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Venting I regret believing my mother



May 2, 2018
When my parents divorced, I chose to live with my mother because I was an eight year old manipulated mommy boy. My mother always talked shit about my father and I believed it. She slowly made him seem like an evil and bad person.
So just recently my father has told me the story from his perspective. He worked his ass off and she did nothing and just wasted his money. When he did not allow her to waste his money anymore, she left.

Now long story short: My mother won't get my money anymore and now wants to stop being in contact with me. She blocked me on WhatsApp just because I will keep the money that belongs to ME.

I wonder what I would be like if I had grown up with my father. Maybe I would not be socially anxious now.

My sister is just like my mother. She always annoys me and forces me to do things. If I don't, she cries like a little baby at 22 years old.

My mother and sister made me want to be a MGTOW. Even if I had the chance to get a girlfriend, I would deny because most women are just annoying.
My mother is so dumb tbh. When I cut my hair short she said that I'm ugly and she cant look at me. A few minutes later she said that I'm good looking and girls always look at me and it's my persoanlity the reason I don't get laid. JFL.
My sister is just like my mother. She always annoys me and forces me to do things. If I don't, she cries like a little baby at 22 years old.

Give your sister an ultimatum. If she wants you to take care of her as if she was your woman, she has to put out.
My mother is so dumb tbh. When I cut my hair short she said that I'm ugly and she cant look at me. A few minutes later she said that I'm good looking and girls always look at me and it's my persoanlity the reason I don't get laid. JFL.
When my mother says that my skin is really bad, that I'm too skinny or that I'm generally bad looking, I always say "It's because of my parent's bad genetics". My mother always posts these motivational quotes like "be positive", "enjoy life" etc. but behind closed doors she is one of the persons that blackpilled me the most.
Give your sister an ultimatum. If she wants you to take care of her as if she was your woman, she has to put out.
I only see her on the weekends since she does not live with my mother and does not have contact to her at all. She really makes me aggressive sometimes. I could not live with her. At least I appreciate solitude now.
Just go ER on them
I'd never do that.
What is the source of the money that your mother wants to take from you?
What is the source of the money that your mother wants to take from you?
Child support. I'm of age so I should be allowed to manage the money that belongs to me. She probably won't be able to buy as many cigarettes now.
Our money is really limited. I can understand that she now has doubts but I told her that I'd give her as much money as she needs for the rent.
Breaking contact with her son because of something so trivial is ridiculous and pathetic. She threatened that she'll move far away, hide her address and phone number which would mean that I'd never get to see my 7 year old brother again. He loves me and I love him.
She's mentally not okay I assume.
Your mother sounds like a clone of my mother. Manipulating, BPD, narcissist. Unlike you I still have to tolerate her because I live in the same house. Can't wait to move out and live in solitude.
Child support. I'm of age so I should be allowed to manage the money that belongs to me. She probably won't be able to buy as many cigarettes now.
Our money is really limited. I can understand that she now has doubts but I told her that I'd give her as much money as she needs for the rent.
Breaking contact with her son because of something so trivial is ridiculous and pathetic. She threatened that she'll move far away, hide her address and phone number which would mean that I'd never get to see my 7 year old brother again. He loves me and I love him.
She's mentally not okay I assume.
That is absolutely atrocious behaviour from her. I recommend you frame her response to her as something like this; “If you are truly immoral enough to use <little brother’s name> as a weapon against me, despite the fact he and I are close and rely on each other, then you are unfit to be his parent. If you feel too alienated to me (your own son) to see me because of a monetary dispute then that’s fine, we can spend some time apart, if you want to stop <him> and me from seeing each other though then you have crossed a moral line, and should try to think of what would be best in the best interest of your kids instead of yourself for once in your life.”
Are you not able to sue her or something to stop your brother being taken away ? She is a woman so the probability of her winning the case is already at 90%.
We can’t choose our parents but we can choose how to react to them. Good job, OP, this is what I call becoming a man. :)
My parents were married for 65+ years. My father passed a few years ago. There is no divorce in my family. My sister is married 43 years. There are no children out of wedlock in my family. It's just me and my sister (She's 69) Ha Ha Ha.

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