paul was sitting at the nexus of Jewish zeal, Greek language philosophy, and Roman religion. To say he has no culture makes you so beyond retarded. Saint Paul grew up in a multicultural environment. I don't even know what having "no culture" means.
Christianity does not have its own scripture, as it is a Jewish sect that was born by distorting the Torah and Talmud, and the Bible was a book of the primitive Jews, until Christians arrived and took control.
...Have you heard of the New Testament? Christianity separated from the Jews the moment water and blood poured from Jesus' side postcrucifixion. I have no idea how the NT came from the Talmud, that's a claim you need to back up.
Jesus was not ahead of his time, he was a plagiarist and nothing that came out of his mouth came from himself, but from the Talmud, and he tried to impose himself on it... Jesus was never a good man, because the papyrus of Jesus shows how bad he was.
Jesus cited many prophets ie Jeremiah and had extensive understanding of the Jewis scriptures and occasionally fulfilled prophecy from the deuterocanon. You need to back up your Jesus-Talmud claim.
And Christianity copied the Essenes' idea of the 'end of the world'.
The apocalyptic imagery Jesus spoke of referred to the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. Also, as a semipreterist on this issue, the Book of Revelation was written about the destruction of the second Temple as well. IT also contains references to persecutions under Nero and Nero "returning from the east".
...Have you heard of the New Testament? Christianity separated from the Jews the moment water and blood poured from Jesus' side postcrucifixion. I have no idea how the NT came from the Talmud, that's a claim you need to back up.
Once again, demonstrating such lies and lack of understanding, you really don't know the Torah, right, you idiot?

First, Jesus is not the son of God, Jesus was the son of a Roman soldier of Phoenician descent, who was Jesus' biological father, period.

Jesus' death occurred because he began to preach idolatrous doctrines, and also because of political issues at the time between the two schools. And he was judged by the judge of Israel. AND CRUCIFIXION IS BLASPHEMY, I RECOMMEND STUDYING IT (laughs)

The concept of being a child of God is as written in the texts – “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be considered children of the Lord”.That is. And Jesus was not a peacemaker, the Jesus papyrus proves this.

The new testament is discarded by the ORIGINAL JEWISH community. The Torah emphasizes that Jesus is not the Messiah, and the concept of Messiah in Judaism is the one who frees the Jewish people from slavery, Moses WEIGHTS more in history than their false god called Jesus, preaching idolatrous doctrine making his body “holy”.
And the messiah that Moses Maimonides talks about WILL BE an ordinary man just like King David was.
And the new testament doesn't prove anything, it just says, the NT is nothing more than old patches patched together. Jesus is not in the text of the Torah.

AH, a coincidence between Jesus and Exu...

jesus(s) is the perfect Latinization (Vulgate) of Aramaic (ישו(ע • Yeshu(s)... just as Joshua(is) is the Latinization (Vulgate) of Hebrew יְהוֹשֻׁעַ • Yehoshu(a)... On the other hand , the LXX used Ἰησοῦ(ς) also for Yehoshua... but there are variants, in versions of the LXX, where the “ς” was replaced by “α”. correspond(s) precisely to a perfect transliteration of Aramaic (ישו(ע • Yeshu(s).
It objectively does not. That's read into the text by low IQ protestants and cultural christians who have never opened up a copy of hte New Testament in their life. This pseudoNietzschean critique you're doing is wrong. The point of heaven in Christiantiy is a restored creation, not a place in the sky you escape to from the earth. Futhtermore, the majority of church fathers understood creation was good and repudiated gnostic conceptions of an evil body/good spirit.
There is no Protestant interpretation, because I am not. Much less Nietzsche's vision, we are not talking about the denial of life (nihilism), and I recommend studying what Platonism is, because you don't know how you are speaking and what you are assimilating.
Don't use positivist philosophy when introducing the issue of cognitive ability into religious tradition, idiot.
Saint Paul was sitting at the nexus of Jewish zeal, Greek language philosophy, and Roman religion. To say he has no culture makes you so beyond retarded. Saint Paul grew up in a multicultural environment. I don't even know what having "no culture" means.
The Hebrew language should not be translated into Greek, it's no wonder that that's where the story of Lucifer, you bunch of idiots, was born. It is not to be expected that Catholics would use Greek philosophy based on their pathetic understanding of “sin.”

And Paul was influenced by the Hellenism of the time.
Jesus cited many prophets ie Jeremiah and had extensive understanding of the Jewis scriptures and occasionally fulfilled prophecy from the deuterocanon. You need to back up your Jesus-Talmud claim.
jesus, yeshua, yehoshua are all the same thing.
Especially because there is no record outside the NT about such characters. These ideas of Yeshua, Yehoshua, etc... have no external sources that prove them. All originate from the GREEK new testament and ADAPTED to a pseudo "Jewish" or
"Semitic", which only exists in the head of whoever created it.

The text of Jer. 23:6 is constantly used by missionaries to show that Jesus had been “announced.”

new navy seal copypasta just dropped

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