My hormones are definitely fucked
The go get it checked. Make an appointment now, man!
I have learned it the hard way at the age of 35!
Don't be me.
You young incels should do whatever is possible to at least get your health in order. But if your hormones are fucked and you wait too long, you are screwed until your dying breath.
I have read about this one guy who was 28 and he had hypogonadism or whatever. Apparantly a good tempered tumor had put pressure on some thing in his brain that was supposed to controle the release of hormone that is required to ohysically mature.
At age 28 he had a bay face and the voice of a prepubescent boy.
Don't be this guy!
Also, for everything hormone related I suggest more plates more dates.
Back when I was into lifting I'd watch his stuff religeousely.
Dude has studied that shit and his suggestiond have worked.
He has also made a video about penis enlargment and showed tools that actually work.
I just did not get around to trying them yet.