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Discussion I want to be religious again



It’s ogre
Nov 5, 2021
I’ve been an atheist for 9-10 years now and I want to be open minded and try to regain my faith somehow. When I was 13 I didn’t even know atheism was a thing and this was back in 2006. I didn’t know what atheism was until my neighbor told me he didn’t believe in god and that kind of blew my mind at the time because I couldn’t understand why. Then fast forward 2011 I start watching the amazing atheist on YouTube and he changed my perspective. Since then I’ve slowly become cold , bitter and materialistic. I’ve also been deluded by science. I honestly believe that science psy ops us into making us believe that we’re small and in significant it’s to make us feel demoralized. I’m thinking about attending Sunday mass and at least give it a try again.
no religion for ur face
guys i dont know what to do. i want the church community but i cant just delude myself into believing god WTF do i do??
Easter Sunday Loop GIF by Ecard Mint
they wouldnt hate christ so much if he wasnt real. they fear him. repent.
I'm curious
just tell me your thoughts
guys i dont know what to do. i want the church community but i cant just delude myself into believing god WTF do i do??
just be a cultural christian. Go to church sign and dance and be with christians. Afterwards return and post blackpill no god for ur face stuff
about God and stuff I'm curious
I’m still trying to figure it out and it’s hard trying to re wire my brain from years of atheist/science propaganda. A lot of things that science tells us could very well be lies. Society is more functional when the citizens believe in a higher power.

But from I’ve seen recently is that the elites worship some sort of demonic being or entity. I’m almost certain now that there’s more out their then what we can see physically.
I’m still trying to figure it out and it’s hard trying to re wire my brain from years of atheist/science propaganda. A lot of things that science tells us could very well be lies. Society is more functional when the citizens believe in a higher power.

But from I’ve seen recently is that the elites worship some sort of demonic being or entity. I’m almost certain now that there’s more out their then what we can see physically.
you could start by looking into philosophy of science and some critical takes on science or empiricism by atheists themselves, like David Hume.

like is/ought problem
problem of induction
problem of the external world

Even if that is the case, things get more
complicated if I try to learn an infinite number of facts in a finite time. Since
Hume, philosophers know that this is logically impossible. One can never learn a
general law on the basis of a finite number of observations. Even if I have seen
millions of white swans, this does not allow me to draw the conclusion that the
statement "All swans are white" is true. I only need to observe one black swan
and my general law can be scrapped [Popper, 1952]. The conclusion seems clear.
Logically, it is impossible to learn an infinite set on the basis of a finite number of
observations. To put it in other words: we can learn facts, but we can not learn
general laws. This would mean the end of science.
[Handbook of the Philosophy of Science 8] Adriaans, Pieter, van Benthem J. (eds.) - Handbook of the philosophy of science. Vol. 8, Philosophy of information

Also critically examine the scientific method.
It always has to start with an observation.
But many claims made by scientists are not verifiable using observation, they are just based on assumption.
This is called affirming the consequent.
An example

1. if I eat pizza, I am full
2. I am full
3. therefore, I must have eaten pizza

this is nonsense of course.
But it is for this very same reason that mainstream scientists attacked the existence of atoms just a century ago (like ernst mach).
With evolution, you run into a similar issue.

We don't have access to the past.

1. if evolution is true fossils exist
2. fossils exist
3. therefore evolution is true.

simplified of course, but just a quick example of how this kind of reasoning is problematic and unscientific, since it does not rely on observable evidence.

It's very interesting. There are other issues with it as well but I don't want to sperg out here. This is all just very interesting to me.
you could start by looking into philosophy of science and some critical takes on science or empiricism by atheists themselves, like David Hume.

like is/ought problem
problem of induction
problem of the external world

[Handbook of the Philosophy of Science 8] Adriaans, Pieter, van Benthem J. (eds.) - Handbook of the philosophy of science. Vol. 8, Philosophy of information

Also critically examine the scientific method.
It always has to start with an observation.
But many claims made by scientists are not verifiable using observation, they are just based on assumption.
This is called affirming the consequent.
An example

1. if I eat pizza, I am full
2. I am full
3. therefore, I must have eaten pizza

this is nonsense of course.
But it is for this very same reason that mainstream scientists attacked the existence of atoms just a century ago (like ernst mach).
With evolution, you run into a similar issue.

We don't have access to the past.

1. if evolution is true fossils exist
2. fossils exist
3. therefore evolution is true.

simplified of course, but just a quick example of how this kind of reasoning is problematic and unscientific, since it does not rely on observable evidence.

It's very interesting. There are other issues with it as well but I don't want to sperg out here. This is all just very interesting to me.
Here’s an example of being fooled by science. I remember this story from last year. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/tech/news/scientists-deep-space-image-distant-27668854
Here’s an example of being fooled by science. I remember this story from last year. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/tech/news/scientists-deep-space-image-distant-27668854
yes I remember
history of science is full with these
medical doctors defended horrible treatments for centuries in the past too.

a classic mainstream text about how history of science is not linear progression but rather a chaotic clusterfuck is the book "structure of scientific revolutions"

it's not the best theories that win in the end.

personally I think the scientific method is a tool that you can use but it rests on so much Philosophical baggage that it does not work as a Worldview.

a good example would be the catholic church. look up the peripatetic axiom and Thomas aquinas.
the catholic based it's Apologetic on science and empiricism for centuries. However since this doesn't work, it eventually lead to atheists in the enlightenment attacking this very approach.

Davis Hume was one of them.

the easiest example would be how ppl tried to ground morality in nature or observational data. It simply does not work. Hume called it the is/Ought distinction.

going from what is, what you observe, to a moral law is a non sequitur.
for example going from "pain exists" to "therefore we should avoid pain."

one of the most common forms of this we see is appealing to nature fallacy. "its natural dude."
thatz not an argument.
based on the same logic you could also say gay sex is natural because bonobos blow each other.

or humans. Humans = part of nature = humans have gay sex = gay sex is normal.

This is retarded of course. Yet people constantly sat shit like "gay sex is wrong because it's unnatural"

this does not work. It presupposes that humans are special and not part of nature first off, then it presumes that there is a moral law about homosexuality being wrong which is of course a non sequitur.

Ironically the only way to argue against homosexuality would be to make a case for objective, human independent morality, aka some form of Theism.

you need
1. personal accountability
2. an objective standard outside human opinion
3. explain how humans are special and not just part of the causal chain of natural processes

if you don't do point 3, you end up destroying the possibility of free will. If everything is just cause and effect then we are not making choices anymore.

you and me talking is would be like comparing smoke from 2 fires and asking which smoke plume is true.

these are the types of inquiries the scientific method has no access to whatsoever.
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It's hard to believe when some people are cruel animalistic beast. What kind of God could create or tolerate such aggressive beasts?
Also seeing how human nature and society works makes me depressed.
The existence of hierarchy, scapegoats, valuable and worthless people...
Some people are so lowly and worthless in the eyes of the others that others willingly abuse them even if these unfortunate people don't want to harm anyone.
It's hard to believe that a good God created such a world.

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