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I know this is a "hot take" but average looking autists LIFEMOG the SHIT out of ugly NT guys.



Original recipe mod from the Serge regime.
Nov 7, 2017
This thread will probably get a lot of autists butthurt, but I can say with 100 percent confidence that society treats average looking autistic men better than ugly NT men.

For starters, autists are to a small degree considered a protected class. Obviously autistic men are extremely low on the "progressive stack" but "progressive" society has become more and more strongly against anything perceived as ableism. You also have "autism awareness month". At least normies feel the need to sometimes virtue signal about autism and acknowledge it makes your life harder. If you talk about your problems normies will hear you out, as long as you don't mention women in any way. Furthermore, in some countries having autism makes you much more likely to be eligable for disability/NEETbux.

Meanwhile, it's OPEN SEASON on ugly men. People can openly shit on us and they're applauded for doing so. Political correctness offers us ZERO protection. There's "body positivity" but we all know that's exclusively for women. If an ugly man talks about his problems, he will be gaslit into oblivion and told he must surely have a "bad personality" because ugly men have no problems at all because "I know a 5'1 bald guy.....". Even on this forum, autists pull the same shit normies do "I see ugly NT guys with gfs all the time" "just be NT" etc. And of course we have to wageslave since there's no NEETbux for this.
This thread will probably get a lot of autists butthurt, but I can say with 100 percent confidence that society treats average looking autistic men better than ugly NT men.

For starters, autists are to a small degree considered a protected class. Obviously autistic men are extremely low on the "progressive stack" but "progressive" society has become more and more strongly against anything perceived as ableism. You also have "autism awareness month". At least normies feel the need to sometimes virtue signal about autism and acknowledge it makes your life harder. If you talk about your problems normies will hear you out, as long as you don't mention women in any way. Furthermore, in some countries having autism makes you much more likely to be eligable for disability/NEETbux.

Meanwhile, it's OPEN SEASON on ugly men. People can openly shit on us and they're applauded for doing so. Political correctness offers us ZERO protection. There's "body positivity" but we all know that's exclusively for women. If an ugly man talks about his problems, he will be gaslit into oblivion and told he must surely have a "bad personality" because ugly men have no problems at all because "I know a 5'1 bald guy.....". Even on this forum, autists pull the same shit normies do "I see ugly NT guys with gfs all the time" "just be NT" etc. And of course we have to wageslave since there's no NEETbux for this.
tell this this autist:
I'm ugly and autistic, don't fuck with me
If i had the choice between being an ugly nt or autistic normie there's no way im not choosing the NT and ugly you have no idea how hard living with any mental issue is. Even something as simple as OCD fucks you up completely.
Being non NT is complete and utter shit unless if you're like a woman or something.
Uh this is complete cope tbh.
For starters, autists are to a small degree considered a protected class.
They’re not lol
Obviously autistic men are extremely low on the "progressive stack" but "progressive" society has become more and more strongly against anything perceived as ableism.
Yes for faggot sodomites who self diagnose. As someone who’s been around those people they don’t actually understand how autists act. Most of those self diagnosed homos are just like normies who treat autists differently stop believing sodomites.
You also have "autism awareness month". At least normies feel the need to sometimes virtue signal about autism and acknowledge it makes your life harder.
They really don’t tbh.
If you talk about your problems normies will hear you out,
No they won’t lmfao the opposite even on these forum and spaces im treated differently as an autist
as long as you don't mention women in any way. Furthermore, in some countries having autism makes you much more likely to be eligable for disability/NEETbux.
Too bad I’m in the USA and they’d rather give neetbux to lazy single moms & degenerate hoodrat subhumans. Only happens in Scandinavia
Wrong. The autist will be sniffed out straight away and targeted
Uh this is complete cope tbh.

They’re not lol

Yes for faggot sodomites who self diagnose. As someone who’s been around those people they don’t actually understand how autists act. Most of those self diagnosed homos are just like normies who treat autists differently stop believing sodomites.

They really don’t tbh.

No they won’t lmfao the opposite even on these forum and spaces im treated differently as an autist

Too bad I’m in the USA and they’d rather give neetbux to lazy single moms & degenerate hoodrat subhumans. Only happens in Scandinavia
You live in a red state or something?

Pretty sure Tawd easily got bux for having the tism.
The difference between autists and NTs is that autists can handle being alone the majority of the time, whereas my NT looksmatches appear to always need social interaction to the point they're being used and abused, but they don't seem to mind. Whereas I would be miserable in those scenarios.

Autism has its benefits. Obviously, NEETbux, my life has improved immensely since I stopped needing to wageslave. There is also somewhat of a protected class that I joined. I have that excuse now, but it doesn't work on all. Some people really hate autists and want to bully us into the grave.
You live in a red state or something?

Pretty sure Tawd easily got bux for having the tism.
No I do not live in a red state lol I live in New England
Not much of a hot take. Ugly face = it's over. Citing being nonNT mentalcel as being the primary cause of inceldom is very likely an excuse for fakecels.
I love how bodypositivity doesn't apply to men who were BORN a certain way (short, weak jaw, norwooding gene), but it does apply to foids who don't want to stop stuffing their face with fastfood goyslop and cakes. Seems reasonably fair to me :feelsclown:
Ugly NTs can still careermaxx and make friends. That is off the table for many autists. Being a sub 6 autist is akin to life in solitary confinement. Just being able to make friends with people beats any of the "benefits" of being autistic.

Yes for faggot sodomites who self diagnose. As someone who’s been around those people they don’t actually understand how autists act. Most of those self diagnosed homos are just like normies who treat autists differently stop believing sodomites.
:yes: They love self-diagnosed larpers and quirky savants. Sheldon Cooper and TikTok autism are the only fashionable kinds of autism. Society has nothing but contempt for the men that actually struggle with this disorder.
You live in a red state or something?

Pretty sure Tawd easily got bux for having the tism.
Even with autism, getting it 1st try like I did is a rarity. I'm special retarded.
Ugly NTs can still careermaxx and make friends. That is off the table for many autists. Being a sub 6 autist is akin to life in solitary confinement. Just being able to make friends with people beats any of the "benefits" of being autistic.

:yes: They love self-diagnosed larpers and quirky savants. Sheldon Cooper and TikTok autism are the only fashionable kinds of autism. Society has nothing but contempt for the men that actually struggle with this disorder.
Studies show that an unattractive man is much less likely to be hired at a job as well as being less able to make social connections. It doesn't matter if you're NT and ugly. The abuse you receive will make you non NT
I love how bodypositivity doesn't apply to men who were BORN a certain way (short, weak jaw, norwooding gene), but it does apply to foids who don't want to stop stuffing their face with fastfood goyslop and cakes. Seems reasonably fair to me :feelsclown:
I dont think this is a bad take. I've seen this. A guy I used to know had an autistic brother. Very low functioning. Guy was into his 20's and still had to be dressed by his mother. Had zero conversational range outside of videogames and scooters. Monotone etc. But the guy was like 6'3 and had the epitome chad face.

Unsurprisingly, this guy slayed. Women threw themselves at him despite his inability to do much of anything. I dont think he ever had a relationship but I also dont think he gave a shit. He just did what he wanted and fucked. Even his brother would say shit like "how does that retard get so much pussy". Back then it confused me too, but im not bluepilled nowadays. I know that looks > everything. It perfectly explains it.

That said, being neurodivergent often comes with a blow to your looks. So non-NTs have a high chance of getting the full "you're fucked" package.
Why is this retard shit pinned? Is this some amazing fucking knowledge? Both of them have shit fucking lifes and most of us are both disabled in the head in some way and ugly. Who are you telling this for? How does this help me?
Both will never ascend. BUT....

Ugly NT will at least have many platonic friends who fill the void a little bit.

Average looking autist will rot in his room alone forever.

Autist has it worse. What use are average looks if youre too autistic to use them?
Both will never ascend. BUT....

Ugly NT will at least have many platonic friends who fill the void a little bit.

Average looking autist will rot in his room alone forever

Autist has it worse. What use are average looks if youre too autistic to use them?
Couldn't have said it better. The ugly NT also has the potential to make a decent living, which is important because good copes don't pay for themselves. Most autists are unemployed or underemployed. Autismcels are impoverished in every facet of life. We can't find parners, we can't make friends and we can't even function in society.

Studies show that an unattractive man is much less likely to be hired at a job as well as being less able to make social connections. It doesn't matter if you're NT and ugly. The abuse you receive will make you non NT
That is true. But I would argue that an ugly autist is even less capable of climbing the social and corporate ladders.
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How could someone like OP become a mod in the past, i have no idea
Autism this autism that
Fuck your autism, only ugly autists are treated bad just like nt ugly.

Average autists are treated better than ugly nt
Autism this autism that
Fuck your autism, only ugly autists are treated bad just like nt ugly.

Average autists are treated better than ugly nt
Ugly NTs bully autists
What autistic is not ugly anyway if not literally but abstractly
In todays day and age it might be better to be on the spectrum AND have a verified diagnosis of it. As long as you can put your finger on governments honey and NEET like a king. If you can't get neetbuxx as a sperg then its gigaover for you unfortunately.
As an autist (regardless of looks), i struggle with basic social interactions and understanding social cues. Even with help I still fuck up.

i don’t Lifemog anyone, especially because of my mental handicap.
extremely high IQ. as children autistic people are treated and respected more than a sub5 as a child. NTpill is utterly bluepilled and half of the time just used as something so then normies can identify as incel by bullshitting and calling themselves autists.
Being non NT is complete and utter shit unless if you're like a woman or something.
nt just means normshit IQ and normshit apenigger subhuman trend chasing goycattle behavior, why would you want that :feelsUgh:
I don't believe that non Nt good or average looking are real incel in the first place as the bp state that this is all about how u LOOK.
I understand that being non nt can cause problems but surely a non nt chad is gonna slay almost (if not exaclty) as much as a nt chad.
Someone explain me how being non Nt affect your match on tinder ?
Being ugly is your first and only impression. I'm nt. With camera of people are nice to me. That same person sees my face? Over! One time I was on a work call and this femoid kept talking to me and laughing etc etc, she saw a picture of me I was forced to add to a work document, INSTANTLY stopped talking and never addressed me directly ever again. Fave is LIFE. Face mogs NT. Face mogs height. Face mogs race. Face mogs dick.
Yes and no, I agree that being average looking is always better than being butt ugly, but in today's world the average looking male is already hated by women, being below average is just a co-morbidity, and being non nt is hell, so I don't think an average autist lifemogs the shit out of us, especially since being non nt also makes you look weird and uglier than your nt counterpart

I don't wanna hear nothing about muh "autistic chad" tho, chad could be completely mute and foids would hop on his dick
Strong disagree. The woke, liberal, progressive class protection shield isn't as strong when it comes to average-looking autistic men, because, well, they're still men, and men = patriarchy = bad. The ableism protection is only for severe autists who can't socially function, and they're viewed as the equivalent of retarded children or a three-legged dog - with pity, not contempt and disdain.
Your post contradicts my experience so hard that I didn't even read past your first sentence.

I was about to start swearing but I realize invalidating your experience is a normie trait.
So I'm going to assume that's your experience but I assure you in the shithole I live being thugmaxxed and NT is the first, seconds and third law of survival. If you are a polite nerdy shy guy it is completely over for you no matter what your other qualifications are.

Imagine being a well-educated academic with interests in science and philosophy and suddenly they put you as a member in a violent mexican cartel that skins humans alive. It's not as bad but being non-NT in Iran is in essence similar to that.
Being 6/10 autist is equivalent of 4/10 NT, then being 3/10 autist is done recipe for short life expectancy

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