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Venting I really have no respect for my parents



50% Untouchable
May 14, 2019
I've gotten messages telling me to respect my folks even on this damn site. I even got posted on that Cucktears forum by some despiseSOYrise guy, who titled it as if that post was about my family (it wasn't it was me expressing my distress over my sister relationship mogging me). But I can't do it, I refuse. From day one I set up for failure.

My father deserves no respect for being cuck who managed to pick up an easy used up hole. My mom deserves no respect for being an expired gook loving whore.

Their entire relationship is based around my dad just being the "safe" option after my mother was done with her youthfull whoring. Literally, my dad came to the states in Middle School and met my mom in High School yet they didn't start dating till their mid twenties lol. By then mom's hole was probally a bucket lid after getting all the cock she could ever want and then just settled for my simp dad cause he was always around fml.

Furthermore, THEY BRED MUTTS. Despite popular belief that mutts outweigh pure gooks that simply is untrue. My white blood prevents gook lovers from appreciating me while my gook blood naturally holds me back from everyone else. They aren't even compabitible looksmatch, leading to my sister and I being 4s with a mix of their unflattering traits.

In her prime my mom was like a 5. She had mediocre tits and ass, blonde and wavy hair, her teeth were overtly large, she had freckles that literally made her look dusty, and her skin was pathetically pale. Still being a white foid who wasn't overweight I can only imagine the amount of Chad dick she managed to take in at the time. My dad on the other has was maybe a 6. He had tanned skin and jet black hair, slit focused eyes, a toned figure, but was held back by his height (5' 8" lol) and shrivly dick.

They've gotten worse over time. Probally due to all the internal stress. My dad works two jobs to support my mom's useless ass and pay for sister's """""needs""""". He's loosing his hair and he has to wear glasses now lol. My mom has a shitton of hip fat and prominent eye bags from """""stress""""" and """"fatugue""""" (she owns a bakery, fucking baking so hard amiright). She has chopped a lot of hair (use to go down to her back but it now ends at her neck) and the color has faded from a vibrant blonde to pissy yellow.

They clearly aren't attracted to each other anymore. They haven't had sex in months. My dad can't even stand to kiss her on the lips or cheek anymore, he nips her nose as if to mock its shape right in front of her. He's barely home and stays late at his night job to avoid seeing her. My mom clearly misses her youth. Just a couple days ago I couldn't help but notice she was clearly lusting at my sister's Chad. The whole time he was at our house she glared and pratically drooled as he heightmogged everyone home, every time he picked up my sister his bicep visbly flexed, everytime he spoke he caught her attention, his well groomed head of hair, his chilly eyes and white smile. He's a young strong Chad and my mom wants to live that experience again. But instead she's trapped as a gook bride. I feel no remourse, it was her choice to end up that. IT WAS THEIR CHOICES ON WHY I ENDED UP LIKE THIS.
Makes me sad when older women lust after a young Chad. It's fucking gross to think about.
Wow those physical features you mentioned that your parents have, must've created an abomination of offspring with those combined characteristics. Wow no wonder you're upset of what your folks bought onto you.

How do you cope dude?
gook loving whore
those exist? :dafuckfeels:

I know there’s BBC worshippers and white worshippers but didn’t think foids could have yellow fever tbh
How fucking shit, that's brutal, I worry about your future though, I wonder if it gets better or worse
Thank G-d my parents were from the greatest generation. My father (deceased) was born in 1919 and my mother was born in 1927. There is a reason they were called The Greatest Generation.
My dad on the other has was maybe a 6. He had tanned skin and jet black hair, slit focused eyes, a toned figure, but was held back by his height (5' 8" lol) and shrivly dick.
How do you know of this :feelskek:
Just a couple days ago I couldn't help but notice she was clearly lusting at my sister's Chad. The whole time he was at our house she glared and pratically drooled as he heightmogged everyone home, every time he picked up my sister his bicep visbly flexed, everytime he spoke he caught her attention, his well groomed head of hair, his chilly eyes and white smile. He's a young strong Chad and my mom wants to live that experience again. But instead she's trapped as a gook bride. I feel no remourse, it was her choice to end up that. IT WAS THEIR CHOICES ON WHY I ENDED UP LIKE THIS.
Descriptions like this is why IT was making fun of you
those exist? :dafuckfeels:

I know there’s BBC worshippers and white worshippers but didn’t think foids could have yellow fever tbh

White foids with yellow fever are mostly fatass acne covered preteens k-pop sluts. So just younger versions of nigloving whites tbh.
I dont respect my parents either
Our parents failed us. The proof is this very forum and our participation in it.
I only have respect for my Dad. I give some respect to my Mother but not as much as my Dad. My father though is a different story, he was even a shittier parent than my Mother.
Our parents failed us. The proof is this very forum and our participation in it.

Incels who aren't dissapointed in their parents confuse me for this reason. If our parents truly put in the effort for us we wouldn't have ended up the way we have.
Im mostly ok with them but i need to move out asap.
Im gonna try moving out with my friend.
I have not a single friend...how do you make friends? Most of the guys I used to know said I was boring.
I have not a single friend...how do you make friends? Most of the guys I used to know said I was boring.
Im a funny person in general but my friends are mostly incels, aspies etc.
Its long term friendships btw, 12 years or something. The most recent one is about 4 years or more.
I have zero respect for my dad since he was emotionally abusive and always putting me down no matter what I did or how well I achieved in school. My mom means well but she's a doormat who lets everyone push her around. I don't exactly come from championship genes.
Their entire relationship is based around my dad just being the "safe" option after my mother was done with her youthfull whoring. Literally, my dad came to the states in Middle School and met my mom in High School yet they didn't start dating till their mid twenties lol. By then mom's hole was probally a bucket lid after getting all the cock she could ever want and then just settled for my simp dad cause he was always around fml.
Was your father really rich or something? I can't imagine any white woman going for a ricecel unless he was a billionaire.
i admire that my dad is smarter than me and charges far too much for the work he does.

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