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Discussion I was humiliated By a guy taller than me



am i the only one who thinks things seem strange
Oct 23, 2021
It's been a while since I posted here, and I wanted to apologize to everyone for that. Today, I wanted to talk about yet another one of my failed attempts at approaching girls (one more daily routine :feelsbadman: ).

Anyway, there I was last night after school walking home when I saw a girl. I decided to approach her, when I got to her I said "hi" I tried to look as natural as possible, she She answered my hi and said she didn't see me approaching, I forced a smile and asked if she was okay.

After she said yes I smiled, this time I was sure the second smile was more natural than the first.

After she asked if I was okay before I could answer she said "bye" and walked across the sidewalk To go home with a taller, stronger guy :feelsrope:

I admit, I was offended, I felt my ears burn, I wish I could have the power to teleport myself from place to place, I've never felt so mogged in all my life. I stood there looking at them for a while and before I left, I could get a good look at this girl's boyfriend's eyes, they seemed to be angry

Worst of all is that I was self-assured about my appearance and all I managed to do was attract the attention of fags.

I went home thinking about it, and that night, after eating and putting a face mask on my skin, I went to bed and thought about it. (I cursed her before sleeping)
good day sunshine !
good day sunshine !
good day sunshine !
How tall are you and how much taller was the guy than you btw?
I'm the same height as Elliot Rodger And the guy is about six feet tall
A Latino once insulted("Bitch, nobody gives a fuck about you. Sitting there acting all paranoid.") me on the bus because he disliked my anxious behavior; I had a headache.

Story: Two:

I lived in a youth commune for some time. There, I was harassed/bullied by Tyrone and Chadlito. Tyrone took pictures of my naked body(I was in the male bathroom cleaning myself) and started laughing at my child-like appearance and fairly small phallus size with his roommate. He also threw dice at my room door each night and would play loud "rap" music at maximum volume to disturb me.

Chadlito, however, was much more subtle. He would peak into my room and, on occasion, steal my items. He also liked to gossip about me("He's a weirdo", "He's a freak", "He puts food in bags and goes outside to eat alone") and especially loved recording me. This led to him recording me while I was sleeping(I have sexsomnia), which led to the shelter boys/girls laughing at my "sexual speech". Note that the shelter girls had already mocked me previously for my feminine voice and autistic, avoidant behavior.

Because my case manager divulged my ASD diagnosis freely, I was a prime target for bullying and abuse from other youth. Chadlito eventually tried to have me evicted from the commune, which happened after I started staying in my commune room most of the time to avoid being shoved into desks by him(Demonstrating his "machismo" against an innocent aspie).

It is painful to have ASD, MDD, GAD, PTSD(It was already present from childhood trauma), and Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria/RSD. I would've likely roped if not for my obsessive fantasizing from ASD.

Exactly. This was evident to me when the male youth living in the same commune as me would walk by my room door each night and mock me with the sexual language I used while sleeping. They also would deliberately slam their room doors as hard as possible to startle me since I have chronic anxiety from autism.

"Damn baby"

"Oh yes"

"Damn sweetie"

"Looks like we've got a mouse in the house"(Chadlito said this because I was isolating myself in my commune room due to embarrassment. I would wrap a belt/blanket around my body to prevent sleep-masturbation.)

"Wow, Intellau didn't go outside to eat today"(Yes, I remained in my room without eating; it was habitual by that point)

Chadlito personally walked by my door and said, "So you don't like women riding?" in a cocky tone, and then went into his room laughing.

Stress only worsened my sexsomnia...

Sadly, Chadlito used this fact to torment me in the youth commune; he and his friends would constantly slam their room doors to startle me. I'd have to block my ears.

He'd go into his room and start speaking Spanish in an extremely cocky tone afterwards(Vile laughter).

Yes. The White roommate of the Chadlito who bullied me is now living an excellent life with friends. He would laugh with Chadlito and use racial slurs for people of my race.

Nothing new.

In the youth commune, I overheard a certain Somali girl speaking of Latino males. She said this:

"I'm gonna marry a Mexican man! I don't want Black guys." (Castizos)

She was a very, very dark-skinned Black girl. This is how she looked:

View attachment 555406

In a transportation van, I heard a young Black girl speaking of White males:

"I'm done with Black guys. White Only!"

The SMV of the White male is such that foids of all races develop strategies to obtain them.


Now then, let me show you something:

View attachment 555407

Black/Pinay Female - Castizo Male

Yes, I've been shoved, pushed, and threatened many times. A tall White male told me I could only get overweight women. Several Black males have laughed at the idea of "kicking" me around. A tall Latino boy would shove me into desks and start laughing in Spanish afterwards.

View attachment 566584

Sadly, only one of many...

I was resting on a bench near the "shelter connect" service of a church, when a Hispanic man quickly walked up to me and started hitting me on the head before walking off.

My condolences.

Do they laugh at you in Spanish, too?
Height is cope. I've seen stacey tier foids hang out with prettyboy manlets. THE ONLY TRUCEL INDICATOR IS FACE.
Chad wins , Always has been
It's been a while since I posted here, and I wanted to apologize to everyone for that. Today, I wanted to talk about yet another one of my failed attempts at approaching girls (one more daily routine :feelsbadman: ).

Anyway, there I was last night after school walking home when I saw a girl. I decided to approach her, when I got to her I said "hi" I tried to look as natural as possible, she She answered my hi and said she didn't see me approaching, I forced a smile and asked if she was okay.

After she said yes I smiled, this time I was sure the second smile was more natural than the first.

After she asked if I was okay before I could answer she said "bye" and walked across the sidewalk To go home with a taller, stronger guy :feelsrope:

I admit, I was offended, I felt my ears burn, I wish I could have the power to teleport myself from place to place, I've never felt so mogged in all my life. I stood there looking at them for a while and before I left, I could get a good look at this girl's boyfriend's eyes, they seemed to be angry

Worst of all is that I was self-assured about my appearance and all I managed to do was attract the attention of fags.

I went home thinking about it, and that night, after eating and putting a face mask on my skin, I went to bed and thought about it. (I cursed her before sleeping)
Unfortunate but approaching foids in general is futile all of them have back up men or boyfriends since theres an excess of male to female ratio.
Your like me we both put foods in our bags and eat outside I always do this everyday with a messenger bag and some snacks from the shop before gym outside because I dont like people seeing me eat or the sound of chewing.

I saw the Somali chick attachment on your message and damn most Somali women look like that im from a Somali background UKCell and I'm not attracted to them they are ugly and go with subhuman men . Back home those foids would be married of and have 5 children.

Other chick on your attachment looks like a typical east Asian foid who only dates white men and worships them .

Unlucky you had those annoying room mates .
Your like me we both put foods in our bags and eat outside I always do this everyday with a messenger bag and some snacks from the shop before gym outside because I dont like people seeing me eat or the sound of chewing.

I saw the Somali chick attachment on your message and damn most Somali women look like that im from a Somali background UKCell and I'm not attracted to them they are ugly and go with subhuman men . Back home those foids would be married of and have 5 children.

Other chick on your attachment looks like a typical east Asian foid who only dates white men and worships them .

Unlucky you had those annoying room mates .
Are you the guy from LMS' streams? :feelswhat:

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