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SuicideFuel I just want love



“Im the bad guy? I did everything they told me to”
Oct 1, 2019
I just want to talk to a girl and have her love me. I want to talk about my day and listen to her and have actual love. I want her to cuddle with me and spend time with me. Why can’t I just be happy? Why cant i find a girl who is interested in me? Why am i so disgusting to females.
Love doesn't exist. Even chads will never be loved by foids, they may think they are but it's all just animal sensations.
Me too, but I know it is just a dream.
You're either short, ethnic, or have a shitty face. Any one of these is a death sentence
Cucked but reasonable. Reminder: we're all literally dying slowly from lack of affection. I repeat: we're all literally dying from lack of affection. Lots of studies on that.
1. You can't be happy because human beings require love and affection to develop normally.
2. You can't find a girl that's interested in you because your looks are repulsive, even if you could get passed the initial stage your social skills are too underdeveloped to maintain a relationship due to the fact everyone avoided you and you never got to have conversations with anyone due to your looks at a young age.
3. You are disgusting because your parents decided to have a child despite they themselves, or just the mother, being absolute genetic trash that should not have reproduced. Resulting in their offspring (you) have shitty genetic traits girls find repulsive.

In response to your previous wishes, none of those will be fulfilled and you will likely look on couples with disdain in the future due to the fact that you never even had a chance to have a small taste at what they're experiencing just because they happened to be born more attractive and socially experienced than you were.

Happy new year! :)
I just want to talk to a girl and have her love me. I want to talk about my day and listen to her and have actual love. I want her to cuddle with me and spend time with me. Why can’t I just be happy? Why cant i find a girl who is interested in me? Why am i so disgusting to females.
Even just holding hands with a girl, or cuddling and holding each other close would be enough to make life worth living.
But i have to attempt to fix myself before i can achieve even the simplest of pleasures :feelsbadman:
Same. IT and normazoids always assume we want to be chad and pump and dump dozens of girls. I just want one girl to love me and be attracted to me.
You don't got the bones
Same. IT and normazoids always assume we want to be chad and pump and dump dozens of girls. I just want one girl to love me and be attracted to me.
there are members here even posting about we would just pump and dump which is bs. i just want one not obese, loving,loyal,not a used up near my looks woman. i do not want some stacy. sadly that is asking too much.
there are members here even posting about we would just pump and dump which is bs. i just want one not obese, loving,loyal,not a used up near my looks woman. i do not want some stacy. sadly that is asking too much.

If I had a decent looking girl (5/10 or a below 5 who took care of herself and looksmaxed, like I do and am) and she actual loved me AND was loyal ... then I 100% would not give a single fuck if no other woman wanted me. I wouldn't care for one second if she was my only sexual partner.

I don't give a shit about pump and dumping, just like I don't care about escorts. I live <10mins away from the biggest escort center in my city and I've heard they aren't expensive. Sex means absolutely NOTHING to me if the girl isn't attracted to me.

But apparently I'm the entitled one. Me, not the foids who go through dozens of chads in their lifetime, who aim for far above their looksmatch.
I just want to talk to a girl and have her love me. I want to talk about my day and listen to her and have actual love. I want her to cuddle with me and spend time with me. Why can’t I just be happy? Why cant i find a girl who is interested in me? Why am i so disgusting to females.

No woman will love you. Arguably women don't even love Chad, they love his looks and then rationalize ex post facto that it's not about looks.

Also it's apparently not enough to have just one woman, but to be able to attract many. Because without options, women will sense your desperation and if their friends don't like you, she will dump you. Women are the ultimate conformist herd animals and get many of their sexual cues socially. They are all looking for the same tall, white handsome guy, but sometimes they settle for less.
Because there is no love for your face
Tbh I don't even demand "love" anymore because romantic love can only exist in the presence of good looks in the person loved. I'd be fine with paying 100 bucks to a teen to date me, cuddle with me, kiss me a bit, etc. Even if sex didn't happen, as long as she's a young virgin that's ok.

Too bad I'm not allowed even that little. Not even to try.
everything i want i cant have. Over.
Do you enjoy answering your own questions


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Because you aren't top 20% of men.
I just want to talk to a girl and have her love me. I want to talk about my day and listen to her and have actual love. I want her to cuddle with me and spend time with me. Why can’t I just be happy? Why cant i find a girl who is interested in me? Why am i so disgusting to females.

The well is dry. Gilf grannies are your only option.
bluepill: you just need to put yourself out there and be yourself! (if you have already done this: ) work on your personality!!! how can you expect to get a gf when you arent confident and have a good personality?? (which is clearly true for you because otherwise you would OBVIOUSLY not be incel)

redpill: go to the gym, make lots of money and work on game bro! do you really expect to get what you want in life with out putting in the work??? (ignoring the fact that foids have to work for NOTHING)

the truth: it's over. foid hypergamy runs rampant in our society and they don't give a shit about your feelings. they would rather you commit suicide from your loneliness than settle for their looksmatch. the only chance is to spend thousands on surgery.

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