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TeeHee "I just prefer tall men because I want to feel protected!"

Redpill Robert

Redpill Robert

Supreme Gentleman. King of Incels. Pro slut-shamer
Nov 27, 2017
This is complete fucking bullshit when roasties attempt to use this as a justification for them not wanting anyone under 6 feet because a short stocky dude could beat the shit out of a tall skinny dude most of the time. No, you prefer that because society has told you it makes a man more desirable (and female attraction is FAR more malleable and influenced by trends than male attraction I would argue)

It's also bullshit because men are immediately shamed or called "mithogynitht :soy: " if they say they don't like fat women (or dare to have any standards in general) yet women are allowed to just say all this shit and completely shut out 80% of the male population from even being considered because they are truly a privileged class.
It's like when it's said that men don't like tall women due to feeling emasculated, bullshit it's 'cos they don't want a man unless he towers over her but that's look bad on the woman so let's just twist it & say the men are rejecting them.
the minimum women say is always nice round number like 180 cm or 6 feet, so it has nothing to do with being protected, they just want something to brag about to their friends, that they have a tall boyfriend, not some 170 cm manlet
now that average height rises from 175 to close to 180 in many countries soon the minimum will be 185 or 190 because these are next nice round numbers and women want someone who's better than others, not an "average guy"
They don’t want to be protected they want to be beaten by their tall boyfriend
it's all autopedophilia
they want to be little girls fucked by their dads
absolutely disgusting but it's hard to deny when they want someone much bigger than them whom they literally call 'daddy' and who calls them 'baby'
there's so much shit hinting at this I can't believe normies still pretend they're not sick fucks
it's all autopedophilia
they want to be little girls fucked by their dads
absolutely disgusting but it's hard to deny when they want someone much bigger than them whom they literally call 'daddy' and who calls them 'baby'
there's so much shit hinting at this I can't believe normies still pretend they're not sick fucks

That "daddy" shit is weird as fuck NGL
I could maybe beat a tall skinny guy in a fight idk
I hope all their tallfag bfs RUN LIKE HELL at the sign of trouble. But most men are cucks who'd die for m'lady and she'd bring a new chad to your funeral. :feelshehe:
height = status in a post-industrial society, this is what differentiates you from dumb rustic mob
No, you prefer that because society has told you it makes a man more desirable (and female attraction is FAR more malleable and influenced by trends than male attraction I would argue)
I actually disagree with this, female attraction is inherently biological and not the result of social trends, that’s not to say that it’s rational, as a matter of fact in many species females sexually select for traits that confer no advantages or will even disadvantage the male animal. Female peacocks, for instance, will select males with the largest tail plumage despite thus plumage serving no practical benefit and in fact being a hindrance that allow them to be more easily caught by predators.

Another example would be babirusa pigs, the boat’s tusks grow so long they sometimes grow straight into the boar’s skull, killing it, a useless trait which has evolved due to female selection.
41B31A41 143D 4B8A 9D15 CBFC767E96C4
Another example would be babirusa pigs, the boat’s tusks grow so long they sometimes grow straight into the boar’s skull, killing it, a useless trait which has evolved due to female selection.
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“Intelligent design”

Religion copers on suicide watch
It's like when it's said that men don't like tall women due to feeling emasculated, bullshit it's 'cos they don't want a man unless he towers over her but that's look bad on the woman so let's just twist it & say the men are rejecting them.

Conversely there are almost NO men that wouldn't fuck a tall woman despite what some tall women might claim (translation, Olive Oil couldn't get Giga-Chad so now "men won't fuck tall women!") In reality, most men here would fuck anything that wasn't Adalia Rose-tier ugly or "Attack of The 50 foot Woman" tier tall.. And hell, most of us here would fuck Adalia Rose even though she'd probably reject us. We'd fuck The 50 Foot Woman too obviously even though our dicks would be like a grain of rice to her
Remember guys, women are equal with men, strong and independent, and they can do anything a man can do, which even includes defying biology and beating men up, but they also need a strong, tall protector.

It's like when it's said that men don't like tall women due to feeling emasculated, bullshit it's 'cos they don't want a man unless he towers over her but that's look bad on the woman so let's just twist it & say the men are rejecting them.
That is complete bullshit from my standpoint. There was a girl that I had a crush on that was taller than me, and I had all kinds of lewd, unspeakably dirty thoughts about her.
I actually disagree with this, female attraction is inherently biological and not the result of social trends, that’s not to say that it’s rational, as a matter of fact in many species females sexually select for traits that confer no advantages or will even disadvantage the male animal. Female peacocks, for instance, will select males with the largest tail plumage despite thus plumage serving no practical benefit and in fact being a hindrance that allow them to be more easily caught by predators.

Another example would be babirusa pigs, the boat’s tusks grow so long they sometimes grow straight into the boar’s skull, killing it, a useless trait which has evolved due to female selection.
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Then explain why 10 years ago, being an emo/scene pretty boy was the most desired type of dude among young 'foids. Similar trend in the 80's with all the hair bands and androgynous new wave bands and stuff. But today it's back to beards and muscles and shit, and most 'foids today say they aren't attracted to feminine men.

Meanwhile straight men are pretty much universal in what they find attractive in women. Landwhales cope with that "classical art" meme but those women were voluptuous which are and always were attractive to men, not landwhales.
I wanna be dommed by a tall foid ngl
I can punk any Tallfag just come at me bruh :feelsBox::feelsBox::feelsBox:
I actually disagree with this, female attraction is inherently biological and not the result of social trends, that’s not to say that it’s rational, as a matter of fact in many species females sexually select for traits that confer no advantages or will even disadvantage the male animal. Female peacocks, for instance, will select males with the largest tail plumage despite thus plumage serving no practical benefit and in fact being a hindrance that allow them to be more easily caught by predators.

Another example would be babirusa pigs, the boat’s tusks grow so long they sometimes grow straight into the boar’s skull, killing it, a useless trait which has evolved due to female selection.
View attachment 273767

Friendly reminder that there is a name for this :

I hate when they use that excuse. Women like tall guys because it's biological and humans are no better than any other animals. Still driven by biological instinct women go for the best genetics and that means tall, square jaw, good looking Chad.
This is complete fucking bullshit when roasties attempt to use this as a justification for them not wanting anyone under 6 feet because a short stocky dude could beat the shit out of a tall skinny dude most of the time. No, you prefer that because society has told you it makes a man more desirable (and female attraction is FAR more malleable and influenced by trends than male attraction I would argue)

It's also bullshit because men are immediately shamed or called "mithogynitht :soy: " if they say they don't like fat women (or dare to have any standards in general) yet women are allowed to just say all this shit and completely shut out 80% of the male population from even being considered because they are truly a privileged class.
A 6'1 whale on tinder (curvy though tbf) had a meme about men under 6' being smaller than a grain of rice.
Another example would be babirusa pigs, the boat’s tusks grow so long they sometimes grow straight into the boar’s skull, killing it, a useless trait which has evolved due to female selection.
:lul: :lul:
You're fucking kidding right? She'd birth strong children.
It's funny how guys will complain about stockier women... that's how you get a big frame ogre/chad.
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A 6'1 whale on tinder (curvy though tbf) had a meme about men under 6' being smaller than a grain of rice.

:lul: :lul:

It's funny how guys will complain about stockier women... that's how you get a big frame ogre/chad.
I think this is the ideal body shape for a woman

Not foid worship, is discussion.
Of course you get this

Describing themselves as thicc, chubby or bbw when really they should be called caboose.
:feelstrash: yep. The woman you posted as ideal could gain 30 pounds and still be very high smv.

It's only the horrible whale you posted that low smv men have a chance with. It's such a shame low smv men cannot even get a fat woman with some redeeming quality like big tits, ass, hips or nice face.
A 6'1 whale on tinder (curvy though tbf) had a meme about men under 6' being smaller than a grain of rice.

:lul: :lul:

It's funny how guys will complain about stockier women... that's how you get a big frame ogre/chad.

As in their dicks are smaller than a grain of rice or what

'foids (since they claim to love facts so much) should look up the fact that height and penis size aren't at all correlated.
As in their dicks are smaller than a grain of rice or what

'foids (since they claim to love facts so much) should look up the fact that height and penis size aren't at all correlated.

She meant the man was smaller than a grain of rice. It was a tiny man next to a grain of rice.
Friendly reminder that there is a name for this :

Yep I love how they try and claim "our views aren't supported by science" when there's literally mountains of it supporting our views. Not just in zoology, ecology, biology and so on but even in softer sciences such as psychology -- bluepilled as most of it is -- even most of that actually supports our claims about women. Where is the science that shows "women choose men based on their good personalities" LOL
:feelstrash: yep. The woman you posted as ideal could gain 30 pounds and still be very high smv.

It's only the horrible whale you posted that low smv men have a chance with. It's such a shame low smv men cannot even get a fat woman with some redeeming quality like big tits, ass, hips or nice face.
The only thing obtainable is a fat bitch with no ass, non existent saggy tits, a waistline that blends in with everything like a sledge, ugly face & to top it off she's a horrible cunt that thinks she's a queen & an 8/10 in her mind.
Of course you get this

Describing themselves as thicc, chubby or bbw when really they should be called caboose.

Still though volcel if you wouldn't. 'course even she can easily get pump n dumped by Chad-lite just looking for easy 'pickins and will forever think she is entitled to at least a Chad-lite, forever resenting her future looksmatched (or more likely normie-tier) husband because she thinks she deserves at least a Chad-lite.
True. That's who they match with and meet on tinder.

I've tried to explain to 'foids that it's a confirmed FACT that while men will fuck down, most of them will not date down and they act like I'm just making it all up.

So they are able to hook up with men who are a few SMV points above them and then think that's what they can actually get to commit, but then act surprised when every single time the dude won't actually commit ("Men are jerks!") They repeat this cycle well into their 30's and by the time they're ready to "settle down" THEN their looksmatch finally gets a chance, after they're all used up and have fucked 100 Chad-Lites. The poor simp who was probably friendzoned all along for years is more than happy to get his chance and put a ring on it, then as soon as she gets bored, the first Chad-lite that looks at her for an easy fuck she immediately ditches the beta husband in yet another attempt to lock down the genetically superior male even though she's now 40. After all, 101st time is the charm! Tale as old as time.

It isn't just because "if you can get the milk for free why buy the cow" as the old saying goes, in this case it's because they are Great Value™ and Chad only buys Organic from Whole Foods. He might take a few sips from the store brand milk if it's offered to him, but he'd never buy it himself.
I've tried to explain to 'foids that it's a confirmed FACT that while men will fuck down, most of them will not date down and they act like I'm just making it all up.

So they are able to hook up with men who are a few SMV points above them and then think that's what they can actually get to commit, but then act surprised when every single time the dude won't actually commit ("Men are jerks!") They repeat this cycle well into their 30's and by the time they're ready to "settle down" THEN their looksmatch finally gets a chance, after they're all used up and have fucked 100 Chad-Lites.

Yes and this is made worse by the fact that +5/10 women won't even fuck sub 8 men in hook ups so for a sub 8 to fuck a decent foid they have to lead the women on. Without this tactic they will get very little pussy since it takes time to find a looksmatch that they're compatible with and want to actually date. Many +6.5 women think they deserve chad.

So the woman is led on for a few dates or a few months by some guy that wants pussy, perhaps regular pussy, and the woman thinks "well I went on more than one date with several chadlites several times so they must be in my league".
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