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SuicideFuel I have a severe fear of not being successful in life,



Feb 6, 2023
In elementary school, i struggled with reading/spelling and was put in a special reading class. In middle and high school, I struggled with math and had to take summer math classes so i wouldn't be held back.

This limited my choices for collage, as i ended highschool with a 2.6 GPA. I was able to get into a collage that didnt put emphasis on grades, but I am a year behind everyone because I was almost kicked out due to failing multiple classes. I am struggling to gain internships/experience in the field I want to go into, because I do not have social connections despite trying to make them for the past 4 years.

I have had anxieties about my future ever since middle school. They've only gotten worse as i've gotten older. When I have a quiet moment to myself, I have intrusive thoughts that I wont make it out of my parents house, that Ill be stuck in a wagie job and be a disappointment to my parents for the rest of my life. Members of my family, my peers, professors and teachers have called me a failure.

I think about killing myself everyday now. My only motivation to work is to have enough money in my bank account to buy a gun. I think I am scared most of what people think of me. I can only be myself here, because you understand me and my struggles. It's hard to find a reason to keep going sometimes.
you are not alone or special in that issue so fuck off
yeah soyceity won't give a crap and the ones who understand are disenfranchised, lonely males online, what a shock!
That which you fear will often come to pass.
most people are unsuccessful in life. Being successful is a privilege. Most Americans don’t even have 1k in their bank account
In elementary school, i struggled with reading/spelling and was put in a special reading class. In middle and high school, I struggled with math and had to take summer math classes so i wouldn't be held back.

This limited my choices for collage, as i ended highschool with a 2.6 GPA. I was able to get into a collage that didnt put emphasis on grades, but I am a year behind everyone because I was almost kicked out due to failing multiple classes. I am struggling to gain internships/experience in the field I want to go into, because I do not have social connections despite trying to make them for the past 4 years.

I have had anxieties about my future ever since middle school. They've only gotten worse as i've gotten older. When I have a quiet moment to myself, I have intrusive thoughts that I wont make it out of my parents house, that Ill be stuck in a wagie job and be a disappointment to my parents for the rest of my life. Members of my family, my peers, professors and teachers have called me a failure.

I think about killing myself everyday now. My only motivation to work is to have enough money in my bank account to buy a gun. I think I am scared most of what people think of me. I can only be myself here, because you understand me and my struggles. It's hard to find a reason to keep going sometimes.
unless you born rich.
You have plenty of time to be successful. Being young is about being free, making friends, bedding girls and having experiences.
Fucking same, started college a bit late, was indecisive on a major and now I'm fesring falling behind while friends of mine advance
most people are unsuccessful in life. Being successful is a privilege. Most Americans don’t even have 1k in their bank account
I'm pretty sure is a cope since even when i was 16 and making below average wage as a produce clerk I managed to save 10k
I'm pretty sure is a cope since even when i was 16 and making below average wage as a produce clerk I managed to save 10k
When you were 16 you didn’t have too many bills. Once you get older you have a car payment , insurance, health insurance, phone bill , rent , food , repairs , clothes. The statistics are there most Americans are getting by with credit cards
If you're an incel you're probably not going to be successful.
Most normies aren't.
Careers are built off of connections. Nobody wants to be around you if you're a sub3.
I would say to stay alive instead of suicide. Fuck them. Leech off of the system that left you to rot. Killing yourself lets them win.
In elementary school, i struggled with reading/spelling and was put in a special reading class. In middle and high school, I struggled with math and had to take summer math classes so i wouldn't be held back.

This limited my choices for collage, as i ended highschool with a 2.6 GPA. I was able to get into a collage that didnt put emphasis on grades, but I am a year behind everyone because I was almost kicked out due to failing multiple classes. I am struggling to gain internships/experience in the field I want to go into, because I do not have social connections despite trying to make them for the past 4 years.

I have had anxieties about my future ever since middle school. They've only gotten worse as i've gotten older. When I have a quiet moment to myself, I have intrusive thoughts that I wont make it out of my parents house, that Ill be stuck in a wagie job and be a disappointment to my parents for the rest of my life. Members of my family, my peers, professors and teachers have called me a failure.

I think about killing myself everyday now. My only motivation to work is to have enough money in my bank account to buy a gun. I think I am scared most of what people think of me. I can only be myself here, because you understand me and my struggles. It's hard to find a reason to keep going sometimes.
This is basically the story of my life. Don't feel too sorry for yourself for being stupid. All of us are born excess males. And we're forced into this existence without our consent. Death will come and we won't cease consciousness forever eventually. Eventually humans are gonna go extinct and we will be forgotten forever as a species. I used to feel so ashamed of myself for being a retard now. Are now I embrace the absurd reality that I am forced to have. We will all die eventually so there's nothing much to preserve. Once you're dead everybody's gonna forget about you. You are never meant to exist in the first place. Same thing with me I wish I was aborted. I wouldn't have to try to fit in and work my ass off and then end up dead. People only admire you because of your job in your educational skills this is bullshit. You're just a slave to the capitalist system which is controlled by the global elite. They don't care about you they just see you as a worker drone. They don't care about any of us. Who gives a shit what normies think of us anyway. Mist of them are beta cucks That worship women at their feet anyway.
You have plenty of time to be successful. Being young is about being free, making friends, bedding girls and having experiences.
All of this was denied to us.
When you were 16 you didn’t have too many bills. Once you get older you have a car payment , insurance, health insurance, phone bill , rent , food , repairs , clothes. The statistics are there most Americans are getting by with credit cards
All I pay is rent really, I get SSI food stamps cause of my sperg diagnosis
Brutal I was the same way. Always struggled with math. They put me in socializing classes in elementary school and speech therapy classes too. In middle school I was in class with three other retards and she would basically just judge our socializing skills and reading comprehension skills. I was in there for a few months before she finally said I'm not retarded and I didn't need the class.
There was also a hot Stacy in the middle school class. Her life completely mogs mine now
Doesn't mean you can't pursue it.
To go in to a wild goose Chase and waste your time. I don't think so. Been there done that. I was better off just being a intervert and staying indoors all the time. Then ever going out. I wish I never wasted my 20s. Trying to socialize with people at bars and night clubs. It just calls nothing but trouble. I would have been better off. Playing video games and masturbating to porn. Not that that is actually healthy for me. I'm just saying it's better to do that than the other. When you go out and waste your time, you'll just create yourself as a target. For other people, you are never meant to socialize. You are never meant to ascend.
i'm a NEET and i don't see the difference between picking up garbage or staring at an excel sheet all day if i make enough to eat and sit in front of a computer
To go in to a wild goose Chase and waste your time. I don't think so. Been there done that. I was better off just being a intervert and staying indoors all the time. Then ever going out. I wish I never wasted my 20s. Trying to socialize with people at bars and night clubs. It just calls nothing but trouble. I would have been better off. Playing video games and masturbating to porn. Not that that is actually healthy for me. I'm just saying it's better to do that than the other. When you go out and waste your time, you'll just create yourself as a target. For other people, you are never meant to socialize. You are never meant to ascend.
You wouldn't be better off, you'd be much more mentally fucked up. You should have gone abroad and slayed in Thailand.
You wouldn't be better off, you'd be much more mentally fucked up. You should have gone abroad and slayed in Thailand.
They only like tall white guys. I'm very short. I wish I had the guts to shoot myself in the head and end this fucking existence.
They only like tall white guys. I'm very short. I wish I had the guts to shoot myself in the head and end this fucking existence.
How short? You should try it. You have nothing to lose. If you're young, it puts you ahead of 90% of the other white men, as they're mostly old fucks.
Cope or Rope no other answer.
How short? You should try it. You have nothing to lose. If you're young, it puts you ahead of 90% of the other white men, as they're mostly old fucks.
5 ft 3 in and I am 32 yo
5 ft 3 in and I am 32 yo
32 is young. I'm older. Get Tinder and set your location to poor countries, put your height in your bio, see what your options are. Western women destroy the self-esteem of men and make them feel worthless.
Normie zoomer trait. Gigafakecel if you haven’t completely given up on life.
I get stressed when I remember I will never experience prime jb pussy idc about being successful
32 is young. I'm older. Get Tinder and set your location to poor countries, put your height in your bio, see what your options are. Western women destroy the self-esteem of men and make them feel worthless.
There is no hope for me. Dude, if I haven't had sex by twenty one it's over. I'm just struggling every day not to find a way to self terminate.
In elementary school, i struggled with reading/spelling and was put in a special reading class. In middle and high school, I struggled with math and had to take summer math classes so i wouldn't be held back.

This limited my choices for collage, as i ended highschool with a 2.6 GPA. I was able to get into a collage that didnt put emphasis on grades, but I am a year behind everyone because I was almost kicked out due to failing multiple classes. I am struggling to gain internships/experience in the field I want to go into, because I do not have social connections despite trying to make them for the past 4 years.

I have had anxieties about my future ever since middle school. They've only gotten worse as i've gotten older. When I have a quiet moment to myself, I have intrusive thoughts that I wont make it out of my parents house, that Ill be stuck in a wagie job and be a disappointment to my parents for the rest of my life. Members of my family, my peers, professors and teachers have called me a failure.

I think about killing myself everyday now. My only motivation to work is to have enough money in my bank account to buy a gun. I think I am scared most of what people think of me. I can only be myself here, because you understand me and my struggles. It's hard to find a reason to keep going sometimes.
sounds very familiar bro. went through all these pains myself.
these moments of crisis come often in the life of an inkler, and there's nothing to be done except work through them, since no one really cares.
that's kind of a double edged sword, you will realize eventually that most people don't think about you very much or care very much, which deadens the pain.
i remember i felt horrible humiliation towards my peers after failing academically, but we literally never met or spoke again once studies ended, and they never made any attempt to contact me, so all that mental energy was just wasted for nothing. no one cared. lmao.
you need to care way more about yourself than some random normshits..
It's pretty universal although I do see some people have strokes of luck that definitely don't deserve it
it over,
No job even if you get a degree.
when my parents die or kick me out I don't know what I'll do
Will you go ER ?

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