Let’s unpack this, inkwell. I don’t care if what I’m saying is anecdotal evidence, which means it’s just based on a personal story rather than broad data. I don’t care if it’s confirmation bias, which is when you only notice things that confirm what you already believe. I’m not worried about selection bias, where you focus on a small group that might not represent everyone.
I know a 4’11 balding janitor with rotting teeth, oozing warts, and huge cysts who slays and that’s all the proof I need. You can talk about sample sizes, which is how many people you study, or averages, which show the most common result. You can bring up outliers, the rare exceptions that don’t follow the usual pattern, or things like statistical significance, which means whether something is likely to happen by chance or not.
But none of that changes the fact that this guy exists and is out there doing it. Why should I care about all those statistics when I have real-life proof right in front of me? He’s slaying, end of story. I don’t care about math or science.