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I was just rejected by the most subhuman female I know



Jan 28, 2018
This girl I knew online was the most low-tier female I ever met. She has severe mental illness, she was ugly, she has virtually no social skills and as a result is actually KV, not incel obvi but just fucks up all her opportunities, so I thought now would be my chance, this was going to be my last chance, but no. It's over you guys, done. This was my fall back, and now it's gone.

Now I'm stuck watching happy couples until I die alone

I just want to cry

why did I have to be born into this life of suffering?

I am alone, and that's all it'll ever be
You're not alone. you have me. which is worse than being alone
TheVman said:
You're not alone. you have me. which is worse than being alone
you don't understand, this time it seemed different, I really felt like I had a chance

DeadInside said:
TheVman said:
You're not alone. you have me. which is worse than being alone
you don't understand, this time it seemed different, I really felt like I had a chance
I had that gut feeling
DeadInside said:
you don't understand, this time it seemed different, I really felt like I had a chance
still have hope eh? that sucked won't just die. till it does. this might be the moment for u that it did
Even mentally ill subhuman females have high standards.
Jockcel said:
Even mentally ill subhuman females have high standards.
she had NO standards, all her past long distance boyfriends were subhuman as fuck and she never dated irl, I really thought she was retarded enough to be with me. Why do seemingly low maintenance girls suddenly sprout standards when I finally get the courage to approach them. IT'S NOT FAIR

Look at her face in motion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43vs-cCwWBY&t=116s it makes me wanna throw up, I really thought if I went for the ugliest a skinny girl could get I could just get the incel dream.
Just accept you'll never have a girl like me. The pain isn't as bad if you believe you had a choice.
This means there's truly no hope, I really thought maybe this was just a tough stage in my life, it isn't, it really isn't

InebriatedIrish said:
Just accept you'll never have a girl like me. The pain isn't as bad if you believe you had a choice.
The pain will always be bad, no matter what I try to delude myself with
She's ugly to you? I'd love to smash that.
Sub8Hate said:
She's ugly to you? I'd love to smash that.
cope, your inceldom has just naturally lowered your standards.
DeadInside said:
cope, your inceldom has just naturally lowered your standards.

The one in the YouTube video? She's OK... I'm not incel.
Sub8Hate said:
DeadInside said:
cope, your inceldom has just naturally lowered your standards.
The one in the YouTube video? She's OK... I'm not incel.
yeah, we're talking about the same girl right? Not my anime pfp, I don't get that into my waifu LARP. The youtube girl is literally gross. She acts all nice and shit only to turn you down. Fuck. women. fuck. them

Even SHE calls herself subhuman it's that bad. I can't even get with a girl who knows she is ugly, she STILL thinks she's above me even when she KNOWs she's ugly. It's a fucking kick in the face I am so done
You need to approach more subhuman girls. Only when you get rejected by 10 woman who are 3/10 and below you know it truly is over once and for all.
That's shitty, dude. Sorry you got rejected.

I'm surprised she's a KV, even mentally fucked women get guys. I know a girl who is legit crazy and wears a fucking diaper. Her issues are so bad she'll shit on herself sometimes. She's not retarded, just crazy. She has a seven year old daughter and will swear up and down she never had a daughter. She lives in filth(her mom is rich and hires professionals to clean that girl's house every week) and is super rugged, she'll walk around outside in her fucking diaper. I've seen folks drive by and laugh at her, she just flips them off and yells obscenities. Someone put a baby in that and it probably still gets dick. Are you sure the girl you like is legit KV?

It doesn't matter anyway, though, I guess.
DeadInside said:
yeah, we're talking about the same girl right? Not my anime pfp, I don't get that into my waifu LARP. The youtube girl is literally gross. She acts all nice and shit only to turn you down. Fuck. women. fuck. them

Even SHE calls herself subhuman it's that bad. I can't even get with a girl who knows she is ugly, she STILL thinks she's above me even when she KNOWs she's ugly. It's a fucking kick in the face I am so done

I don't know, I still think she's OK. She's not a model, but by no means should she be making a video about being ugly lol.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills, yeah her nose is a little big, and her jaw is strong, but it's not YouTube vid worthy. 

Also, she wants Chad, of course.
Chewbacca said:
That's shitty, dude. Sorry you got rejected.
I'm surprised she's a KV, even mentally fucked women get guys. I know a girl who is legit crazy and wears a fucking diaper. Her issues are so bad she'll shit on herself sometimes. She's not retarded, just crazy. She has a seven year old daughter and will swear up and down she never had a daughter. She lives in filth(her mom is rich and hires professionals to clean that girl's house every week) and is super rugged, she'll walk around outside in her fucking diaper. I've seen folks drive by and laugh at her, she just flips them off and yells obscenities. Someone put a baby in that and it probably still gets dick. Are you sure the girl you like is legit KV?
It doesn't matter anyway, though, I guess.
Yeah, pretty damn sure as I've known her for a while and she's been like this for a long time, she basically never goes outside, but she is obsessed with making relationships online because of this. and all of a sudden when I make a move it's all 'uwuwuwu, no more relationships online because I've been groomed by older incels and it's not good for my mental health' - like she legit pulled the mental health card. Girls will find any reason not to date me, anything
DeadInside said:
she had NO standards, all her past long distance boyfriends were subhuman as fuck and she never dated irl, I really thought she was retarded enough to be with me. Why do seemingly low maintenance girls suddenly sprout standards when I finally get the courage to approach them. IT'S NOT FAIR

Look at her face in motion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43vs-cCwWBY&t=116s it makes me wanna throw up, I really thought if I went for the ugliest a skinny girl could get I could just get the incel dream.

What the fuck. If that's what you consider subhuman then no wonder you're incel. Shes a 4 atleast lower your standards
Sub8Hate said:
DeadInside said:
yeah, we're talking about the same girl right? Not my anime pfp, I don't get that into my waifu LARP. The youtube girl is literally gross. She acts all nice and shit only to turn you down. Fuck. women. fuck. them

Even SHE calls herself subhuman it's that bad. I can't even get with a girl who knows she is ugly, she STILL thinks she's above me even when she KNOWs she's ugly. It's a fucking kick in the face I am so done

I don't know, I still think she's OK. She's not a model, but by no means should she be making a video about being ugly lol.
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills, yeah her nose is a little big, and her jaw is strong, but it's not YouTube vid worthy.
Also, she wants Chad, of course.

Yeah, I bet that Chad is gonna be the cure to her mental illness and the only guy who could 'handle her', though I bet I could. I'm sure the best she can do is a normie anyway, long-term. I take comfort in that

_incelinside said:
DeadInside said:
she had NO standards, all her past long distance boyfriends were subhuman as fuck and she never dated irl, I really thought she was retarded enough to be with me. Why do seemingly low maintenance girls suddenly sprout standards when I finally get the courage to approach them. IT'S NOT FAIR

Look at her face in motion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43vs-cCwWBY&t=116s it makes me wanna throw up, I really thought if I went for the ugliest a skinny girl could get I could just get the incel dream.

What the fuck. If that's what you consider subhuman then no wonder you're incel. Shes an easy 5 lower your standards

again cope, she looks trans, I even told her I think she looks like a male and she agrees and wants surgery for it
_incelinside said:
What the fuck. If that's what you consider subhuman then no wonder you're incel. Shes a 4 atleast lower your standards

Lol, agreed. I think she's pretty. She definitely mogs the fuck out of me.
Lol if I had her facial bones I wouldn't be incel
DeadInside said:
Yeah, I bet that Chad is gonna be the cure to her mental illness and the only guy who could 'handle her', though I bet I could. I'm sure the best she can do is a normie anyway, long-term. I take comfort in that

She's a total bitch for rejecting you, especially if you're both in the same situation. 

Do you actually know her or just talk to her online?

I could see her scoring a chadlite, easily. 

How is she even a virgin? Is she waiting for Chad?

I mean, you asked her out. I'm sure there are dozens more who just weren't good enough. 

Foids deserve the rope.
Chewbacca said:
_incelinside said:
What the fuck. If that's what you consider subhuman then no wonder you're incel. Shes a 4 atleast lower your standards
Lol, agreed. I think she's pretty. She definitely mogs the fuck out of me.

Lol if I had her facial bones I wouldn't be incel
Sub8Hate said:
DeadInside said:
Yeah, I bet that Chad is gonna be the cure to her mental illness and the only guy who could 'handle her', though I bet I could. I'm sure the best she can do is a normie anyway, long-term. I take comfort in that
She's a total bitch for rejecting you, especially if you're both in the same situation.
Do you actually know her or just talk to her online?
I could see her scoring a chadlite, easily.
How is she even a virgin? Is she waiting for Chad?
I mean, you asked her out. I'm sure there are dozens more who just weren't good enough.
Foids deserve the rope.
No, she said she'd be with me if she knew me irl, which was probably a lie. She says she's waiting for 'love' which is code for chad prob
Shes not KV she's a liar. Its probably just a "oh yeah i had a loving sexual relationship but it doesnt count because (shitty reason here)"
DeadInside said:
Yeah, I bet that Chad is gonna be the cure to her mental illness and the only guy who could 'handle her', though I bet I could. I'm sure the best she can do is a normie anyway, long-term. I take comfort in that

again cope, she looks trans, I even told her I think she looks like a male and she agrees and wants surgery for it

She looks like she would give birth to robust sons
DeadInside said:
No, she said she'd be with me if she knew me irl, which was probably a lie. She says she's waiting for 'love' which is code for chad prob



KV3 said:
Shes not KV she's a liar. Its probably just a "oh yeah i had a loving sexual relationship but it doesnt count because (shitty reason here)"
idk, I really hope so, that would make this sting less. But I doubt it, she is a complete sperg. Apparently she gave some dude a valentine's day present by just tossing it at him and running away with no explanation, and then she cried in a bush. She's very emotional and she can't handle things, and I liked that, I don't think anyone else would like that about her. I think SHE is the one missing out on ME. I mog her to oblivion

Sub8Hate said:
DeadInside said:
No, she said she'd be with me if she knew me irl, which was probably a lie. She says she's waiting for 'love' which is code for chad prob
THANK . YOU, I knew she was full of shit, I hate her
DeadInside said:
idk, I really hope so, that would make this sting less. But I doubt it, she is a complete sperg. Apparently she gave some dude a valentine's day present by just tossing it at him and running away with no explanation, and then she cried in a bush. She's very emotional and she can't handle things, and I liked that, I don't think anyone else would like that about her. I think SHE is the one missing out on ME. I mog her to oblivion

not coping, just telling the truth. She is crazy, nobody would put up with her craziness as well as I could.
um....wtf? i was literally expecting some fat landwhale with a deformed face...that's your definition of subhuman?

wtf id ltr her in a heartbeat and i mog her by several points.
whogivesafucc said:
um....wtf? i was literally expecting some fat landwhale with a deformed face...that's your definition of subhuman?
wtf id ltr her in a heartbeat and i mog her by several points.
she's subhuman when you also factor in her mental illnesses

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