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LifeFuel I no longer suffer from being an Incel



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May 25, 2018
Copes, Copes, Copes

I wish strong copes upon your lives.
A strong enough cope will outshine most of the grief caused by inceldom.
My personal copes are music, art and ritalin, if i couldn't do any of those, i would search for something else to learn or to do instead of going arround douchebagging and chadding; Which tbh, would be awesome but the incapability of achieving that centralizes in one fact

My physycal/mental characteristics do NOT fit into a chad (or even a normie) lifestyle.

Can a fish taken from a pond survive if he is thrown into the ocean?.
No, because he has always known how things are in the pond. Therefore he is used to this life, any sudden change would feel unnatural and bring harmful consecuences upon him.
I have always lived a quiet life, i dont like discoteques, im not allowed to drink alcohol or use drugs anymore (because ritalin), i preffer to stay at home playing piano rather than going to the big mall. Each and every personallity trait was hardwired into my brain because of how society (specially foids) treated me.

Do you know what would happen if an estetically mesmerizing foid tried to aproach me?
CHAOS inside my mind. I wouldn't know how to react to it and there's a minimal if not microscopic chance of scoring something with her, i would take for granted that it's NOT happening, I always manage to screw up the reduced social situations where foids are present and I say reduced because the vibe you get from me it's like a giant red sign saying "DO NOT TALK TO ME, I'M A WEIRD PERSON"..

After accepting my position as an incel by noticing al the bad stuff that happens when trying to form a bond with a foid (rejection, having to go outside and get mogged, the "she really does not want to talkto you" feeling, i could go on a fucking list lmao)
I really dont have much desire to get involved in all that. It's a shame i cannot experience what others can; and don't make me get started on the dickpill.

...So ¿why copes?, well.
At a certain point, it makes me feel proud of myself (before all this, this was something that rarely happened)
to know things that other people dont know, and to had put an effort into learning it, You dont have to learn how to be atractive. But at least it gives me some proud to hang on. We cannot know, nor experience everything in this life. not even chads.
Are we overrating sex too much?, probablly not. BUT.

Maybe we are underrating everything else we have that it's not related to sex.
We are underrating the possibility of learning new stuff and distract ourselves from this cruel world.

Whitepilled?, Delusional?, maybe.
But I'd choose it a million times over being depressed all day.

Cope until you die or run out of copes, you cant do everything in your life and you're going to die anyways.
We dont fit the standards and some of us never will, living stuck in that fact will only make your life more misserable.
Cope and enjoy what's left of your life, you cant feel either happiness or grief while dead.
My life would be pretty nice if it weren't for this incel thing. If a foid wanted to be my girlfriend or wife, I'd have to think of some completely new thing to be miserable about.
My copes are all pretty much burnt out these days, not sure I can deal with this shit for much longer.
but you squeezed all you could get from them rather than giving up right away, that's admirable
I concur.

About the only benefit to the blackpill is knowing, "the why" it never happened.

I was already coping for many decades. But now i don't have to worry about or trying to, make it happen. Because it will never happen.
GigaCope, having to copemaxx is still a form of suffering.
Chad does not cope to feel happy, he just lives.
i think someone here said once u turn 30+ all copes all relatively meaningless because you gain no enjoyment from them anymore, i hope to not see that day
At a certain point, it makes me feel proud of myself (before all this, this was something that rarely happened)
to know things that other people dont know, and to had put an effort into learning it, You dont have to learn how to be atractive. But at least it gives me some proud to hang on

JFL and this my friends is exactly what I talk about when I say ego blinds people from the truth, anybody can feel proud about anything, and pride can blind you from looking at things objectively because you'll think - "at least I feel good about X"

You perfectly fit exactly what I speak about in my thread, where I argue that nobody should aspire to be "happy", because happiness is too subjective and anyone can be happy in any circumstances if they alter their perspective enough, if your criteria for life isn't objective you'll find pride in things you should feel shame in (hence why actual cucks exist)

Happiness is subjective, it is rarely if ever truly attained because its standard is determined by the beliefs and mindset of the person chasing after it, it is dictated by two variables (Personal Standards and/or Ignorance of Standards). There are people out there in life whose lives are complete shit in comparison to ours in terms of standards of living, but they are "happier" than us, and they want to keep living while we feel suicidal, and that's because of:

1. Personal Standards - Their standards for existence are low, they don't want for much, could be because they'd suffered so much in life before that the meager pleasures they have now are enough in comparison to the past, could be because they have low self esteem and consider what they currently have "enough for someone like me", at the end of the day, they are "happy" based on the standards of living they have for their own life.

2. Ignorance of Standards - They are unaware of how much better their standards of living could be (e.g. someone born in some remote/tribal village/community with barely any technology). For example someone born in an amish community and is never exposed to any technology or modern media, or someone born in a monastery in some mountain in china and they have never left that community. They likely feel more satisfied and fulfilled with life than we ever will, but that's simply because they don't know what they are missing out on. If a 10/10 stacy walked up into said monastery in a bikini and an Ipad with a movie playing on it, that same guy who had "discovered nirvana" (a state of perfect happiness and enlightenment) would lose his shit and that would throw his peace out the window, he'll now realize many things he wanted deep down that he wasn't even truly aware of, entertainment, to have his lust satiated rather than repressed and controlled, etc.

The Amish are a better example of this, they have this rite of passage called Rumspringa,


A lot of amish youths after going through this period never return to their communities because they now know the life they are missing out on, the phrase "ignorance is bliss" means "ignorance is happiness", its part of happiness, not knowing what you're missing out on allows you to set lower standards for happiness, and the mere introduction of those things into your consciousness destroys any peace of mind you had, your happiness is now sub par because you know your life could be more enjoyable now.

You can cope and deny all you want at that point, but you'll always know deep down its true.

Happiness is based on the limitations one places on themselves (ego, goals, etc) and the limitations that life placed on them (birth place, physical/mental disabilities, etc)

That's why I don't aspire to be "happy", I aspire to be "physically satisfied" and "stress free", that criteria is much more objective than "being happy", because talk to the average person who says they are "happy" and they live stressful and problematic lives, and that's because their personal standards for themselves revolves around "facing challenges", so they never stop chasing after more stresses in life, and they are always stuck wondering why they never feel "truly satisfied". Its because they are playing the game wrong, life isn't an endless series of achievements to be met, and that's the mindset (((they))) have indoctrinated onto the masses to keep us "happy and busy worker drones" while they actually enjoy what a fulfilling life is aboue (peace and prosperity).

Whitepilled?, Delusional?, maybe.
But I'd choose it a million times over being depressed all day.

By your logic actual cucks are making great life choices, because they actually enjoy other men fucking their women and they aren't depressed about it, so I guess that's a positive too
Ngl. Ive been coping with escorts once a month. None really hot but sex is great and i found out that im pretty big. I cope with the following too
- Anime( Interspecies/ishuzoku reviewers currently. A show about BROTHELS)
- Porn
- Enjoying My alone time
- weed ( going on a break for a while until im employed as a developer)
- Coding which i started learning after I accepted my fate on my 21st birthday on jan 5th this year
But escorts made me very happy. One of them was a pawg 20yr old who had a boyfriend. She was courteous and made the experience great. Escorts are Awesome. Sex isnt underrated. Sorry guys.

Long Story Short. Escorts saved me from depression. Huge cope. And im happy with it forever.
ego blinds people from the truth
Im not blinded, i know how it is, i just preffer not to look that way

By your logic actual cucks are making great life choices, because they actually enjoy other men fucking their women and they aren't depressed about it, so I guess that's a positive too
Then why is living worth?, if i like orange juice and you like apple juice. Why should a flavor be suprerior than the other?.
anyone can be happy in any circumstances if they alter their perspective enough
yes, isn't that fascinating?, to ignore the tragedies on your life for the sake of your sanity?.
No one can be wise and happy at the same time. We all have to make a choice sometime.

I choose happiness
Ngl. Ive been coping with escorts once a month. None really hot but sex is great and i found out that im pretty big. I cope with the following too
- Anime( Interspecies/ishuzoku reviewers currently. A show about BROTHELS)
- Porn
- Enjoying My alone time
- weed ( going on a break for a while until im employed as a developer)
- Coding which i started learning after I accepted my fate on my 21st birthday on jan 5th this year
But escorts made me very happy. One of them was a pawg 20yr old who had a boyfriend. She was courteous and made the experience great. Escorts are Awesome. Sex isnt underrated. Sorry guys.

Long Story Short. Escorts saved me from depression. Huge cope. And im happy with it forever.

Im struggling with learning code, i have 2 coding classes and i get confused in where the fucking "{}" should be.
Coding it's a good cope, same for Escorts. I cant cope with that because dick numbness and size but meh.
At least i can fap to something, could be WAY worse
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if i like orange juice and you like apple juice. Why should a flavor be suprerior than the other?.

You are asking the wrong question (why), the way you are phrasing the question presupposes that you are right to begin with, because the premise of your question implies that what I'm arguing isn't already true and were just arguing our perspectives of how we view things, I'm not arguing perspectives, I'm arguing that your world view is completely false

The question you should ask is how, how is one thing superior to the other, because the truth is, something always is, it just depends on the criteria you are judging it by

Whats better, a pot spoon or a ladle, depends on the task (criteria) but one is always better than the other

Now the question is, who has the more objective criteria, because subjective criteria makes it so that you could feel great about anything, anything could be your "orange juice"

Saying that its like comparing apples to oranges is completely false, because for one person the oranges were just randomly pick up off of the ground on some street corner and the other picked the apples from a tree

The way you speak it just sounds like you've given up on life but you don't want to kill yourself, so you are rationalizing hard to create a mental loophole so you can give up without the mental strain

No one can be wise and happy at the same time. We all have to make a choice sometime.

I choose happiness

Do you see how ironic this sounds, this is literally the scenario presented in the matrix movie about choosing the blue pill or the red pill

When you say you choose happiness, its just a nice way of saying "I choose ignorance", that will work for some people, but sometimes the things you don't want to think about find a way to force themselves into your life, and what will you do then, do you really think your copes are going to keep you shielded away forever

could be WAY worse

The ultimate coping phrase, I never get this line of reasoning, do people not understand that it goes BOTH WAYS, in the same way that you can think "it could be worse" one can also assert "it could be better", so choosing the first one and pretending the other one doesn't exist makes no sense at all, if I'm going to choose one, I'd rather choose the one that keeps me looking forward and trying to get what I want, the other one breeds complacency
I am also calmer about it.

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