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Discussion I support shaming weebs



incel regime 2030 genocide normie movement
Dec 29, 2023
Anyone who watches anime and jerks there tiny cock to anime bitches should be shamed, That is the weirdest shit ever. It's just as equal as faggotry or furry niggers.
These retards need to be lynched in public and they deserve all this misery. Weirdest faggots I ever seen.
@Subhuman Niceguy any words?

@Regenerator you mentioned something about racism and how it relates

@overrrrrrrrrrr you said something about women
Not my fault ricecels' drawings fog bio-holes
Not my fault ricecels' drawings fog bio-holes

ricecels masturbating to anime pussies is understandable but curries doing that shit is legit vomiting bro ew yuck
youre scaring the hoes away
Nowhere near as icky as them aggressively simping and thirsting for white foids
real bro agree 100%
but jerking off to cartoon foids is same weird as jerking off to furry videos im being honest bro
-early join date
-no posts
-privated profile

infiltrator or fed, call it.
you're on an inkwell site, your ass is going straight to H E double hockey sticks

Sometimes you just gotta wave it in the air like you just don’t care

*shows a foid doing the Harlem shake*
Same that anime shit is cringe as fuck
I only support shaming weeb foids
Some of it is good especially the older stuff but I don't get the obsession over anime though
Some of it is good especially the older stuff but I don't get the obsession over anime though

It’s like obsessing over an OF model

They both don’t know you exist
Nobody cares award.
Tell that to @proudweeb
There's nothing wrong with watching Anime. Why conflate it with faggotry or furries? Says more about you than anything.
@AsakuraHao @gymletethnicel
Ragefuel for @Onacel @Lonelyus
@blackraven might wanna have a look at this

Also @cvh1991 you made a post 2 months ago with something similar
Anyone who watches anime and jerks there tiny cock to anime bitches should be shamed, That is the weirdest shit ever. It's just as equal as faggotry or furry niggers.
These retards need to be lynched in public and they deserve all this misery. Weirdest faggots I ever seen.
I think weebs are trying to cope via escapism. I enjoy some anime, a portion of it if you go back through the decades is even remarkable in terms of dedication to the craft/a real achievement of the arts (e.g. Something like Red Line or the original Evangelion series/Ping Pong the Animation/Macross, etc). My position adjacent to that is also that Japanese anime tends to resonate with young men in the west because our own art has completely abandoned us, the dreams of young men, beautiful women, and all of western art now pushes woke ideology so young men turn to the East for something else, anything else.

The problem with weebs is that seeing them is just sad and pathetic -- they've let their escapism give them brainrot which is obvious to anyone else and typically if you talk to them they come off like they have some kind of developmental disorder (perhaps caused by their life time of rejection and unpopularity/social isolation). I sympathize to an extent since usually people who turn out that way don't have many strong social connections and weren't really taught how to live by their parents. Also the halo effect is real for this too -- if giga-Chad likes Japan and anime then he's cultured and passionate about art. If some poor ugly midget son of a bitch does the same thing, then it's perceived as cringe and embarrasing.

These days I think escapism actually makes me more depressed so I haven't watched anime for a few years -- e.g. I spent some time playing Janapense "social sims" in the past like Persona 5 type games and they're fun in the moment (assuming you can suspend your disbelief and "get into it"/buy into the fake characters and relationships), but then once the art is over you feel incredible sorrow and loneliness as it hits you that none of it was ever real, your friends weren't real, the characters don't exist, etc. I wonder if the "weeb" personality/mental state is an attempt to not return to reality basically and side step that feeling.

Young men in our modern world have no way to be a part of a truly noble cause, most of us can't obtain a decent wife and family, and even if we could how would we afford it? And beyond that even if you could afford what happens when you're inevitably divorce raped (~50% of marriages? Depends on citations but this is a very high value and we stupidly don't have fault divorce anymore, ridiculous woman favoring policy) and lose your kids and any capital you worked your whole life to save? No, men are hated by the state, most men are despised by women (even if they aren't consciously aware of it and would never admit as such all you have to do is watch their actions and the kinds of policies they vote for or their responses of disgust anytime male issues in society are brought up), most men do not have close friends today if you look at the surveys (wtf is goin on there?) so what do men do?

They play pretend. They watch their dogshit anime about romance with a qt3.14, they play video games where they can be the Chad hero or successful, they jerk off to porn, and so on and so forth. At the end of it it leaves you feeling hollow and empty because your brain knows none of it was ever real and we're losers who've failed in life. But frankly we were setup to fail and everything going wrong today is downstream of some ridiculously bad policies and deluded ideology that were put into effect and taught long ago. I'm going to go off the rails now :feelsclown:

Often times looking back I genuinely wonder if the wrong side won the world wars -- the Nazis hated woke degeneracy and made strong pushes to get women back into the roles as wives and mothers for example. They had programs to assist families with getting homes. They burned tranny books and gave men the ability to be a part of a noble cause, something greater -- a national identity and a home country they loved to rescue by putting it all on the line. The victor writes history and its not like we'd ever actually know what truly happened. People just believe whatever they're taught by their own society for the most part and if you publicly question that status quo you'll be hated and despised and have your reputation ruined. I could be wrong, maybe that's an overly noble framing as, duh, those groups did some terrible things. But what, our governemnts haven't? We're better? Feminist woke liberalism is evil poison that has gradually wrecked our country and destroyed the lives of our young men so that women could have cushier lives devoid of any meaningful sacrifice or responsibility. Men are always the villain the US and Europes narratives. Every major regime change in history practically is achieved through great suffering and terrible loss. It's terribly sad but that's life -- and men are the ones who make that net sacrifice every time.

Our lives are meaningless, we have no noble cause, we actively hate our own countries (because they hate us and want to treat us like shit, take the fruits of our labor, and give it to others who would spit on us), we're actively propagandized with the blue pill and woke tranny bullshit and none of can even talk about it honestly without getting fired. Is it any wonder men turn to escapism like Japanese anime to cope? I don't think so, no. It's a symptom of deeper problems. Dont' even get me started on how we "medicate" people now to help them cope with the absolute bullshit dumpster that is modern America. Every woman I know is on anti-depressants, most guys I know are on prescribed drugs. Like immigration, all of this is the system trying to treat the symptom rather than fix the cause -- beacuse our country is no longer honest, we are run and all the decisions are made by delusional retards who are completely out of touch with reality (while we work 10 hours a day 6 days a week at our shitty paying jobs barely making ends meet because the alternative is starvation and homelessness). And nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. Nothing ever happens. I think I'll go watch some anime now to forget about this pitiful muck of a life :feelsbadman:
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I think weebs are trying to cope via escapism. I enjoy some anime, a portion of it if you go back through the decades is even remarkable in terms of dedication to the craft/a real achievement of the arts (e.g. Something like Red Line or the original Evangelion series/Ping Pong the Animation/Macross, etc). My position adjacent to that is also that Japanese anime tends to resonate with young men in the west because our own art has completely abandoned us, the dreams of young men, beautiful women, and all of western art now pushes woke ideology so young men turn to the East for something else, anything else.

The problem with weebs is that seeing them is just sad and pathetic -- they've let their escapism give them brainrot which is obvious to anyone else and typically if you talk to them they come off like they have some kind of developmental disorder (perhaps caused by their life time of rejection and unpopularity/social isolation). I sympathize to an extent since usually people who turn out that way don't have many strong social connections and weren't really taught how to live by their parents. Also the halo effect is real for this too -- if giga-Chad likes Japan and anime then he's cultured and passionate about art. If some poor ugly midget son of a bitch does the same thing, then it's perceived as cringe and embarrasing.

These days I think escapism actually makes me more depressed so I haven't watched anime for a few years -- e.g. I spent some time playing Janapense "social sims" in the past like Persona 5 type games and they're fun in the moment (assuming you can suspend your disbelief and "get into it"/buy into the fake characters and relationships), but then once the art is over you feel incredible sorrow and loneliness as it hits you that none of it was ever real, your friends weren't real, the characters don't exist, etc. I wonder if the "weeb" personality/mental state is an attempt to not return to reality basically and side step that feeling.
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Young men in our modern world have no way to be a part of a truly noble cause, most of us can't obtain a decent wife and family, and even if we could how would we afford it? And beyond that even if you could afford what happens when you're inevitably divorce raped (~50% of marriages? Depends on citations but this is a very high value and we stupidly don't have fault divorce anymore, ridiculous woman favoring policy) and lose your kids and any capital you worked your whole life to save? No, men are hated by the state, most men are despised by women (even if they aren't consciously aware of it and would never admit as such all you have to do is watch their actions and the kinds of policies they vote for or their responses of disgust anytime male issues in society are brought up), most men do not have close friends today if you look at the surveys (wtf is goin on there?) so what do men do?

They play pretend. They watch their dogshit anime about romance with a qt3.14, they play video games where they can be the Chad hero or successful, they jerk off to porn, and so on and so forth. At the end of it it leaves you feeling hollow and empty because your brain knows none of it was ever real and we're losers who've failed in life. But frankly we were setup to fail and everything going wrong today is downstream of some ridiculously bad policies and deluded ideology that were put into effect and taught long ago. I'm going to go off the rails now :feelsclown:
View attachment 1227908
Often times looking back I genuinely wonder if the wrong side won the world wars -- the Nazis hated woke degeneracy and made strong pushes to get women back into the roles as wives and mothers for example. They had programs to assist families with getting homes. They burned tranny books and gave men the ability to be a part of a noble cause, something greater -- a national identity and a home country they loved to rescue by putting it all on the line. The victor writes history and its not like we'd ever actually know what truly happened. People just believe whatever they're taught by their own society for the most part and if you publicly question that status quo you'll be hated and despised and have your reputation ruined. I could be wrong, maybe that's an overly noble framing as, duh, those groups did some terrible things. But what, our governemnts haven't? We're better? Feminist woke liberalism is evil poison that has gradually wrecked our country and destroyed the lives of our young men so that women could have cushier lives devoid of any meaningful sacrifice or responsibility. Men are always the villain the US and Europes narratives. Every major regime change in history practically is achieved through great suffering and terrible loss. It's terribly sad but that's life -- and men are the ones who make that net sacrifice every time.

Our lives are meaningless, we have no noble cause, we actively hate our own countries (because they hate us and want to treat us like shit, take the fruits of our labor, and give it to others who would spit on us), we're actively propagandized with the blue pill and woke tranny bullshit and none of can even talk about it honestly without getting fired. Is it any wonder men turn to escapism like Japanese anime to cope? I don't think so, no. It's a symptom of deeper problems. Dont' even get me started on how we "medicate" people now to help them cope with the absolute bullshit dumpster that is modern America. Every woman I know is on anti-depressants, most guys I know are on prescribed drugs. Like immigration, all of this is the system trying to treat the symptom rather than fix the cause -- beacuse our country is no longer honest, we are run and all the decisions are made by delusional retards who are completely out of touch with reality (while we work 10 hours a day 6 days a week at our shitty paying jobs barely making ends meet because the alternative is starvation and homelessness). And nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. Nothing ever happens. I think I'll go watch some anime now to forget about this pitiful muck of a life :feelsbadman:
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holy essay
holy essay
Sorry, I went on too long and got off the topic. I admit it :feelswhere:
Worth the read, tbh. Brocel makes S-tier posts.
Thank you man — I appreciate how here the boys really understand what I’m talking about from experience and what they see in life too. I have to hide my power IRL except for rare cases, but a lot of the stuff we discuss should be common sense in a sane world.
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