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I think I will die soon from my drug and alcohol use



Oct 28, 2021
You can look at my profile for my morning routine

Once I get to lunch break on my work, I just spend the half hour drinking a 750ml bottle of hard liquor in the parking lot

I might keep a few more Percocet or hydros in my pocket to take once I get settled in my office cubicle

once I get out at 4:30pm at my job I head to the gas station and buy a 30 case of beer which I will spend drinking until about 10:30-11 each night. I prefer beer but I have to use liquor in the mornings and on lunch to be time efficient for work. I will also take more pills on sometimes use some cocaine to stop from nodding off

I typically black out somewhere between 10-11 pm and wake up to repeat my morning routine
Better to stop

Normies act like steroids are the worst thing but become an alcoholic
No wonder your posts are so based when you are being fueled by hard drug use on this level.
I also think my post quality increases when I'm on drugs(I only drink alochol) but I'm trying to quit because I don't want to kill myself yet or give myself permanent brain damage.
If I drink 0,7L with 40% alcohol in 30 minutes I will get so drunk that I cannot walk properly and will start puking. Your liver, kidneys and heart may last less than 10 years.
do you want to stop or are you cool with it
Damn, bro. Maybe take it easy with that shit, fr.
Do you at least eat stuff at lunch?
Honest advice: Do psychedelics
DItch everything else.
Cannot cope without alcohol
It's probably gonna be how I die. It's the only cope I have left that helps me dissociate from this world.

I even drink when I don't want to and still have a hangover from the previous day.
Posts like these make be glad I'm not an alcoholic and cope with hobbies and food instead
Honest advice: Do psychedelics
DItch everything else.
I’ve tried psychedelics. They’re fun and pretty eye opening. But the numbing sedative effect of alcohol is too enjoyable
Do you at least eat stuff at lunch?
I usually eat something small, after I finish the bottle but before I walk back in the office, only to try and mask the smell on my breath

Peanut butter helps mask the sent well
Good for you, being sober sucks. Sadly im too poor and cant handle the alcohol.
It's over for your liver
Are you hoping to drink yourself to the grave, or do you reckon you'll try tapering down at some point?

I used to be on a bottle of vodka per day for several years, and whilst the temporary numbness was nice, it ultimately just made me feel worse overall, physically and mentally so I stopped.
I have tried LSD and shrooms. The LSD is similar but much more intense than shrooms
I will tell you this but think twice before you do it(if you will consider it). If you take high enough dose of psychedelics you can fry your brain just enough to stop craving alcohol/nicotine other drugs(meth, coce...). But be careful because psychosis is scary stuff.
You can look at my profile for my morning routine

Once I get to lunch break on my work, I just spend the half hour drinking a 750ml bottle of hard liquor in the parking lot

I might keep a few more Percocet or hydros in my pocket to take once I get settled in my office cubicle

once I get out at 4:30pm at my job I head to the gas station and buy a 30 case of beer which I will spend drinking until about 10:30-11 each night. I prefer beer but I have to use liquor in the mornings and on lunch to be time efficient for work. I will also take more pills on sometimes use some cocaine to stop from nodding off

I typically black out somewhere between 10-11 pm and wake up to repeat my morning routine
Oh lord that’s bad, id recommend trying to use less but who am i to tell you what to do
Yeah if you continue you will die but first you will have paranoia, hellucinations, then only a few years afterwards your liver and heart will start ailing slowly. First 1-2 heart attaks, which will serverly decrease your quality of life, you will need a rollator maybe, then liver and kidneys start failing and you will dialysis. Thats including the hallucinations and paranoia which will get worse with time
It's probably gonna be how I die. It's the only cope I have left that helps me dissociate from this world.

I even drink when I don't want to and still have a hangover from the previous day.
And I wish you'd find the kind of happiness to stop it, bro.
go get your kidney levels checked :worryfeels:
I will be sad when you’re gone
I drink and get high all the time. I know it's fucking up my body but I don't plan on sticking around for that long tbh so I don't care. It's like if you know you are going to die in a month, would you still eat healthy and exercise? probably not right. You're going to die soon anyway so might as well do whatever the fuck you want while you wait
You can look at my profile for my morning routine

Once I get to lunch break on my work, I just spend the half hour drinking a 750ml bottle of hard liquor in the parking lot

I might keep a few more Percocet or hydros in my pocket to take once I get settled in my office cubicle

once I get out at 4:30pm at my job I head to the gas station and buy a 30 case of beer which I will spend drinking until about 10:30-11 each night. I prefer beer but I have to use liquor in the mornings and on lunch to be time efficient for work. I will also take more pills on sometimes use some cocaine to stop from nodding off

I typically black out somewhere between 10-11 pm and wake up to repeat my morning routine
You probably won't even die, you'll just make your older years hurt more
Stop or else you'll develop cirrhosis and that's what usually comes before death and it lasts a long time before death arrives and it will make you question your decision by the sheer pain and cost to your life. Stop it while you can. Yours Truly.

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