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Venting I should've roped after highschool



Incel lives matter
Jul 22, 2019
That could've spared me 10+ years of pure misery and sadness. I coped on the idea that things would change and eventually, girls would be able to see past my ugliness and they would see a human being like them. I was so stupid. I should've known from the beginning that would never be true. If a bunch of hormonal and nymphomaniac teenage girls didn't want to fuck me back then, how could've I believed older women would? Foids don't grow past their teenage stage and they ALWAYS prefer an attractive guy over a subhuman like me.

Hear me out, boyos: life ends after highschool. Any guy that finishes school as a khhv incel has not reason to live at all. If you were a loser back then, you will be a loser forever. It's not your fault though. You know whose fault is...
I honestly think that without my faith, I would either have roped or CHOsen some othER way of going at this point. God has been so incredibly good to me it's insane.
I don't know man. On one hand, I'm still miserable in terms of relationship with females. On the other hand, I live relatively more comfortably than back then thanks to my job. I'm getting accustomed to my depression ngl. At this point, I see no benefit to kill myself.
I honestly think that without my faith, I would either have roped or CHOsen some othER way of going at this point. God has been so incredibly good to me it's insane.
How has god been good to you? You feel a sense of peace that you haven't felt before?

How has god been good to you? You feel a sense of peace that you haven't felt before?
He answers my prayers through His words in incredible ways, also I overcame a lot of fucked up shit that happened with me way faster than expected. Also, about the past, I barely even think about it anymore (bullying, etc).
He answers my prayers through His words in incredible ways, also I overcame a lot of fucked up shit that happened with me way faster than expected.
How do you cope with knowing that a lot of the people that mocked you in the past might end up going to heaven as long as they believe in God but don't ever formally apologize for hurting you through bullying and lying about you? Or the idea that sexhavers will have greater reward and less chastening before God because they never had feelings of ill will toward others unlike many frustrated sexless males?
Also, about the past, I barely even think about it anymore (bullying, etc).
That feeling can last many months to years but the true test is to see whether it can last a lifetime. Which if you happen to have a very negative encounter with women in the future, may not last tbh
I had planned killing myself before finishing highschool but I never did becsuse Im a coward
How do you cope with knowing that a lot of the people that mocked you in the past might end up going to heaven as long as they believe in God but don't ever formally apologize for hurting you through bullying and lying about you?
If they don't get saved, they are going to hell, and if they get saved, they're going to the judgement seat of Christ where everything bad we saved people did will be exposed and we will cry and feel terrible about it when you look at what we've done once in our glorified bodies without sin. So it doesn't bother me, I honestly wish everyone gets saved, even my enemies.

Or the idea that sexhavers will have greater reward and less chastening before God because they never had feelings of ill will toward others unlike many frustrated sexless males?
Everyone has feelings of ill will. We incels mainly have feelings related to frustration, trauma of rejections, etc, but sexhavers usually have ill feelings related to jealousy, trauma of being cheated on/fucked over by foids, etc. In the case of Chads, being good-looking can lead them to something way more dangerous than any of these feelings, which is the sin of pride. This was the very first sin, which was committed by Lucifer, and one of the main reasons why people don't get saved.

I was talking to a saved friend some months ago and he told me something that might very well sound like cope to unsaved people but really made me content with what I have. He told me that if I had the type of dark triad psychopathic personality foids prefer, I would most likely never have gotten saved. So thank God for this sensitive, artistic, idealistic and romantic personality of mine.

That feeling can last many months to years but the true test is to see whether it can last a lifetime. Which if you happen to have a very negative encounter with women in the future, may not last tbh
Tbh I had mostly forgotten about most of my bullying even prior to getting saved. I used Rin's mom advice from the Kodomo No Jikan manga: if you can't forgive, then forget. It worked.

We should always count our blessings. There are people who went through waaay worse things than me and they are not resentful and bitter. I trust God and His plan for my life.
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If they don't get saved, they are going to hell, and if they get saved, they're going to the judgement seat of Christ where everything bad we saved people did will be exposed and we will cry and feel terrible about it when you look at what we've done once in our glorified bodies without sin. So it doesn't bother me, I honestly wish everyone gets saved, even my enemies.
That doesn't seem blackpilled. A lot of people here would find that cucked "I wish everyone gets saved, even my enemies :soy:"
Everyone has feelings of ill will. We incels mainly have feelings related to frustration, trauma of rejections, etc, but sexhavers have ill feeling related to jealousy, trauma of being cheated on/fucked over by foids, etc. In the case of Chads, being good-looking can lead them to something way more dangerous than any of these feelings, which is the sin of pride. This was the very first sin, which was committed by Lucifer, and one of the main reasons why people don't get saved.
Cope being blackpilled is at odds with being saved.

I was talking to a saved friend some months ago and he told me something that might very well sound like cope to unsaved people but really made me content with what I have. He told me that if I had the type of dark triad psychopathic personality foids prefer, I would most likely never get saved. So thank God for this sensitive personality of mine.

Tbh I had mostly forgotten about most of my bullying even prior to getting saved. I used Rin's mom advice from the Kodomo No Jikan manga: if you can't forgive, then forget. It worked.
You got worn down by life and pretended it's your choice and you know better now tbh
We should always count our blessings. There are people who went through waaay worse things than me and they are not resentful and bitter. I trust God and His plan for my life.
Fallacy of relative privation.
That doesn't seem blackpilled. A lot of people here would find that cucked "I wish everyone gets saved, even my enemies :soy:"
Well, I'm not a cold-hearted psychopath, so I don't desire that people burn potentially forever or at least for a long time (not sure, hope hell is the latter) because they fucked with me. Even if I was to exercise revenge, I'd make it proportional. But their main sins are not against yours truly, it's against God Himself.

I would be lying if I said my flesh wouldn't enjoy some acts of violence against certain people or kinds of people, but even when I had dreams of revenge it seldom involved torture. I always liked the idea of a clean death better. I remember watching those cliché scenes on movies where the villain captures the main character and wants to torture/play games with them, I was always like "just kill them already". Then the main character ends up turning the tables on them because they didn't kill them while they had the opportunity.

With all that said, I don't plan on doing anything violent at all.

Cope being blackpilled is at odds with being saved.
All you have to do to get saved is accept Christ's blood shed for your sins, admit you're a wicked sinner and have the metanoia i.e. change of mind in relation to sin (understanding what is sin, that sin is bad and feeling sorry about being a sinner against others, yourself, and above all, a holy, infinite God).

Lordship salvation-ism is a lie of the devil. I sin everyday and I'm 100% sure I'm going to heaven. That said, I want to improve and sin less and less. My testimony is terrible rn, I know. I've been feeling a lot of hatred against women and venting about it here. But I'm a baby in Christ, I got saved back in May this year, only 7 months as a true saved Christian.

You got worn down by life and pretended it's your choice and you know better now tbh
It isn't a choice anyways. I can never be a psychopath. When I watch people getting tortured and killed I feel bad, I can't help it. I can't act cold, I'm not manipulative, I would never be capable of doing many things dark triads do without any remorse. But it's very sad to be a person with a heart and desire to be someone worse just to get foids. I refuse to sink to that level. I want to stay away from all that dark triad and cluster B mess tbh. Let cluster Bs kill and torture each other if that's what they want. They'll be miserable and most likely go to hell anyways. Call it cope, but it's honestly how I think.

Fallacy of relative privation.
Well, I'm not a cold-hearted psychopath, so I don't desire that people burn potentially forever or at least for a long time (not sure, hope hell is the latter) because they fucked with me. Even if I was to exercise revenge, I'd make it proportional. But their main sins are not against yours truly, it's against God Himself.

I would be lying if I said my flesh wouldn't enjoy some acts of violence against certain people or kinds of people, but even when I had dreams of revenge it seldom involved torture. I always liked the idea of a clean death better. I remember watching those cliché scenes on movies where the villain captures the main character and wants to torture/play games with them, I was always like "just kill them already". Then the main character ends up turning the tables on them because they didn't kill them while they had the opportunity.

With all that said, I don't plan on doing anything violent at all.
In many ways it's not just you I'm asking here tbh
I really believe that in many ways the blackpill is at odds with Abrahamic religions like Christianity.
All you have to do to get saved is accept Christ's blood shed for your sins, admit you're a wicked sinner and have the metanoia i.e. change of mind in relation to sin (understanding what is sin, that sin is bad and feeling sorry about being a sinner against others, yourself, and above all, a holy, infinite God).

Lordship salvation-ism is a lie of the devil. I sin everyday and I'm 100% sure I'm going to heaven. That said, I want to improve and sin less and less. My testimony is terrible rn, I know. I've been feeling a lot of hatred against women and venting about it here. But I'm a baby in Christ, I got saved back in May this year, only 7 months as a true saved Christian.
How do you explain people that have gotten saved and had a come to Jesus moment that brought them closer to God for years but weren't able to avoid succumbing to this world eventually?
And please don't say "they were never really saved in the first place" because that's an example of the no true scotsman fallacy and is akin to moving the goal posts.
It isn't a choice anyways. I can never be a psychopath. When I watch people getting tortured and killed I feel bad, I can't help it. I can't act cold, I'm not manipulative, I would never be capable of doing many things dark triads do without any remorse. But it's very sad to be a person with a heart and desire to be someone worse just to get foids. I refuse to sink to that level. I want to stay away from all that dark triad and cluster B mess tbh. Let cluster Bs kill and torture each other if that's what they want. They'll be miserable and most likely go to hell anyways. Call it cope, but it's honestly how I think.
I understand it isn't a choice for you to be conformed to this world nor do you desire at this point.
But again, what if you found out tomorrow or were sent a sign that posting on this site meant that you had not truly accepted God's love? Don't you think then you'd be forced to choose between posting on this website and truly accepting God?

Again if God already has a plan and everything set out for you and you truly believe that, why do you continue to post here then? To spread the good word? For old times sake?
I can see an argument being made by many religious people that if you truly believe and have faith in God you wouldn't even be bothered enough by your inceldom to come to sites like this in the first place
So what are you doing still here?
I honestly think that without my faith, I would either have roped or CHOsen some othER way of going at this point. God has been so incredibly good to me it's insane.
AMazing grace indeed. :feelsYall:
In many ways it's not just you I'm asking here tbh
I really believe that in many ways the blackpill is at odds with Abrahamic religions like Christianity.
It's basically what I said here the other day. Hating is a sin, no doubt about it. But how forgiving and patient you have to be not to hate foids as an incel, seeing everything they do nowadays. Rejecting and gaslighting incels and even normies who genuinely like them to shower dark triad Chads who abuse them with affection and sex and then blaming us when they get screwed by them. Foids are very very odious, especially when they're outside of their proper place in society and patriarchal restraints like today. Jesus was sinless so He didn't hate even the people who were crucifying Him. Unfortunately, I'm not as good of a person, obviously, thus I hate women. I hope I can move past this feeling one day. Let's see.

How do you explain people that have gotten saved and had a come to Jesus moment that brought them closer to God for years but weren't able to avoid succumbing to this world eventually?
And please don't say "they were never really saved in the first place" because that's an example of the no true scotsman fallacy and is akin to moving the goal posts.
Don't worry, I'm not a calvinist either kek. Well, getting saved doesn't do away with your flesh. It's a war between the flesh and the Spirit. Many times the flesh wins battles, though we know the Spirit will win the war when we get out of this mortal body. A lot of saved people do bad stuff, and this can be seen even in the heroes of the faith of the bible. Moses was a murderer, Noah was a drunk, David was a murderer and adulterer, Salomon was a sexual pervert, Samson killed himself, Paul persecuted and killed Christians, Peter was a violent person and denied Jesus. Bear in mind that all these people were much better men than average and they still did all that shit. Humans are wicked. Sin is very strong in this world.

I understand it isn't a choice for you to be conformed to this world nor do you desire at this point.
But again, what if you found out tomorrow or were sent a sign that posting on this site meant that you had not truly accepted God's love? Don't you think then you'd be forced to choose between posting on this website and truly accepting God?

Again if God already has a plan and everything set out for you and you truly believe that, why do you continue to post here then? To spread the good word? For old times sake?
I can see an argument being made by many religious people that if you truly believe and have faith in God you wouldn't even be bothered enough by your inceldom to come to sites like this in the first place
I don't even need God to tell me that I should stop hating, coveting, talking about violent things, talking nonchalantly about sexual stuff etc, and many other things I do here. I know all of these are wrong. But sometimes I can't help it. I still stumble, I feel so much like venting, just like sometimes I feel horny and also fap and stuff like that. But it's gotten better, I do that way less than I used to and not to stuff as degenerated as before. Hope I can keep improving.

Again if God already has a plan and everything set out for you and you truly believe that, why do you continue to post here then? To spread the good word? For old times sake?
I can see an argument being made by many religious people that if you truly believe and have faith in God you wouldn't even be bothered enough by your inceldom to come to sites like this in the first place
I honestly don't care about potential lordship salvation adherents trying to fiscalize my life and actions to determine if I'm saved or not. I KNOW I'm saved. I hope they realize the true gospel of Jesus Christ eventually and stop trusting in their works for salvation.

According to the bible, you should fear God more than men. Would those people be willing to go through the most terrible types of tortures for years and watch their whole family and loved ones get tortured to death as well in front of them for Jesus? I don't think so. So aren't they saved? It's a sin to fear men more than God, kek. Lordship salvation doesn't make sense and it's especially nonsensical to expect recent converts to be sinless angels while in this flesh.

I'll read about what you sent there.
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It's basically what I said here the other day. Hating is a sin, no doubt about it. But how forgiving and patient you have to be not to hate foids as an incel, seeing everything they do nowadays. Rejecting and gaslighting incels and even normies who genuinely like them to shower dark triad Chads who abuse them with affection and sex and then blaming us when they get screwed by them. Foids are very very odious, especially when they're outside of their proper place in society and patriarchal restraints like today. Jesus was sinless so He didn't hate even the people who were crucifying Him. Unfortunately, I'm not as good of a person, obviously, thus I hate women. I hope I can move past this feeling one day. Let's see.
In some ways it could also be that forgiveness and patience are misconstrued as bragging and being arrogant in this world and so someone saying that they've moved beyond foids isn't all that convincing.
Don't worry, I'm not a calvinist either kek. Well, getting saved doesn't do away with your flesh. It's a war against the flesh and the Spirit. Many times the flesh wins battles, though we know the Spirit will win the war when we get out of this mortal body. A lot of saved people do bad stuff, and this can be seen even in the heroes of the faith of the bible. Moses was a murderer, Noah was a drunk, David was a murderer and adulterer, Salomon was a sexual pervert, Samson killed himself, Paul persecuted and killed Christians, Peter was a violent person and denied Jesus. Bear in mind that all these people were much better men than average and they still did all that shit. Humans are wicked. Sin is very strong in this world.
Indeed Saul was one of the most vehement critics before coming to the faith and spreading it to other lands.
I don't even need God to tell me that I should stop hating, coveting, talking about violent things, talking nonchalantly about sexual stuff etc, and many other things I do here. I know all of these are wrong. But sometimes I can't help it. I still stumble, I feel so much like venting, just like sometimes I feel horny and also fap and stuff like that. But it's gotten better, I do that way less than I used to and not to stuff as degenerated as before. Hope I can keep improving.
Ideally if you are religious the hope is to be able to not even need these sites to vent and have prayer do that for you if you absolutely feel the need to get things off your mind. But tbh if that was true there wouldn't be so many even religious people that need to vent online every now and then.
I honestly don't care about potential lordship Salvation adherents trying to fiscalize my life and actions to determine if I'm saved or not. I KNOW I'm saved. I hope they realize the true gospel of Jesus Christ eventually and stop trusting in their works for salvation.
How is this any different than say a feminist saying that they don't care if Salvation adherents are trying to fiscalize their life and actions and that they know they are saved? Or an adultress for that matter?
According to the bible, you should fear God more than men. Would those people be willing to go through the most terrible types of tortures for years and watch their whole family and loved ones get tortured to death as well in front of them for Jesus? I don't think so. So aren't they saved? It's a sin to fear men more than God, kek. Lordship salvation doesn't make sense and it's especially nonsensical to expect recent converts to be sinless angels while in this flesh.
Again though a feminist that tries to reconcile their beliefs with Christianity could make the same argument. What if God rejects the feminist doing that but also sees your reconciliation the same way and rejects that too?
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Again though a feminist that tries to reconcile their beliefs with Christianity could make the same argument. What if God rejects the feminist doing that but also sees your reconciliation the same way and rejects that too?
The only difference between me and a feminist "Christian" is that I have the metanoia. I accept everything written in the bible, even the things that denounce my sins and weaknesses. I accept that hatred is wrong. I accept that lust is wrong. I accept that laziness is wrong. I accept that covetuousness is wrong. I accept that envy is wrong.

Do feminist "Christians" accept that women were made for men and not men for women? That the husband is the head of the household and has authority over the wife? That women shouldn't teach or have authority over men? That they should remain silent in churches, as it's a shame for women to speak on churches? That divorce is a sin? That women can't be pastors? That God made men and women for different purposes and there are only two genders? That homosexuality is wrong? Etc etc. I don't think so. All of these are biblical truths.

Paul wrote in Romans that promoting wrong things and thinking they're right is worse than even doing those things. This is the case because it's a sign you didn't go through the metanoia, which is a needed step for salvation.
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The only difference between me and a feminist "Christian" is that I have the metanoia. I accept everything written in the bible, even the things that denounce my sins and weaknesses. I accept that hatred is wrong. I accept that lust is wrong. I accept that laziness is wrong. I accept that covetuousness is wrong. I accept that envy is wrong.

Do feminist "Christians" accept that women were made for men and not men for women? That the husband is the head of the household and has authority over the wife? That women shouldn't teach or have authority over men? That they should remain silent in churches, as it's a shame for women to speak on churches? That divorce is a sin? That women can't be pastors? That God made men and women for different purposes and there are only two genders? That homosexuality is wrong? Etc etc. I don't think so. All of these are biblical truths.
I agree there. Feminist "Christians" do all sorts of mental gymnastics to try and reconcile their world view with the scriptures. That includes just simply writing off Paul as a misogynist and saying they love God (Jesus) and that's all that matters. When for all the supposed evils of patriarchal thinking, it's much more in line with what the bible says.
Even radical feminists admit as much.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/PinkpillFeminism/comments/kkslhq/i_will_never_not_laugh_at_mens_longstanding/

Paul wrote in Romans promoting wrong things and thinking they're right is worse than even doing those things. This is the case because it's a sign you didn't go through the metanoia, which is a needed step for salvation.
I've seen similar passages about the sin of being double minded and speaking contradictory things.
James 1:8
James 4:8
In a world that seems to deliberately delight in engaging in contradictory behavior and calling it complicated, it is refreshing in a way to see those passages saying not to be that way and to always provide a clear answer.
Matthew 5:37
That could've spared me 10+ years of pure misery and sadness. I coped on the idea that things would change and eventually, girls would be able to see past my ugliness and they would see a human being like them. I was so stupid. I should've known from the beginning that would never be true. If a bunch of hormonal and nymphomaniac teenage girls didn't want to fuck me back then, how could've I believed older women would? Foids don't grow past their teenage stage and they ALWAYS prefer an attractive guy over a subhuman like me.

Hear me out, boyos: life ends after highschool. Any guy that finishes school as a khhv incel has not reason to live at all. If you were a loser back then, you will be a loser forever. It's not your fault though. You know whose fault is...
Eh I always felt as though suicide would hurt my parents, but then I realize their shit genetics and absentee parenting are why I am this way. Such is the life of a high inhib pussy like myself I guess.
He answers my prayers through His words in incredible ways, also I overcame a lot of fucked up shit that happened with me way faster than expected. Also, about the past, I barely even think about it anymore (bullying, etc).

Its called a placebo, your mind saw "no way out" and to prevent you from have a mental breakdown it just allowed you to accept your shitty existence, you are just coping

The funny thing is if you did go to heaven, its only then you'd realize that heaven is just a "psychological hell" and hell was just the "physical hell" all along. God is going to pull the ultimate magic trick on all coping incels, he'll have you looking at the "hell" in his left hand so you don't even think about or see whats coming in his right hand lol

How much will you enjoy heaven, when Chad, a man whose life was an elevator ride to heaven, when yours was a fucking free hand mountain climb, walks up to you to talk about how many trials you've both faced and how he's glad to meet another "brother" in heaven who is a true servant of God. Two men who are BOTH truly blessed (he'll say) :feelskek:

Chad fucked and partied away his teens, did drugs, even raped a girl (had sex with her when she was drunk and completely passed out, but kids make "mistakes" right?). He had his pick of stacies, beckies, all women basically and he fucked them all. He was born into a rich family so he never had to work, etc. Then one day he repented and "found God", then he got a stacey wife and had children all with amazing genetics who went on to live a life just like his

You'll see Chad smiling at you, with his wife right next to him, and his children behind him, and their children, and so on

Knowing full well the life he lived and the advantages he had, he and many others like him, will stand before you and speak as if you BOTH lived similarly fair lives with similar "challenges" (if you can even say they had any) and the same amount of "blessings" (if you can even say you had any)

You are going to be standing there in heaven, with nothing but mostly bad memories of your shitty human existence, with no progeny or legacy of your own, and Chad is going to be standing in front of you, with a legion of progeny and a beautiful wife by his side to spend eternity with, and then Chad is going to say to you: "ARE WE NOT BOTH TRULY BLESSED TO BE HERE?"


Many of you think that heaven is some kind of "blank slate" so you won't get mogged and you won't have to suffer anymore

I have a news flash for you





Oh and to top it all off, God is going to ask you to praise and worship him all the time for GRACING YOU WITH SUCH A BLESSED EXISTENCE


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I honestly think that without my faith, I would either have roped or CHOsen some othER way of going at this point. God has been so incredibly good to me it's insane.
If He has been so good with you, why are you still an incel? If He answers all your prayers, have you asked Him for a girlfriend?

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