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I just come back from the therapist



Nov 15, 2017
I just come back from a one-hour interview with a licensed female therapist in her 40s. It was booked for experimental purposes, and because I like cucking myself once in a while. :feelsokman:

Therapists are not necessarily unpleasant human beings, nor are they dumb. The path that led to their occupation, as for everyone, is usually an admixture of practical necessity (making sterile university studies profitable) and idealism.

But their powers of healing are clearly phantasmagoric. It is not unfrequent to run into therapists who seem unhappy themselves, with dark circles under their eyes and a fazed expression (such was the case with my therapist today). The cliché of the "crazed shrink" does seem to have a certain grounding.

For those who never went to therapy, nine times out of ten, it consists in you talking alone for 45 minutes or 60 minutes, with the therapist interjecting a few words every 5 minutes or so supposed to "guide you" and help you reach certain desirable conclusions faster. While this process can undeniably be useful, if you are of reasonable intelligence and rationality, you already know the conclusions. Therapy just brings them out in the open, which can be cathartic, but is not, at least in my experience, any more cathartic than just writing them out on a computer keyboard or a piece of paper. It is certainly more troubling emotionally, because putting yourself in the open like this, associating your deepest thoughts and secrets to your real-life self, is very disturbing.

The problem is: what do you do with the conclusions? And for this, therapy unfortunately has no answer beyond common sense and folk wisdom. This is the great failure, the great tragedy of psychotherapy as a scientific effort: it has nothing to offer to the "analyzed man" once he is analyzed. This criticism was leveled several times in the past at psychoanalysis, by great thinkers and scientists and even by psychoanalysts themselves. The therapist I've just met concluded as much at the end.

Even with problems that are less ideologically charged than inceldom, such as studying and jobs, I have never, ever met a therapist, out of close to a dozen, who proved able to guide me effectively in these regards. And how could they? There are tens of thousands of occupations, and no one can know whether you would suck or not at a given occupation, whether or not you would enjoy it, etc. They never went beyond blanket statements such as "give yourself time", "talk to people who have these jobs" or "get your GED".

Inceldom and related problems (low attractiveness in general) are no exception to the rule. You will never hear any comment that is more sophisticated than what a friend could tell you, or you, yourself, could think after a moderately short period of reflection. Most therapists won't deny that looks matter in physical and social relationships. And like most people, they have no practical solution to offer beyond the suggestion of haircuts, plastic surgery or greater socializing to make up for it.

I do agree with the incel viewpoint that therapy is evil, because I think it is false advertising, and without deliberately doing so, functionally preys financially on ugly people, especially ugly teenagers. (Most teenagers who are sent to therapists by their parents for reasons of insecurity or unhappiness are, in fact, merely dismayed at their ugliness, and would be better served by a good rhinoplasty than by talk therapy.)
If a female therapist hears about your inceldom and doesn't not take her clothes off and jump on your cock then she is evil
many incels are good social psychologists and have more awareness than normies.

Therefore therapy is cope and all the answers are predictable, LDAR.
Thanks for the insight. I nearly agreed to see a therapist once but I felt it wouldn't be useful so I didn't. Talking about your feelings is overrated imo especially for men.
That was a very informative posts but the results were not surprising. A therapist can't change reality after all
Nice analysis of psychology OP, I had the same thoughts of you when I went to a roastie therapist.
I think that a man can be more useful, because he can relate to men aspectations.
Intelligently written. I very much agree.
The first time with my therapist was traumatic af. I literally couldn't stop crying.
If a female therapist hears about your inceldom and doesn't not take her clothes off and jump on your cock then she is evil

I hope incels realize this line of thinking is absurd. Beyond morality and physical attraction issues, this would mean potential trouble with the law. Shrinks are not supposed to have relationships with their "vulnerable" patients.

And they are right in thinking that a "pity fuck" never solves anything.

many incels are good social psychologists and have more awareness than normies.

Therefore therapy is cope and all the answers are predictable, LDAR.
In my experience, most therapists (in Europe) are not normies, they are all slightly mentally ill.
I've had therapy provided because my parents forced me because I was according to them a rowdy child. Did nothing.
Very strong post. You're lucky you got a therapist that only interjected little, the only time I had a real scheduled one-on-one sit-down the bitch argued with me and said I was autistic because I didn't back down or change the subject.
Therapy is pretty much a waste of time if you're a male in general, especially an incel one. It's so emasculating and embarrassing to admit how you really feel about yourself. Unfortunately the one I'm forced to go to right now is gaslighting me and claiming my years of social struggles and exclusions are non-existent, and simply not mentioning my looks whatsoever. Young incels would be better off venting on forums like this instead of to a female therapist that they can't relate to.
Unfortunately the one I'm forced to go to right now is gaslighting me and claiming my years of social struggles and exclusions are non-existent, and simply not mentioning my looks whatsoever.

Never met this level of gaslighting before. I actually met very blackpilled shrinks at some point.
Okay, so for youngcels here who need some guidance from an oldcel...

If you are forced to go to therapy by your parents, or think about going to therapy:

1) Yes, therapy is overall a scam. Your instincts are right. Playing along nicely is often the best course of action if you're forced to go, though.
2) The lesson no therapist will ever tell you because it's bad for business: life is hard, life is unfair, and life sucks. The sooner you accept this and grit your teeth, the sooner you become a functional adult who has his shit together, and mostly doesn't need help from anyone.
3) Get a job asap (this one magic trick makes your nagging parents go away!)
4) Get your own place asap
5) Get into religion, philosophy, old folk tales and reading in general (far more wisdom about life in old books than in modern psych manuals)
6) Exercise and bulk up

All of this will serve you a lot more on the long run than a thousand "therapy sessions"
I must state this again as someone with now 7 charges against him from therapists.

If a female therapist hears about your inceldom and doesn't not take her clothes off and jump on your cock then she is evil
They sell you snake oil solutions when cowgirl on the recliner would fix you up then and there.
Therapists have absolutely zero power to make any necessary changes to your life. Most people are depressed because they are poor, lonely and ugly. This isn't all in the head, this is reality.
Therapy is a scam. The only way your life is gonna get better is to increase your looks. I went to therapy and psychologists and nothing mattered. My life only got better once I reached 5.5/10 looks
Therapy is a scam.
A very popular, legal and attractive scam that shows no sign of weakening, and will never, in my opinion, weaken. A scam that puts you into contact with many people, often young and ignorant, who deserve better.

I think it is a mistake for incels to dismiss therapy and psychology bluntly; infiltrating the therapy milieu would be a lot smarter. Infiltrating institutions always beats destroying or ignoring them. I encourage every incel who is mentally able to get a M.D. in psychiatry or psychology.
I think it is a mistake for incels to dismiss therapy and psychology bluntly; infiltrating the therapy milieu would be a lot smarter. Infiltrating institutions always beats destroying or ignoring them. I encourage every incel who is mentally able to get a M.D. in psychiatry or psychology.
It's an extremely female dominated field. Good luck seeing many incels find a job. The first opportunity one of the feminists you're around smells incel, you're gone LIGHTS OUT.

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