Don't fuck her without a condom
NEVER perform oral sex on a fucking whore
Be aware about your surroundings,
Don't try to play or deceive prostitutes, the majority of them own guns and/or knives plus they know criminals that could kill you in a heartbeat.
Since it's your First time with a whore you are going to be hella anxious and maybe have some hardships getting It hard and/or cumming to soon, don't worry, it's totally normal for a beginner in the fine noble ART of escortcelling.
Make your research, it's worth it to pay a little more for a quality slut, street hookers are the lowest type of human beings out there and you truly don't want to have to interact with them.
Go to your local site and make a search about the hottest you can get while also fitting the budget.
As soon as you are finished, get the fuck out of there.
Don't let this turn into an addiction and don't talk about It with anyone, escortcelling is like taking drugs, the more you can hide about it the better, openly talking about escortcelling with normies( If you interact with them daily and care about how they perceive you) is social suicide, keep your hoobies to yourself.
TLDR: make your research, do your best to not catch STDs and don't fuck around with hookers, they know very dangerous people.