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I still see ugly guys with decent women



Jan 10, 2018
They don't look rich either, drive shitty cars. There is something more than meets the eye there.
They are top percentage actually, men don't perceive men the same way women do
So, lets say you had that massive big dick and you are ugly. How would women ever find out? So there is some wiggle room for personality there.
I know. I mog a lot of bfs. Gives me hope. Only problem is: I still have no date and have no clue how I could get one.
The blackpill isn't a law, it's a rule of thumb.
Thank you sir.

So once something isn't a law in nature, there are always ways around it.

Today I saw a balding nebbish with a decent wife and kids going into an old rusty minivan. Guess he has a 12" dick, but she was somehow able to overlook his frame, eye area, small chin, etc.
They are probably running big dick game.
Being NT helps.
They're either Alpha or tall.
maybe its our personality that's stopping us from getting women
Depends on their age, in my opinion. Remember that it was ~1000x easier for men to fuck their looksmatch in the 90s and has gotten exponentially more difficult each year after around 2005 when social media was picking up.
Depends on their age, in my opinion. Remember that it was ~1000x easier for men to fuck their looksmatch in the 90s and has gotten exponentially more difficult each year after around 2005 when social media was picking up.
Yes, Feminism + Social media is a fucking trainwreck.
Thank you sir.

So once something isn't a law in nature, there are always ways around it.

Today I saw a balding nebbish with a decent wife and kids going into an old rusty minivan. Guess he has a 12" dick, but she was somehow able to overlook his frame, eye area, small chin, etc.
They probably have """confidence""".

Or money...
dickpill is a cope and is not true

you're probably perceiving these guys uglier than they really are

even if a girl gets with a guy who is her looksmatch or below (which is unbelievably rare) its only for beta cucking purposes, so the guy has provider money. he doesn't have to be wealthy, just a decent income. probably an IT professional or some engineering discipline. in this case, it is not a happy relationship, or at least not ideal, and if the guy is happy in this situation he is diluting himself to the reality of his situation, and his wife probably has fuck buddies on the side

there is only one truth about sexual dynamics you need to know: unless you have top 20% facial genetics YOU ARE NEVER IN THE CLEAR with women
Google exists. It is a "Jewish" world for incel or beta. We should adopt it into our vernacular.
I thought that was schmuck lol
dickpill is a cope and is not true

you're probably perceiving these guys uglier than they really are

even if a girl gets with a guy who is her looksmatch or below (which is unbelievably rare) its only for beta cucking purposes, so the guy has provider money. he doesn't have to be wealthy, just a decent income. probably an IT professional or some engineering discipline. in this case, it is not a happy relationship, or at least not ideal, and if the guy is happy in this situation he is diluting himself to the reality of his situation, and his wife probably has fuck buddies on the side

there is only one truth about sexual dynamics you need to know: unless you have top 20% facial genetics YOU ARE NEVER IN THE CLEAR with women
Or one thing missing out of the equation. Things are relative and women are attracted to different things. I showed my mom pics of the Chads we worship here and she sent them to her friends too. Most had no attraction to them. They are from a different time but it proves something. Some said they don't like cartoon faces.
Google exists. It is a "Jewish" world for incel or beta. We should adopt it into our vernacular.


jews are to blame for the current state of the sexual marketplace

the destruction of the western female and the family unit was their goal and they accomplished it

why would we want to be like them when they created the hell we live in
Or one thing missing out of the equation. Things are relative and women are attracted to different things. I showed my mom pics of the Chads we worship here and she sent them to her friends too. Most had no attraction to them. They are from a different time but it proves something. Some said they don't like cartoon faces.

lol @ this guy believing what women say

you need to look more into cognitive dissonance
Shmuck is an asshole lol
Penis, to be exact.

Schmuck, or shmuck, in American English is a pejorative term meaning one who is stupid or foolish, or an obnoxious, contemptible or detestable person. The word came into the English language from Yiddish (שמאָק, shmok), where it has similar pejorative meanings, but where its literal meaning is a vulgar term for a penis.[1]
they have something to offer, still shes more than likely fucking chad behind his back
I don't. Where do you live?
how old were the girls? probably were tired of riding the Cock Carrousel, now they want to settle with a nice guy to give the image of a good woman with stable family.
Maybe they were friends and he's a nice person to be around, he asked her out, she said yes, didn't really care for his looks but his personality?
Maybe they were friends and he's a nice person to be around, he asked her out, she said yes, didn't really care for his looks but his personality?
People are attracted to different things. I saw an ad where a woman wanted a guy over 250lbs, bald with tattoos. Look at bikers for example
I'm too high inhib to even try and ask women out
Those women have SETTLED FOR ONE REASON OR THE OTHER / The men have some redeeming quality thats not there face
keyword: SETTLED not without compromises

personality matters even if incels say not

the thing is when and why matters

to get laid and do random fuck,what matter is look and charisma
but to long term relations what matter is what you can offer to the other person (in money and personality terms)
the uglys one are the mens with luck that had develop a relation with a woman the enough time, that had setle with him

but dont have fake hopes,incels are rotten in look and hearth so even if we manage to get a laid that want real relationship,we will fucked up
Yes I see it all the time as well just fucking lol, at best they're average, I have seen maybe 3? above average guys with girls but that's it, the rest were either average or downright unattractive, even overweight. It makes absolutely no fucking sense to me.
Yes I see it all the time as well just fucking lol, at best they're average, I have seen maybe 3? above average guys with girls but that's it, the rest were either average or downright unattractive, even overweight. It makes absolutely no fucking sense to me.
Because under all that makeup she's actually a 2
Yes I see it all the time as well just fucking lol, at best they're average, I have seen maybe 3? above average guys with girls but that's it, the rest were either average or downright unattractive, even overweight. It makes absolutely no fucking sense to me.
Yes, barring deformed, and I can show examples of that too, It is pretty common(3-7 guys). We obsess over gonial angles and NW -1 hairlines, but guys with every flaw in the book are with women.
Well, there you have it folks. Looks theory destroyed. Personality theory IN!
Yes, barring deformed, and I can show examples of that too, It is pretty common(3-7 guys). We obsess over gonial angles and NW -1 hairlines, but guys with every flaw in the book are with women.

there must be another explanation for this

Well, there you have it folks. Looks theory destroyed. Personality theory IN!

i wouldn't say it's personality either, it's just fucking rigged bullshit against us
The only times I've seen below normie rating men with women is when their age is 25+. I have yet to see guys in my looksmatch range in relationships during my time at uni 18-22. However, I get mogged by 90%+ the guys I see, so JFL at me.
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there must be another explanation for this

i wouldn't say it's personality either, it's just fucking rigged bullshit against us

There is some autism mixed in. Remember that 80% of human communication is non-verbal.

"scared to talk to talk to people in video games" Is a big red flag...
Well, there you have it folks. Looks theory destroyed. Personality theory IN!

Haha seriously. Some people are so silly.

This is called an exception that proves the rule. It doesn't mean anything that there exists a .000001% probability of all the stars aligning and an unattractive guys scoring an attractive girl.
Maybe they were friends and he's a nice person to be around, he asked her out, she said yes, didn't really care for his looks but his personality?
Yes, I reckon we all have a lesson to learn from this stranger. Fix our personalities and learn to be nice people
They don't look rich either, drive shitty cars. There is something more than meets the eye there.
We should actually be glad because those are the incels who had the courage to ask girls out and succeeded. They finally broke free off the chains of inceldom. Girls can see their inner beauty despite having only driven a used Toyota Corolla. It's a miracle and we are capablr of achieving this

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