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Venting I saw a little girl entering the bus and I looked into her eyes and suddenly realized how great it would be to have a daughter



still need teen goth gf
Apr 25, 2022
Seriously, maybe having a girlfriend would be euphoric, but having a real daughter all of your own would just feel unreal to me. It would make me feel like I was suddenly alive. I only got a glimpse and it is hard to describe the feeling, but I think it's the best feeling there is. Probably better than sex or having a gf. It is my ultimate dream in life, but even if I can get a girl pregnant it is still 50% whether you get a girl. So you need to be fortunate as well. If I don't manage to fulfill this in life I would be sad. I think the bond between father and daughter is eternal, it is really the case if you love her (most fathers treat their daughters like crap).
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I would beat the shit out of my daughter, quite honestly. Thanks to women, I've become a full-blown psychopath.
raise a whore theory. Boy or abortion.
I would beat the shit out of my daughter, quite honestly. Thanks to women, I've become a full-blown psychopath.
Honestly, if all girls hate me for some reason I might look into buying artificial insemination so I can still have a daughter. I only wouldn't know what to tell her when she asks who her mom is. Life is cruel.
Our genes are programmed to make us feel a urge to reproduce. That's just another ruse. Just like being aroused when an attractive foid passes by. At the end of the day, it's over and your genes only ever give you frustration without solution. They suck.
having a gf
We would probaly realize that particular thing sucks were there not the relief of sex once in a while.
These fantasies are not really that strange if you are almost 30
I can imagine having a kid of your own would be very rewarding. It's not something I really consider much due to the prospect of it being impossible. Just a shame they have to bought into this crappy world.
are you white?

I saw a little girl entering the bus and I looked into her eyes and suddenly

This started off strong...

...but then got absolutely cucked.
I would beat the shit out of my daughter, quite honestly. Thanks to women, I've become a full-blown psychopath.
"Beat your woman every morning. If you don't know why, she does."
makes sense. white guys have an insane biological urge to fuck their daughters which explains this post.
Maybe, but we also have a strong child raising instinct
I don't think so
This i dread bringing a child into this world and not being able to provide for them correctly i can barely take care of myself
I feel the same, but I also realize that if you lived on minimum wage a child would probably be happy if you loved them and provided them a quiet and calm atmosphere. Parents often overcompensate with gifts while being cold towards their children
This i dread bringing a child into this world and not being able to provide for them correctly i can barely take care of myself
In some ways I think some with nothing to live for simply dont have the energy to take care of themselves in the conventional ways. Why bother type shit. People ask me stuff surrounding the topic of how I feel about having kids etc often, but my response is always the same. I can't say for sure. I dont want kids. But if I was in a position to be able to even have one, chances are i'd have a different attitude towards the topic altogether. Currently it's just not something I have to consider. I cant even obtain a simple hug. Nevermind having a kid of my own.
The thing is, if you dont have sex you can just masturbate and your feeling goes away.

This longing won't go away. It's like longing after a cool pond of water, a sort of heavenly feeling. Only God knows this pain.
Seriously, maybe having a girlfriend would be euphoric, but having a real daughter all of your own would just feel unreal to me. It would make me feel like I was suddenly alive. I only got a glimpse and it is hard to describe the feeling, but I think it's the best feeling there is. Probably better than sex or having a gf. It is my ultimate dream in life, but even if I can get a girl pregnant it is still 50% whether you get a girl. So you need to be fortunate as well. If I don't manage to fulfill this in life I would be sad. I think the bond between father and daughter is eternal, it is really the case if you love her (most fathers treat their daughters like crap).
Id only raise a boy Id teach him the blackpill from young
In some ways I think some with nothing to live for simply dont have the energy to take care of themselves in the conventional ways. Why bother type shit. People ask me stuff surrounding the topic of how I feel about having kids etc often, but my response is always the same. I can't say for sure. I dont want kids. But if I was in a position to be able to even have one, chances are i'd have a different attitude towards the topic altogether. Currently it's just not something I have to consider. I cant even obtain a simple hug. Nevermind having a kid of my own.
Even if you could, why would you want kids? Even though the possibility of it is not in your or any of our immediate purviews, I think the question is worth pondering.

Nearly every human on the face of this planet doesn't seriously consider this question. They just mindlessly have kids, because that's what they believe is expected of them (from society, family etc.) in their stage in life, or because they get horny and fuck without seeing two steps ahead. Very few people stop and think about this.
just create a little snake so she cant bite you when grow up
Id love to raise a son tho, Dad look at the fish i got, Im proud of you son, The idea that i may never be a dad scares me :cryfeels: Instant ropefuel, I just want a son sometimes!
Id love to raise a son tho, Dad look at the fish i got, Im proud of you son, The idea that i may never be a dad scares me :cryfeels: Instant ropefuel, I just want a son sometimes!
Same, at this point I wonder if I want a child more than a gf. But I think a lot of women think the same way.
Same, at this point I wonder if I want a child more than a gf. But I think a lot of women think the same way.
Raise a son, Its better than raising a daughter for another man!
Few weeks ago I walked out my apartment complex and there was two little kids playing outside and the boy asked from the girl when they saw me 'is that your dad.' For some reason it hit me right in the feels because I knew that would never happen to me. I'll never be a father, but maybe that's for the best since I'm genetic scum and women and the whole world hates my mere existence
Even if you could, why would you want kids? Even though the possibility of it is not in your or any of our immediate purviews, I think the question is worth pondering.

Nearly every human on the face of this planet doesn't seriously consider this question. They just mindlessly have kids, because that's what they believe is expected of them (from society, family etc.) in their stage in life, or because they get horny and fuck without seeing two steps ahead. Very few people stop and think about this.
Some people want kids. Many of us are still biologically wired to want too to some degree. I know it's easy for me to discount the idea of wanting kids, but I cant have them anyway. Easier to focus on the negatives, the messiness, the noise. I'd likely have a different perspective were I in a different position.

I notice it in myself. I've had friends in my life who have kids. Still do, but only online friends I guess. I always wish the best for their kids. It's nice to see them reach their milestones in life and learn things. It always makes me kind of envy the parent/child bond that I see but also appreciate it nonetheless. Although ofc, this is restricted really to people I like already and get along with. I dont have the same response with strangers but I think that's something most people experience too.

Having a kid is like playing the Sims or someshit on giga-veteran mode. RPG type shit and games where you have to build up your characters are revered even by those who don't want kids. It's kind of like an ultimate test. Barring any solid mental or physical issues and possible outside influences. Your kid is ultimately a reflection on you. How you raise them matters, not just in regards to who they become, but how you and them bond and get along. Any sane person with a child should always want the best for their kids. People who mistreat their own kids are frankly, mentally broken retards who don't deserve the privileges they've been handed by life.
Funny how the original poster has been attacked from multiple sides for sharing with us that he would love to have a daughter. I cannot see anything that is wrong with having a daughter. Girls are cute. You raise them properly and they will make you happy. Not every girl turns out a slut.
Raise a son, Its better than raising a daughter for another man!
I would make sure the girl is mine. I know we can't really choose but my preference would always be a daughter, I feel it's written in the stars for me. But to each their own!
not really man, sympathy and encouragement thats an auto from me i will never bully my kids emotionally or physically i will always ask thrm how their day went and how can i help and i want them to share everything with me but thats not enough if you are poor you might not be able to put them in a good school, u will put them in a government owned school with rapefugees and the trash of the trashest people, u wont buy them cool tech gadgets to have fun, they probably wont have a smart phone like their peers, they might have to work for a inhuman boss as young as 15 to scrape by and help you out, money is extremely important so u dont live in constant fear and stress.

Also what theenforcer said at first u gotta find a good woman too jfl
Did you mean to split these two before the quotes? Jfl. Wasnt sure if the first paragraph was to me or to first quote
not really man, sympathy and encouragement thats an auto from me i will never bully my kids emotionally or physically i will always ask thrm how their day went and how can i help and i want them to share everything with me but thats not enough if you are poor you might not be able to put them in a good school, u will put them in a government owned school with rapefugees and the trash of the trashest people, u wont buy them cool tech gadgets to have fun, they probably wont have a smart phone like their peers, they might have to work for a inhuman boss as young as 15 to scrape by and help you out, money is extremely important so u dont live in constant fear and stress.

Also what theenforcer said at first u gotta find a good woman too jfl
I hope my startup works out, if I can make atleast 20k euro a year from it I think that would be enough to raise a daughter. And when you have a child you obviously have more motivation to do a fulltime job as well. I was just stressing that a good bond should be first place. Healthy emotion regulation lasts for a lifetime.

Of course I still have to figure out the whole girlfriend thing some way. Luckly guys are still fertile after 35, unlike women. So we have more time.

edit: I realize I assume I would raise her alone, but in reality her mother would probably also work. If you can provide 20k eur on your own, and your genes are good, there would probably be women who would take that deal
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I would make sure the girl is mine. I know we can't really choose but my preference would always be a daughter, I feel it's written in the stars for me. But to each their own!
Yes but she would ride the carousel so better make sure its a man your raising and not a woman!
Seriously, maybe having a girlfriend would be euphoric, but having a real daughter all of your own would just feel unreal to me. It would make me feel like I was suddenly alive. I only got a glimpse and it is hard to describe the feeling, but I think it's the best feeling there is. Probably better than sex or having a gf. It is my ultimate dream in life, but even if I can get a girl pregnant it is still 50% whether you get a girl. So you need to be fortunate as well. If I don't manage to fulfill this in life I would be sad. I think the bond between father and daughter is eternal, it is really the case if you love her (most fathers treat their daughters like crap).
I thought u gonna say something else but good for u

but also ur retarded nigga why u gonna bring more ppl into this dogshit planet
Why not both? Daughter waifu makes otosan coom for laifu.
Bro u do realize this is an incel server.
You need to be in a committed relationship with a woman in the first place to even have children.
And what would you do if the baby turns out to be a son? Chances are that he will end up just like you.

The vast majority of incels don't want children, even if we were able to, cause it really just doesn't make sense for us to have children. We would be putting in so much time an money just to raise a son who will end up miserable and hating his life just like us. There really is no point. Having a kid is literally the prime example of a high risk low reward investment. Nobody asks to be born, and I think it is morally wrong to bring someone into this world, as there is a high chance that he will live a life of suffering and misery.

But it is your choice, so best of luck with that. I obviously don't know what it is like to raise a daughter, but I guess it could end up very well and you could have a happy family.
20k euro a year from it I think that would be enough to raise a daughter
Where do you live with such a low cost of living. 20k euros is below minimum wage where I live. You cant even rent a apartment in toronto with that money.
Funny how the original poster has been attacked from multiple sides for sharing with us that he would love to have a daughter. I cannot see anything that is wrong with having a daughter. Girls are cute. You raise them properly and they will make you happy. Not every girl turns out a slut.
True. Tbh I think raising a daughter is less likely to end up in disappointment or regret than raising a son, at least in most western countries.
wanting a daughter is cucked asf but it's better than having a subhuman boi that will suffer all his life and might end up an incel.
...but then got absolutely cucked.
yeah, if you have a flower, you make parfum out of it, you don't return it back to the ground
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yeah, if you have a flower, you make parfum out of it, you don't return it back to the grounf
You do, if you're in pagan Arabia. :feelskek: :feelshaha: :lul:
Where do you live with such a low cost of living. 20k euros is below minimum wage where I live. You cant even rent a apartment in toronto with that money.
It's less than minimum wage but more than social security. I figure that if you can live on social security you can also live on 20k eur. I know it's not much but if it's from a startup it would be essentially passive income and I decide my own hours, so that has lots of upsides. I live in the Netherlands.

A fulltime job would give me in junior position 40-50k before taxes, but it is hard work e.g. professions like data scientist or deep learning engineer. But I easily have burn out and am prone to psychosis, so I'd have to do it remote if that's possible. This is why I prefer a start up and just earn less, but something what you enjoy. If it doesn't work out for me in terms of earnings, atleast I have something I can show in my portfolio. I can say I worked on it full time so it's not like a CV gap
Little girls are lifefuel honestly. They can be very judgmental at times and throw temper tantrums but if you know how to deal with them properly you can bond with them. I liked playing with them a lot when I was younger. They actively seek your attention and company unlike teenage girls and older. They're like how girls would behave if they actually prioritized personality over looks.

I've had a good relationship with my female cousins who were below puberty age but was completely ignored by all my female cousins who were older. There have been many little girls who have approached me or tried talking to me but girls my age ignore my existence. For some reason, something happens in puberty where they develop "chad-only" instincts and start giving attention solely to chads or their smartphones.

I'd still prefer a son though, but I wouldn't mind a daughter.
Yeah I get what you mean. I have also always been really natural at consoling, and girls like to be consoled because often they need help to regulate their emotions. Too bad girls don't give me a chance. I understand girls much better non-verbally than verbally. At a young age, girls are really beautiful, especially when they feel at ease, but the older they get the crazier society makes them.
I'd love to have a daughter to now that I think about it, taking care of my lilittle sister was very nice, baby girls are very quiet, and don't misbehave a lot. Toddlers are peak humanity, it's only worse after that
Seriously, maybe having a girlfriend would be euphoric, but having a real daughter all of your own would just feel unreal to me. It would make me feel like I was suddenly alive. I only got a glimpse and it is hard to describe the feeling, but I think it's the best feeling there is. Probably better than sex or having a gf. It is my ultimate dream in life, but even if I can get a girl pregnant it is still 50% whether you get a girl. So you need to be fortunate as well. If I don't manage to fulfill this in life I would be sad. I think the bond between father and daughter is eternal, it is really the case if you love her (most fathers treat their daughters like crap).
enough chinese adoption centres but there will be no eye contact lmao
Nah don't want kids especially a daughter
Is you are basement ready?
investing time, effort and money on a girl for 20 years only for a chad to come and take her to fuck her everyday, no thanks I want a son.
When your daughter gets pregnant from some negative iq Chad you're gonna feel suicidal. In the past at least fathers could force their daughter to marry some high iq incel
Why the fuck would you like to have a female, she'd grow up to be a whore.
Seriously, maybe having a girlfriend would be euphoric, but having a real daughter all of your own would just feel unreal to me. It would make me feel like I was suddenly alive. I only got a glimpse and it is hard to describe the feeling, but I think it's the best feeling there is. Probably better than sex or having a gf. It is my ultimate dream in life, but even if I can get a girl pregnant it is still 50% whether you get a girl. So you need to be fortunate as well. If I don't manage to fulfill this in life I would be sad. I think the bond between father and daughter is eternal, it is really the case if you love her (most fathers treat their daughters like crap).
I had the exact thing happen to me, but replace daughter with fuckslave.

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