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I miss r/incels and upvotes.

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Deleted member 236

Nov 8, 2017
It was the only validation I got in life.
I miss the thumbnails/memes, this is more of a discussion forum, reddit had some dank memes that triggered normies as well.
Yeah, completely agree. That gave validation and that way shit posters got ignored.
the upvoting system was lame as fuck. you could never tell if something was actually controversial or just hated. e.g comments with 50 upvotes but 60 downvotes, showing as -10 with a faggot ass dagger
The upvote system made it easy tell if we were being brigaded or not.
i'm an middleagedcel so I prefer to forum format to reddit. memes and upvotes annoy the shit out of me
Never posted on the reddit. I don't really mind either format. Reactions to posts would be nice though so I can validate humorcels
I don't miss the upvoting at all. It's one of the dumbest things about reddit that isn't related to the user base itself. Upvoting encourages pandering to the lowest common denominator and /r/incels was certainly no exception. That's why memes always made it to the top and lengthy and well thought out self posts wouldn't even make it on "hot" (the default tab) half the time. Even a lot of incels would rather upvote a picture of a roast beef sandwich being used as a metaphor for a vagina (even after that same joke made it to the top of /r/incels 7 times before) than even read a shakespearean masterpiece from StAliaHarkonnen.
reddit and le up boats are for giant faggots

go back
Ryo Hazuki said:
I don't miss the upvoting at all.  It's one of the dumbest things about reddit that isn't related to the user base itself.  Upvoting encourages pandering to the lowest common denominator and /r/incels was certainly no exception.  That's why memes always made it to the top and lengthy and well thought out self posts wouldn't even make it on "hot" (the default tab) half the time.  Even a lot of incels would rather upvote a picture of a roast beef sandwich being used as a metaphor for a vagina (even after that  same joke made it to the top of /r/incels 7 times before) than even read a shakespearean masterpiece from StAliaHarkonnen.

I agree with the meme part but good posts still made it to HOT. Also any idea where Alia is?
11gaijin said:
I agree with the meme part but good posts still made it to HOT. Also any idea where Alia is?

Not sure.  Someone needs to give him an invite to this place.

Edit: just sent him a PM on Reddit. Hopefully he sees it.
i just miss being able to easily browse on my phone and ipad
lordcommander said:
I miss the thumbnails/memes, this is more of a discussion forum, reddit had some dank memes that triggered normies as well.


I tried to keep the memes alive and thriving with www.reddit.com/r/incelscirclejerk but it is not taking off. It is so sad that the humorous part of the Incel community is bound to die. Which was the best part and the most important part to convert normans away from the blue pill.

StopCopingStartLDAR said:
i just miss being able to easily browse on my phone and ipad

yeah, you could see upvotes on your posts and comments, kek @ top memes and engage in trolling of females / normies in there + it was always fun to see brigades after we'd get linked in some major subs + the rivalry vs cucktears.

tbh im gona quit this forum in few days i feel like. this forum became as an overplayed game.

we've spoken about all the theoretical topics of blackpill, those who arent newfags already seen most of memes and shit like that.

time to try to looksmax and make it in life or just end it.
The great thing about upvotes and downvotes is that you will always see the top quality content. Wither it is a comment or a post. However, on this forum you simply see the newest comment and the post that got the newest comment. That is why redit's format is great for memes and circle jerks.
throwzo said:
i'm an middleagedcel so I prefer to forum format to reddit. memes and upvotes annoy the shit out of me

Memes were annoying AF but there will be more here eventually. At least they could be avoided. Here, the gifs and avatars are assaulting the eyes from every quarter and will get worse as time goes on.

blackcel said:
The upvote system made it easy tell if we were being brigaded or not.

And it also gave the illusion of some sense of community. Even if everyone was being a hairy cunt to one another.
This forum is driven by quantity as opposed to quality (post counter v. user-based voting system). The first encourages volume, while reddit's encouraged unique and thought-out posts.
The Chad Upvote vs the Virgin bump
I'm also anti-karma.
existentialhack said:
It was the only validation I got in life.


There you go, buddy! 
Judge posts and ideas by their individual merit in a vacuum and don't make it a popularity contest or circlejerk. I like that there are no upvotes that push groupthink and shut out differing opinions.
Ryo Hazuki said:
I don't miss the upvoting at all.  It's one of the dumbest things about reddit that isn't related to the user base itself.  Upvoting encourages pandering to the lowest common denominator and /r/incels was certainly no exception.  That's why memes always made it to the top and lengthy and well thought out self posts wouldn't even make it on "hot" (the default tab) half the time.  Even a lot of incels would rather upvote a picture of a roast beef sandwich being used as a metaphor for a vagina (even after that  same joke made it to the top of /r/incels 7 times before) than even read a shakespearean masterpiece from StAliaHarkonnen.

While i do agree with that, but thats what made it what it was, the blackpills just kept coming one after another it helped the entire sub reach a certain concensus, now its just edgy posters with small lifefuels and edge posts.

The constant comedy was what made /r/incels popular, it was pure lifefuel

Edit: Also please bring back automod! thats wat really kept things sane.
Without the blackpilled memes, normies won't wake up. Seeing all the posts about incels wanting females killed/mutilated makes them think that personality is actually the problem.
Showers, the rope, IT'S OVEERRR, "self improvement," and haircuts is what made the sub successful.
Now though, the forum is turning into the caricature of r/incels cucktears talked about.
Sneepysqar said:
Seeing all the posts about incels wanting females killed/mutilated makes them think that personality is actually the problem.

Just wait for IncelTears to find this quote!
Ryo Hazuki said:
Not sure.  Someone needs to give him an invite to this place.

Edit: just sent him a PM on Reddit.  Hopefully he sees it.

Can you send an invite to the ole alternative to modern culture religion poster as well.
Unfortunately the reddit type platform was superior to this oldskool forum. Thats why almost nobody uses forums anymore.

Currently I am posting memes to Voat, although it has a lot of dumb restrictions as well. You have to have a certain amount of upvoted comment points to be able to make posts and downvote, then there's a daily quota for how many posts you can make. It's to discourage brigading and stuff so I get it, but its a bit annoying too.
A "like" system would improve this forum.

Are there any platforms similar to reddit.
Upvoting is cancerous...it's so easy to type a comment that will get ebin upboats, it discourages decent discussion because autists would rather type something that people are likely to agree with rather than challenge someone
I liked it too. Definitely brought a sense of community. Even when we were getting brigaded and everyone was -2, lol.

OP, I always upvoted you tbh. No homo (unless you want to)
mental_out said:
I don't, karma literally just encouraged stupid circlejerking bullshit. Never mind how brigaders used to abuse the fuck out of it.

fuck karma

Agree completely. Fuck the voting system. It was abused way more than used, and votes did NOT keep shitposting off the front page, because a bunch of teenager edgelords would post le may mays and it would be upvoted to the top every single time without fail.

Also without a voting system, cuck brigaders have nothing they can do to us. They can't mass downvote, they can only say retarded shit, which would of course get called out by other users. I refuse to go back to a voting system again. Now content is judged for content, not le upboats. And cucks can't come here and mass downvote.

currcyel said:
A "like" system would improve this forum.

Are there any platforms similar to reddit.

There's voat. If anyone wants a voting system, they should go there. Ill be damned if this new glorious website gets shitty because we introduce a voting system that brigading cucks will abuse.
BasedTruecel said:
Agree completely. Fuck the voting system. It was abused way more than used, and votes did NOT keep shitposting off the front page, because a bunch of teenager edgelords would post le may mays and it would be upvoted to the top every single time without fail.

Also without a voting system, cuck brigaders have nothing they can do to us. They can't mass downvote, they can only say retarded shit, which would of course get called out by other users. I refuse to go back to a voting system again. Now content is judged for content, not le upboats. And cucks can't come here and mass downvote.

There's voat. If anyone wants a voting system, they should go there. Ill be damned if this new glorious website gets shitty because we introduce a voting system that brigading cucks will abuse.

"content judged by content" is cope, theres more teenage edgelords now than there was on /r/incels, with constant shitposting and the drama threads are the only ones coming out top, from all the shitposting, upvote system would at least throw garbage posts down from quality ones. The calling out and "/u/azavii"ing for brigaders even worked well, the real sense of dominance came from that.

All of that was lifefuel, thought it was about keeping garbage out and inceldom in, the old system worked better.
I miss all the content, morphs and posts of worship for of our prophet St. BlackOps2Cel peace be upon him.
It sometime causes a domino effect; one downvote could lead to plenty downvotes and one upvotes could lead to plenty upvotes.

When there's a group of people and trust me, they'll adopt the mob mentality (because its a part of human nature to gang up on the weakest or strongest person), this could potentially become one of reddits downfall.
idkwattodowithlife said:
It sometime causes a domino effect; one downvote could lead to plenty downvotes and one upvotes could lead to plenty upvotes.
When there's a group of people and trust they'll adopt the mob mentality (because its a part of human nature to gang up on the weakest or strongest person), this could potentially become one of reddits downfall.

The domino effects only real mostly on other subs on reddit, there was very little on /r/incels,

I always got downvoted regardless of logic or anything on every other sub,

the only sub that I ever got upvoted was on /r/incels for creating logic based posts / comments, thats what made the place more real than anything else.

it was literally the only place that subhuman trash like me, that didnt get shat on.
Otan said:
The domino effects only real mostly on other subs on reddit, there was very little on /r/incels,

I always got downvoted regardless of logic or anything on every other sub,

the only sub that I ever got upvoted was on /r/incels for creating logic based posts / comments, thats what made the place more real than anything else.

it was literally the only place that subhuman trash like me, that didnt get shat on.

I see what you mean.

I remember I tried to argue that you can't be in a relationship whilst being misanthropic on r/misanthropy, but had gotten a tone of downvotes. I know, the only real misanthropes are incels because we have no one and are complete social rejects; not some dumb ass anti-natalists or vegans yapping their depression and hatred about muh for humanity for some little stupid petty reason e.g. killing animals, not having children (despite being in a relationship lol), ..., etc. And despite themselves having bfs/gfs or husbands/wives on top of it, these ass washes don't know what real pain is.

Anyways, its good that r/incels exists and also its best place where you could use logic at your free will. There's a lot of fake so called logicians and rationalists on other subreddits, they rationalize points that only fits into their narrative thinking/belief, but when its the opposite and when its right, they do the opposite and act on muh feelings lol. There's so much biased thinking out there man, becareful.
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