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LifeFuel I have a very legit question



Feb 23, 2020
I have no idea whether someone has thought about this or posted about this before but here it goes.

Well i've been thinking recently and came into a conclusion that maybe us incels should try castration. It will make you an eunuch and basically lose all interest in females and sexual intercourse.

Well now you might think: "What the actual fuck is this retarded cuck simp saying, is he out of his mind? Why would i cut off me testiculars it will make me a feminine soy??? "

But let's be reasonable and think it like this:
If you have no hope of getting the moist pussy then why torture yourself every single day with the thought of it? Isn't that itself the definition of insanity; thinking of the sweet moist pussy every day for the rest of your life not getting it yet expecting a change in your situation over and over again every single day?
If you are absolutely certain you will never get it, then why not just go ahead and end the misery? Why rope when you can live a happy life as a ball-less eunuch never having to torture yourself with the thought of moist pussy ever again?

Living as an eunuch would be so much better than having the torturing and reoccurring thoughts of moist pussy in your head all day long.
Just imagine the sweet freedom of having your brain released of all the pressure of the agonizing moist pussy thoughts and chronic depression.
Imagine walking down a street full of perfect luscious aryan females yet not giving a shit and not having any negative emotions or anger because you had your sack removed. Wouldn't that be amazing?

If you know you are going to rope somewhere in the future what have you got to lose? This might actually be the lifefuel we desperately need. If you have absolutely nothing to lose then why not just try going eunuch? It might even be the best thing you ever did. If someone decides to do this please share the results it might save someone's life one day.

Getting your sack removed

- No anger, no lust, no depression, no negativity towards women, no inceldom, no blackpill no redpill no nothing pill, clear head, freedom of thought, not having to scratch your sack every moment, no awkward boners, no sinful thoughts, no hatred towards society, no posting to this site every living minute, not having to think of moist pussy all day long, potential gigalifefuel

Well there isn't any cons really
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this is a copy paste joke right?

I stopped reading at castration.
Even if you get castrated as an adult, you will still have a sex drive and a crave for intimacy.
Castration is often used when it comes to sex offenders/child predators. I think if us incels did it, it would only worsen the stigma surrounding us being sexual deviants.
Idk what are u talking about
We don't know exactly what comes with castration. Chances are you will also lose your dynamism, your mood will be all messed up and you'll just enjoy your copes even less.

Historical accounts of eunuchs could help, I guess, but chances are those reports will be biased because let's face it : castrating incels would be an ideal way for normies to deal with us.

Also unless it comes with tax exemptions or something, it would only make the injustice of incels paying for sex-havers' reproductive health and offspring via taxation even more blatant.
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WTF did I just read?

Worst idea I've encountered since I've been here.
Castration will starve you brain from testosterone and this hormone does more than being limite to sexual process only.
If you think you are depressed, lack of testo will enleash the CTHULHU depression on you.

Are you by any chance that eunuch posters from 8chan/r9k/ ?
Tell us how it goes OP
maybe if i lived in han dynasty china and having an emperor as a puppet, but other than that, no thank you
OP must be trolling. No way anyone would actually want to castrate themselves
Do it yourself and tell us your experience
greycel IT infiltrator trying to emasculate us
maybe if i lived in han dynasty china and having an emperor as a puppet, but other than that, no thank you
It was done to divert all energy to practicing kungfu/ witchcraft and less likely to be conned by foids or cuck the emperor.
NO They will mentally and emotionally torture you every week until no END and the only place you’ll die in is a mental institution. They want you to do that they might even pay to do it. Many people want you to die or go down in a cruel fate and would laugh if it happen. I remember seeing people laugh about Castration in a comment section and saying how dumb and unstable the person was for voluntary doing it.
@Kuukerinnelli I feel like reporting you for this thread.
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Castration of non chad males is what The US government and all femoids want.

If you cut your dick off, it's like doing the pledge of allegiance.

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