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Serious I still have hope in finding a girlfriend



brazilian spergcel
Jan 2, 2020
And so do many of you despite saying it's over. Having hope is in no ways bad.
In fact, I sense that my ascension is closer. When it happens, I will share the experience so fellow brocels don't rope.
Aren't you like 15?
It's over.
What do you mean when you say that your ascension is closer? Are you going through a metamorphosis?
it just began for cocoon-cels
I will share the experience so fellow brocels don't rope.
Probably not a good idea. I imagine you coming back and talking about getting laid wouldn’t set well with those who don’t see themselves ascending
Probably not a good idea. I imagine you coming back and talking about getting laid wouldn’t set well with those who don’t see themselves ascending
yeah I don't think people respond very well to ascension posts tbh. I don't mind them but most people come here to cope with people they can relate to, not to listen to people brag about their relationships
You still have a good chance, after college/uni age 24> it seems to get tougher to lose your v without paying or get into a relationship. I had hope until 30, but now I'm feeling more resigned to my fate as time ticks by.
Not exactly. I have been an outlier in many situations, even being called a "hottie" by a girl despite my horrendous outlooks when I asked her. She also played with my hair when analysing it.
If you think that's not hopefuel, then...
And for the mods who think this is "bragging": stick a finger up your ass and swirl, you beta fuckers. You should be HAPPY by incels relating their good experiences, not spiteful. This is a forum in which we can post our experiences like you preach, or just the ones that keep the disgrace wheel spinning?
Lol, don't you have mental illness? That could explain why you think that. People with certain problems often tend to confuse the signals, which an NT does not do. Also, if that girl was genuinely interested, you would have fucked her already.
yeah I don't think people respond very well to ascension posts tbh. I don't mind them but most people come here to cope with people they can relate to, not to listen to people brag about their relationships
Which is hypocritical and only proves IT right. By not extracting the good of ascension posts, you are essentially being a spiteful idiot that dwells on your own sorrow like they say, and you don't want to give those narcissists ammo.
I don't agree, ascension is a myth and will never happen to subhuman men. Foids naturally hate me, and this can't be prevented.
Good luck man, I hope you ascend somehow
Probably not a good idea. I imagine you coming back and talking about getting laid wouldn’t set well with those who don’t see themselves ascending
Relativistic failure pill.
Lol, don't you have mental illness? That could explain why you think that. People with certain problems often tend to confuse the signals, which an NT does not do. Also, if that girl was genuinely interested, you would have fucked her already.
She was interested, we were in a bar and was sober. Also, my friends watched it and said her reaction was truthful.
Of course, because touching hair of a random person you met to say they are beautiful isn't an IOI jfl.
Only hope is of finding high or very high cultured waifu. With mediocre cultured my chances are low, and to go for low culture greedy cunts do not want
I have to microwave my brain to enjoy talking them.
I'm suspecting the OP is not incel tier.
I'm 35, I think I can claim in my case it's over. The only foids that have ever given me attention are escorts. I've gone the doll route and am okay with everything. If it ain't over for me, it's nearing the finish line best case.
Good luck man, I hope you ascend somehow
Same to you. I hope everyone here to ascend, it hurts me to think that a major cope of most incels is to wallow on mutual disgrace mutually because it's better than doing it alone. :cryfeels:
just lol why would I be happy about larping fakecels sharing their fakecel experiences
Except most people here saw my picture on looksmax.org and told me to kill myself even or join here if I didn't already. I'm not fakecel and still got good experiences. You are just a sorry son of a bitch and can stick your warning up your ass.
She was interested, we were in a bar and was sober. Also, my friends watched it and said her reaction was truthful.
Of course, because touching hair of a random person you met to say they are beautiful isn't an IOI jfl.
Your friends were probably making fun of you.
Even if it were true, why didn't you make a move?
I have had similar experiences I have made movements, it did not work well.
Your friends were probably making fun of you.
Even if it were true, why didn't you make a move?
I have had similar experiences I have made movements, it did not work well.
I did, but got overshadowed because she had to leave earlier. Believe me, I'm not a gullible idiot, I think about the worst case scenario, it was NOT it.
We should keep records of youngcels so we can make actual statistics about ascension.
ahahahahah keep coping
Imagine being this delusional.
Here, I'm showing you my photo on private.

I think you are the delusional one. Having hope in finding a foid in this day and age!
And so do many of you despite saying it's over. Having hope is in no ways bad.
In fact, I sense that my ascension is closer. When it happens, I will share the experience so fellow brocels don't rope.
Btutal. Most of us in denial even after the blackpill. Including me.
I did, but got overshadowed because she had to leave earlier. Believe me, I'm not a gullible idiot, I think about the worst case scenario, it was NOT it.
Tyrone called her to fuck, before you did anything.

Now, with an average appearance, we can have positive attention from time to time, that does not mean that they want to fuck us, and a single case shows nothing.
Tyrone called her to fuck, before you did anything.

Now, with an average appearance, we can have positive attention from time to time, that does not mean that they want to fuck us, and a single case shows nothing.
You have to sink that low to keep yourself IN misery? Calling out my mental problem, saying "but she didn't mean it" "your friends made fun of you" "c-cherrypick!".
People don't come here to listen to you brag about your experiences with women, thats why looksmax exists in the first place.
Sharing good experiences is not BRAGGING, it's hopefuel. Bragging is to deliberately belittle others at expense of their lack of good experiences compared to you.

Is this true? Is surgerymaxxing a human right in Brazil?
Your good experiences don't help anyone, posting about it literally just serves to stroke your own ego.
That's only because you and most incels don't accept, understand or can handle the concept of "help". Everything to you must be about guilt. HUMANS ARE GUILTY, I'M GUILTY, EVERYONE IS GUILTY BENEFIT OF DOUBT DOESN'T EXIST. People like this cannot find positive in others' actions, only negatives. No surprise you can't use good experiences as a boost to your ego.
I don't want to see you. Plus, my DM system was disabled ages ago.
"I don't wanna see you, but you are still guilty of being fakecel"
Oh, diddums. QED.
You have to sink that low to keep yourself IN misery? Calling out my mental problem, saying "but she didn't mean it" "your friends made fun of you" "c-cherrypick!".
Yes, the thing is that you cannot see the same world as an NT and you will always be at a disadvantage, perhaps online it is not noticeable, but IRL is another story. In high school I met several autists of different spectra, the difference in the way we interact was big and asperger is another level, which if or if it will affect in the field of dating, and women do not like this (bad genetics ).
Just coping for the occasional good experience. I can relate tbh.

I'm also 20 man, and yeah like you I still have hopes. Trying my best to looksmax. Best of luck to you man, I'm giving myself 5 years. If it doesn't happen than I might as well give up
And so do many of you despite saying it's over. Having hope is in no ways bad.
In fact, I sense that my ascension is closer. When it happens, I will share the experience so fellow brocels don't rope.
I didn't say you can't get a girlfriend. All I'm saying is you won't get one who's been dicked down by three guys or less.
Because holes already have a way higher bodycount nowadays on average. The average hole has been plowed by 5 guys in the best case scenario. Only a good looking male could get a hole who's had only 2, 3 or 4 dicks, or a virgin girl.
Because holes already have a way higher bodycount nowadays on average. The average hole has been plowed by 5 guys in the best case scenario. Only a good looking male could get a hole who's had only 2, 3 or 4 dicks, or a virgin girl.
Does the body count makes that much of a differemce? I wouldn't mind dating a girl with 5 previous boyfriends if the reason she broke out with them was not "teehee life is a blank board and I'm feeling it with experiences!" or a virtue-signal which revolves around it.

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