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I HATE the website Social Anxiety Support

  • Thread starter anincelforlifelol
  • Start date


Nov 11, 2017
So many beta cuck faggots, and fucking stupid roasties who "sniff sniff cry cry I have social anxiety, but my boyfriend is helping me through it!!!!" 

That was the site I used to post on before I found incels. It was such a relief to find these sites. They have female mods on there too. Just like that stupid shit /foreveralone.
anincelforlifelol said:
That was the site I used to post on before I found incels. It was such a relief to find these sites. 

same here, brocel. s/o to all my SAS refugees. That site is pure cancer.
anincelforlifelol said:
So many beta cuck faggots, and fucking stupid roasties who "sniff sniff cry cry I have social anxiety, but my boyfriend is helping me through it!!!!" 

That was the site I used to post on before I found incels. It was such a relief to find these sites. They have female mods on there too. Just like that stupid shit /foreveralone.

So before incels.is you must have been a supreme-coper I'm guessing?

Anyway, if so, glad you broke free from it. :)
saddupbro said:
So before incels.is you must have been a supreme-coper I'm guessing?

Anyway, if so, glad you broke free from it. :)

A blue pilled subhuman who coped by doing the whole "class clown" charade in high school and never got a single girl's number, and was always rejected

B-b-b-b-but girls like funny guys don't they?????!?!?!?! R-r-r-r-r-ight????
I remember accidentally stumbling on it back when I was looking for a place to relate to people, it filled me with so much rage I could hardly contain myself.

If you have a SO you have no right to complain about being lonely. I actually have social anxiety, meanwhile these well-adjusted people were using it to appear "special"

I fucking despise them.
anincelforlifelol said:
A blue pilled subhuman who coped by doing the whole "class clown" charade in high school and never got a single girl's number, and was always rejected

B-b-b-b-but girls like funny guys don't they?????!?!?!?! R-r-r-r-r-ight????

Of course they do!

They like funny guys so much that they created one whole sub dedicated just to them, r/IncelTears, so now they can laugh at these "funny guys" all day. >:(
Every fucking girl on that site has or had boyfriends. Then theres idiot whores who are 6+/10 who think they're hideous even though people constantly tell them they're attractive. I hate that website.
fuck them. their definition of social anxiety is probably just a few butterflies when meeting chad/stacy. mine is shaking and trembling in any social situations. fuck them all.
Nautica1983 said:
Then theres idiot whores who are 6+/10 who think they're hideous even though people constantly tell them they're attractive. I hate that website.

they don't. They're just looking for compliments. It's no different from the faggots who post selfies here.
Male hikikomoris are literally 100:1. Female social anxiety is probably the equivalent to the apex of human enlightenment for sub 5 men
That site is the internet equivelant of going to a psych ward for mental illness. Useless bluepilled nonsense.
Social Anxiety is a symptom of ugliness
I need to create a video stating Social Anxiety = Ugly.
I used to be on alt.suicide.methods and then because of the trolls sombody created suicide methods hideout and as soon as female mods arrived there the site was ruined. You just can't come out as an incel anywhere near females.
Even before that word was a word, just saying that you are too ugly to get girls made them all "oh please" at me.
I got banned from that piece of shit forum because i said looks are everything.
that forum is literal ragefuel

like literal, actual ragefuel. LITERALLY all it is is a bunch of stacies posting how they're "too shy around their boyfriends," even the fucking male normies there are like..."omg what do i do? im so awkward around my gf and it's making me really insecure"

Like holy fucking shit...we have trouble even barely functioning as normal human beings and these cunts have the nerve to say shit like this.
Lurked there occasionally from 2012 to 2017 before the blackpill. Was too high inhibition to make an account
why act so surprised?

It is literally impossible for a female to be incel.

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