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JFL I might rope soon.

Blue Squirtle

Blue Squirtle

May 7, 2018
My health keeps going to shit, it's one thing after the other, I'm constantly in pain from crohns, indegestion, nausea, inflammation in my stomach, fatigue, fuck dying like that I'd rather rope and die in 20 minutes than slowly die in a couple of years from stomach cancer.
See you tommorow t.soy cuck
Free him

But don't let your dreams be dreams. I hope you have the courage to do it, but try hitting rock bottom first. Otherwise, you might pussy out at the last minute, and won't bother trying again when you're really struggling because you'll think you can't do it, leaving you with an objectively worse life because of health.
I wish you the best if you decide to go through with it in a few days man; every human is at least entitled to a dignified death.
Oh, try ketamine too. It's a very effective painkiller and pretty much the best antidepressant, so if you want to hang around earth a little longer then maybe do it on ket.
Free him

But don't let your dreams be dreams. I hope you have the courage to do it, but try hitting rock bottom first. Otherwise, you might pussy out at the last minute, and won't bother trying again when you're really struggling because you'll think you can't do it, leaving you with an objectively worse life because of health.
I wish you the best if you decide to go through with it in a few days man; every human is at least entitled to a dignified death, if not a gf.
I've tried it before, but the rope some how came undone despite me triple knotting it to prevent that.
I've tried it before, but the rope some how came undone despite me triple knotting it to prevent that.
There is a lot of information on hanging over at SS, if you don't have an account, although I'll warn that there are females there who can be pretty rage-inducing.
Oh, try ketamine too. It's a very effective painkiller and pretty much the best antidepressant, so if you want to hang around earth a little longer then maybe do it on ket.
Until you go into a k hole
Keep going, one day you will become Wartortle and then finally a Blastoise :feelsokman:
Oh, try ketamine too. It's a very effective painkiller and pretty much the best antidepressant, so if you want to hang around earth a little longer then maybe do it on ket.
it's not that I'm depressed, I just can't handle waking to the same pain every day, you just get sick of it and would rather feel nothing.
There is a lot of information on hanging over at SS, if you don't have an account, although I'll warn that there are females there who can be pretty rage-inducing.
Don’t even bother with that garbage site tbh. Too many toilets roaming about.

Keep going, one day you will become Wartortle and then finally a Blastoise :feelsokman:
shells me
what's your norwood level? if its nw3 then yoju should rope definitely
That sounds rough. I cant really stop you. If this were just about foids, i wouldnt suggest it because then holes have won.
do activities in Minecraft involving t. nt instead
You should take a sedative and climb in the bath it will be nice
Get high while doing it.
stop roping, start coping
i might rope soon


go othER activities instead
are there no treatments available to you?
I cant really blame you. Living as a sub 7male already is shitty but by having health problems on top of it you are probably treated lower than trash by foids. You could try to take some kind of revenge on people who wronged you before going though.
My health keeps going to shit, it's one thing after the other, I'm constantly in pain from crohns, indegestion, nausea, inflammation in my stomach, fatigue, fuck dying like that I'd rather rope and die in 20 minutes than slowly die in a couple of years from stomach cancer.

Tried garlic and onions? Those are anti bacterial and anti inflammatory. Also known to possibly take down cancers
Tried garlic and onions? Those are anti bacterial and anti inflammatory. Also known to possibly take down cancers
I tried this and drank tea and it seemed to work pretty well, I'll see how long it works tho.
I highly doubt, that anybody would actually rope, while being high ngl.
I doubt it too, it makes you really think and the only way I can see someone roping while high is it they get cross faded.
I cant really blame you. Living as a sub 7male already is shitty but by having health problems on top of it you are probably treated lower than trash by foids. You could try to take some kind of revenge on people who wronged you before going though.
not just by foids, but by anyone who doesn't have health problems pretty much.
go othER activities instead
I would've done this a long time ago if I had the resources.
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Amen Blue Squirtle, at least your death is something that you can control.
That’s very troubling news.
I will hang there too soon
My health keeps going to shit, it's one thing after the other, I'm constantly in pain from crohns, indegestion, nausea, inflammation in my stomach, fatigue, fuck dying like that I'd rather rope and die in 20 minutes than slowly die in a couple of years from stomach cancer.
I envy your courage, if only I had some of it to finally off myself, I had so many chances to do so and never taken a single one to finally rope.
I envy your courage, if only I had some of it to finally off myself, I had so many chances to do so and never taken a single one to finally rope.
And i ve been so depressed that i could not rise from my bed and hang myself
And i ve been so depressed that i could not rise from my bed and hang myself
Attempting to rope is a challange, you also have to overcome your survival instinct and not fuck up. Fucking up will lead to permanent damage or a horrible stay at one of the pysch units near you.
Attempting to rope is a challange, you also have to overcome your survival instinct and not fuck up. Fucking up will lead to permanent damage or a horrible stay at one of the pysch units near you.
Dont worry. I know the subject perfectly well.
I know absolutely everything about roping.
I learned table of drops.

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