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Discussion I know exceptions to the rule don't disprove the rule, but how do the exceptions happen?



spider on the ceiling watching you masturbate
Jul 6, 2019
Disclaimer: The intention of this post is not to bluepill anyone. I am fully blackpilled.

Like the title says, I know that rare exceptions of unattractive short guys ascending does not disprove the blackpill, but I still can't help but wonder how the exceptions even happen in the first place. And no I'm not talking about rich, status maxxed ugly guys ascending with gold diggers. I'm talking about normal guys

For example: months ago I went to walmart and I saw a young couple holding hands. The guy was either hapa or perhaps hispanic. He looked racially ambiguous like me. He was very short, even shorter than me. I'm 5'7" and he looked around 5'5" if I had to guess. His face was not hideous, but it was below average. Maybe a 4/10. His girlfriend was about an inch taller than him. She was also white, blonde, skinny, and had a 6/10 face. When I laid eyes on them, I got kind of bluepilled and thought to myself "that could've been me" since that guy was my looksmatch. But I snapped out of it a few hours later when I reminded myself that exceptions don't count since I have a bigger chance of winning the lottery than becoming an exception.

But alas I am still curious how unattractive/short guys like that even manage to ascend. Any ideas?? And what is the rationale behind women like that not taking advantage of their SMV and dating better?
they are using u for money
Idk either, even if he's betabuxxing she could find someone who is taller, facially better looking, and has more money. I don't see the reason for this at all
Those are called outliers for a reason, it's like finding a treasure in your backyard
but idk tbh ngl
He's probably just gonna end up getting played
betabux with massive luck
You learn not to take EVERYTHING that's said here as a fact or law. Exceptions do happen.

There are hundreds of factors to consider, but the fact of the matter is that they do happen, much to the displeasure of many here.

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Provided you have a sample size large enough, every system shall possess anomalies due to not occuring in a vacuum - by vacuum what I mean is no external or internal factor uncontrolled or measured that would affect the outcome.

Anomolies are merely unexpected outcomes that don't coincide with the correlation displayed in the data set, so to answer your question anomolies exist due to factors we haven't accounted for. To determine the cause of the anomolies is close to impossible for majority of studies hence they're disregarded and just marked as such.
There are hundreds of factors to consider

There could even be Quantum level effects causing a subhuman to ascend :feelskek:
Disclaimer: The intention of this post is not to bluepill anyone. I am fully blackpilled.

Like the title says, I know that rare exceptions of unattractive short guys ascending does not disprove the blackpill, but I still can't help but wonder how the exceptions even happen in the first place. And no I'm not talking about rich, status maxxed ugly guys ascending with gold diggers. I'm talking about normal guys

For example: months ago I went to walmart and I saw a young couple holding hands. The guy was either hapa or perhaps hispanic. He looked racially ambiguous like me. He was very short, even shorter than me. I'm 5'7" and he looked around 5'5" if I had to guess. His face was not hideous, but it was below average. Maybe a 4/10. His girlfriend was about an inch taller than him. She was also white, blonde, skinny, and had a 6/10 face. When I laid eyes on them, I got kind of bluepilled and thought to myself "that could've been me" since that guy was my looksmatch. But I snapped out of it a few hours later when I reminded myself that exceptions don't count since I have a bigger chance of winning the lottery than becoming an exception.

But alas I am still curious how unattractive/short guys like that even manage to ascend. Any ideas?? And what is the rationale behind women like that not taking advantage of their SMV and dating better?
All is not as it seems. He could be status maxxed or she could be using him somehow while she cheats. All I know is those unicorn foid relationships are always very fishy
Provided you have a sample size large enough, every system shall possess anomalies due to not occuring in a vacuum - by vacuum what I mean is no external or internal factor uncontrolled or measured that would affect the outcome.

Anomolies are merely unexpected outcomes that don't coincide with the correlation displayed in the data set, so to answer your question anomolies exist due to factors we haven't accounted for. To determine the cause of the anomolies is close to impossible for majority of studies hence they're disregarded and just marked as such.

Eh you are right. We'll probably never find out the answer to this question. That sucks.
Anomolies are merely unexpected outcomes that don't coincide with the correlation displayed in the data set, so to answer your question anomolies exist due to factors we haven't accounted for.

High IQ ngl

All is not as it seems. He could be status maxxed or she could be using him somehow while she cheats. All I know is those unicorn foid relationships are always very fishy

My guess is that they met in the same social circle and got to know each other and she unironically liked his personality. She's probably smart enough to realize that she will never get a Chad to commit to her. So she settled for a beta male who practically worships her and does everything for her. She most definitely fucks Chads on the side though.
Girls are not immune to autism.

It's a break from the regular psychology and very rare. Believe it or not, there's some down syndrome girl out there who finds you very attractive.
You learn not to take EVERYTHING that's said here as a fact or law. Exceptions do happen.

There are hundreds of factors to consider, but the fact of the matter is that they do happen, much to the displeasure of many here.

View attachment 239543

I agree with this modified Harambe. Life is not truly black and white, there are some shades of grey here and there tbh
because the human brain is literally meat with electricity in it so it's very sporadic and unpredictable. for example, occasionally a pretty girl will decide she likes a currycel; it's definitely something that can happen, but it's not what women are biologically rooted to do so it's rare and not attainable for most currycels
Simple answer: luck

While the chances of people like us getting girlfriends are low, they're not 0. Given a perfect string of circumstances almost anyone can ascend, and maths tells us that with a large population you'll see this happen from time to time.

Besides looks and body structure, your chances of success with foids are determined by frequency of encounters, location, specific interests and personality traits, proximity to females and the mood that females are in when you meet them. If enough of these factors work in your favor, you will ascend. The main problem with being ugly is that no female will be receptive to attention from you, and nobody will approach you. If luck lands you in a situation where you are in close proximity to a female and can give a good first impression without having to rely on her being open based on your looks, you will have a chance.
He's probably just gonna end up getting played
Yep. These types of guys' gfs always end up using them then dropping them once they get bored. "It just won't work out" they say, meanwhile she was seeing Chad behind his back because she realized she can do better.
Idk either, even if he's betabuxxing she could find someone who is taller, facially better looking, and has more money. I don't see the reason for this at all
Don’t bring up outliers @frustratedhapa they just give bluepilled false hope and make me mad that I’m not a outlier.
It’s almost always because of circumstance. Sometimes people forget that everyone’s lives are just as random and weird as theirs. Likely he’s just getting cucked for money. maybe he’s got a high position in work and she’s looking for advancement. Maybe she’s just monkey branching.

Either way, you are right in saying outliers do not disprove rules. We teach in schools that children are born with five fingers, even though there is a minuscule possibility they won’t be.

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