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I said it Before and I'll Say it Again: Pre-Marital Sex Leads to Acceptance of Cuckoldry



Nov 8, 2017
And you know CuckTears will read this and mock i in their so-called """progressive""" circle jerk.

However, adultery used to be an outrage. In countries with sexual morals, adulterers/esses are even killed for their crimes. And in people with actual conservative values, adultery is an outrage and a heartbreak. Why? Because marriage is actually SACRED to these people. Marriage MEANS something. It is an EXCLUSIVE bond beween two people. Your wife is YOUR'S, and you are HER'S. for life. You are entering holy matrimony. So to break such a special and sacred thing is wildly outtrageous, infuriatitng, and depressing.

However, many men are now accepting of being cuckolds, also known as being married to serial adulterers. Why? Because there is no special bond being broken anyway. These people know damn well they are only "married" for sex. They don't see their bond as special, and the proof of that is that they are okay with their wedded partner committing serial adultery against them. So why don't they view the bond as special? Because they know damn well they are nothing but man #9+ in line. They know damn well their "wife" has experienced all sorts of emotional and sexual pleasures with other people. It is impossible for these men to view the bond as sacred because they know it has already been defiled beforehand. If you are accepting of the fact that your "wife" has already fucked and loved numerous other men, you will be accpeting of anything.

That last sentence reminds me of homosexuality. Remember when all the Libs were saying "Accepting homosexuality is NOT a gateway to accepting other things! It's just this!" And now look. People now believe there are infinite genders, get their dicks mutated to become a gender they are not, and Canada legalized bestiality a few years ago. Never listen to Libs.
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We would get killed for having depression in biblical times
Please tell me where in the Bible sad depressed people are stoned to death.
you're literally commanded to be joyful many times LMAO do not go there after all why would you be unhappy unless you were a bad person???
you're literally commanded to be joyful many times LMAO do not go there after all why would you be upset unhappy you were a bad person???
I don't understand the last part of the sentence. But, yes, joy is commanded because it is a spiritual thing. Based people such as Paul realized that happiness comes from intrinsic peace, not outside matters. It comes from setting aside ambitions and following Christ.

That said I don't see anywhere in the Bible that tells people to KILL depressed people.
I don't understand the last part of the sentence. But, yes, joy is commanded because it is a spiritual thing. Based people such as Paul realized that happiness comes from intrinsic peace, not outside matters. It comes from setting aside ambitions and following Christ.

That said I don't see anywhere in the Bible that tells people to KILL depressed people.
you get depressed for one reason or another and you get a bit sluggish and they call you a sloth and they stone the shit out of you after all if you do not well shouldn't your face be lifted you ugly cuck?
We would get killed for having depression in biblical times
Depression is a result of living in a degenerate society. Extremely few people are depressed because of a chemical imbalance that they can't do anything about.
Depression is a result of living in a degenerate society. Extremely few people are depressed because of a chemical imbalance that they can't do anything about.
see it's people like you who would be killing people for depression obviously, I mean if you were perfect you wouldn't be depressed about anything because you would want nothing and if you're imperfect than you are a sinner, only normies make it to heaven probably, you have to be a chad holy man.
see it's people like you who would be killing people for depression obviously, I mean if you were perfect you wouldn't be depressed about anything because you would want nothing and if you're imperfect than you are a sinner, only normies make it to heaven probably, you have to be a chad holy man.
What is this incoherent mumbling bullshit
you're literally commanded to be joyful many times LMAO do not go there after all why would you be unhappy unless you were a bad person???
You have a very superficial knowledge of Christianity and history, and I say this without contempt. You should learn more.

Christianity has always acknowledged the fact that bad life events and illness can lead to great suffering, and far from pushing guilt on the unhappy, has always respected their unhappiness.

Monks, nuns and priests have always been in the business of helping the ill, the poor, the prisoners and the wretched, without distinction.

Joy in Christianity is an ideal, just like faith. Not everyone can reach it and nobody is judged for not being able to reach it. Also, not everyone agrees that it's the real ideal to reach. Some think virtue is infinitely more important than joy.

If you go to Mass next Sunday, I think you will see more severe and grave faces than you will see happy faces.
there's this myth that a return to traditional values would save incels but religion was basically a eugenics program for ancient jews
Complete retardation
well if you're done arguing let me ask you this; If a Christian incel says "I was made in gods image" is it blasphemy?
No why would it be?
And you know CuckTears will read this and mock i in their so-called """progressive""" circle jerk.

However, adultery used to be an outrage. In countries with sexual morals, adulterers/esses are even killed for their crimes. And in people with actual conservative values, adultery is an outrage and a heartbreak. Why? Because marriage is actually SACRED to these people. Marriage MEANS something. It is an EXCLUSIVE bond beween two people. Your wife is YOUR'S, and you are HER'S. for life. You are entering holy matrimony. So to break such a special and sacred thing is wildly outtrageous, infuriatitng, and depressing.

However, many men are now accepting of being cuckolds, also known as being married to serial adulterers. Why? Because there is no special bond being broken anyway. These people know damn well they are only "married" for sex. They don't see their bond as special, and the proof of that is that they are okay with their wedded partner committing serial adultery against them. So why don't they view the bond as special? Because they know damn well they are nothing but man #9+ in line. They know damn well their "wife" has experienced all sorts of emotional and sexual pleasures with other people. It is impossible for these men to view the bond as sacred because they know it has already been defiled beforehand. If you are accepting of the fact that your "wife" has already fucked and loved numerous other men, you will be accpeting of anything.

That last sentence reminds me of homosexuality. Remember when all the Libs were saying "Accepting homosexuality is NOT a gateway to accepting other things! It's just this!" And now look. People now believe there are infinite genders, get their dicks mutated to become a gender they are not, and Canada legalized bestiality a few years ago. Never listen to Libs.
I agree with you and was brought up that way. Marriage is a lifetime thing. You should marry a virgin. I had girls practically spit on me for saying that.

Marriage means nothing today. A cellphone contract has more value.

Thank the liberal Jewish media (both physical and social media). Shows like sex in the city paved the situation we have now. They didn't have tinder but were WAY ahead of their time. It was a big novelty then, today a show like that would be as exciting as an oil change video.
I am not Christian but I agree with your message, what is the point of marrying a non virgin chick if she has loved many men before you, if she is not a virgin that means she does not love you, you are just any other man. By abstaining from pre marital sex, it saves both men and women because it makes them more special, and then when they get married they have a better bond, and a happier life
Thank the liberal media (both physical and social media). Shows like sex in the city paved the situation we have now. They didn't have tinder but were WAY ahead of their time. It was a big novelty then, today a show like that would be as exciting as an oil change video.
Also, I am aware that jews are mostly in the media and are behind it, but there are a few based jews(Neutrei Karta and some Zionists)
Also, I am aware that jews are mostly in the media and are behind it, but there are a few based jews(Neutrei Karta and some Zionists)
Liberal Jews created the problem. Orthodox Jews, while not angels, are EXTREMELY moral. Think not touching a woman until your wedding not. You heard me right, they can't even SHAKE HANDS with a lady who isn't their wife. That is the image they project. A woman has to wear a skirt or dress touching her shoes.
Liberal Jews created the problem. Orthodox Jews, while not angels, are EXTREMELY moral. Think not touching a woman until your wedding not. You heard me right, they can't even SHAKE HANDS with a lady who isn't their wife. That is the image they project. A woman has to wear a skirt or dress touching her shoes.
I know, that is why I mentioned some Zionists, such as Orthodox Jews, Liberal Jews ruined it for everyone
I am not Christian but I agree with your message, what is the point of marrying a non virgin chick if she has loved many men before you, if she is not a virgin that means she does not love you, you are just any other man. By abstaining from pre marital sex, it saves both men and women because it makes them more special, and then when they get married they have a better bond, and a happier life
A whore even admitted it to me. She said what women (including herself) do is horrible, she thinks about it but may others don't care. She said she is no different than tinder sluts, she just collects pay. She claims if she wasn't fucked by some perverted family member she may have married young as a virgin. She said honestly any girl you marry today is a used piece of shit that will never have real feelings for a man because they were with so many men. She totally agrees with MGTOW. Many of her male clients were guys whos wives cheated on them and made the first move.
I know, that is why I mentioned some Zionists, such as Orthodox Jews, Liberal Jews ruined it for everyone
Those are the Juedo-Christian morals that America was founded on. States had laws on the books for Fornication and premarital sex. Law abiding citizens would abstain or use discretion, likely marry the person they are with. Hotels would ask for marriage certificates, seriously, before a man and a woman took a room. Faggotry was worse than assault or burglary.
BYU school will throw students out if they fuck, and it becomes public. And courts fully upheld it. There was a case with a basketball player. It is a Mormon school. I taught in a religious school once and I signed a document (I don't know how enforceable it is) that said I can't live/co-habit with someone not related by blood or marriage.
A whore even admitted it to me. She said what women (including herself) do is horrible, she thinks about it but may others don't care. She said she is no different than tinder sluts, she just collects pay. She claims if she wasn't fucked by some perverted family member she may have married young as a virgin. She said honestly any girl you marry today is a used piece of shit that will never have real feelings for a man because they were with so many men. She totally agrees with MGTOW. Many of her male clients were guys whos wives cheated on them and made the first move.
Non-virgin females know they are used trash incapable of feeling real love due to emotional jadedness, they just deny it to save face.

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