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Venting I hate Self Improvement gurus and the failed and regular normalfags who shill this idea



Miserable Pathetic KHHV with no dreams or ambition
Jan 20, 2023
Just like a rich man sells tips to gain wealth to a poor man, whenever a poor loser wants to open his guts and vent a little, the self improvement normalniggers come waving their BS salvation flag, telling you the usual crap:

Like I give a FUCKING SHIT that your life changed for the better because you lifted a fucking piece of hardened PVC. I dont give a FLYING SHIT. Go fuck yourself you fucking normalfag.
People like this continously shill their stupid normie advice, not because they want to see you improve, but to satisfy a hypocrite, retarded, narcissistic desire of being "The Messiah of this poor lost souls". It doesn't work. And for those who will work, they were never truly miserable. They were just a bunch of failed normalfags pieces of shit.
Their presense in and of itself is annoying. You want to share your guts with other miserable men, and BOOM, Mr Norman Fag spawns in calling everything you said to be retarded, and your feelings to be of no value, and that their retarded snake oil type guide is THE TRUE PATH TO ENLIGHTMENT AND SALVATION.
Do it for yourself not the bitches
Do it for yourself not the bitches
Basically underneath all the annoying soydditor subculture, they want you to make money and work out. I guess it helps but it's not really a foolproof happiness formula.
Tony Robbins… his entire gimmick is conning and robbing your ass. It’s clear as day in his name, yet people still pour their life savings in his seminars and books. Close to being a freaking billionaire from that snake oil bs. Oh, he’s also 6’7!!
Makes me want to rip their heads off for selling false hope to struggling men.
fine let a poor man teach you how to make wealth.

retard grAYcel
the poor man will stay poor because thats his nature. Seems I may have touched some normalcunt feelings. How about you go and lift youir piece of hardened PVC and tell us how great your life is?
Tony Robbins… his entire gimmick is conning and robbing your ass. It’s clear as day in his name, yet people still pour their life savings in his seminars and books. Close to being a freaking billionaire from that snake oil bs. Oh, he’s also 6’7!!
They are just delusional. Deep down the wanna believe they can become him, when those self help books are always spiritual BS and overworded speeches on how you can achieve everything you want in life.
They want you to keep providing your labour and utility to society while remaining sexless and they want you to keep funding a society which uses your hard work to ensure the reproductive success of high value men and pretty much all women, while you miss out on that even though without the hard work of low value males like yourself, those privileged people would not be able to enjoy the health, wealth, peace and prosperity that they only get to enjoy in the first place because we (low value males) enable it as a collective through our societal contributions.

As an incel there is no motivation to contribute creativity to society, causing destruction sounds much more enticing (in video games).
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They want you to keep providing your labour and utility to society while remaining sexless and they want you to keep funding a society which uses your hard work to ensure the reproductive success of high value men and pretty much all women, while you miss out on that even though without the hard work of low value males like yourself, those privileged people would not be able to enjoy the health, wealth, peace and prosperity that they only get to enjoy in the first place because we (low value males) enable it as a collective through our societal contributions.

As an incel there is no motivation to contribute creativity to society, causing destruction sounds much more enticing (in video games).
Literally this. They want their slaves to be healthy and productive.
Literally this. They want their slaves to be healthy and productive.

if we assume that none of your work is wasted, that every minute of your work is efficiently used for the productivity of the business, then we can assume that The more hours you work and the more money you earn, the more Money that the company (which employs you) earns (if work is efficiently converted to production).

Also The more money you earn, the more money that the government earns from you in taxation.

Also you are able to qualify to take loans from banks, and they can make money from you by charging you interest.

It’s mainly the banks, corporations and government benefitting from the hard work of an individual, much more than the benefit that the individual himself is enjoying.

Even when you buy a house, you gotta pay bullshit land tax and property tax to the government even after you’ve paid back mortgage to the bank. Elites want you to work hard so that you have more resources in your possession that they can rob from you.
if we assume that none of your work is wasted, that every minute of your work is efficiently used for the productivity of the business, then we can assume that The more hours you work and the more money you earn, the more Money that the company (which employs you) earns (if work is efficiently converted to production).

Also The more money you earn, the more money that the government earns from you in taxation.

Also you are able to qualify to take loans from banks, and they can make money from you by charging you interest.

It’s mainly the banks, corporations and government benefitting from the hard work of an individual, much more than the benefit that the individual himself is enjoying.

Even when you buy a house, you gotta pay bullshit land tax and property tax to the government even after you’ve paid back mortgage to the bank. Elites want you to work hard so that you have more resources in your possession that they can rob from you.
That's why there is no shame on living off welfare. You should at least get something back from the money you dump in this joke of a country
That's why there is no shame on living off welfare. You should at least get something back from the money you dump in this joke of a country

Even with all these elites swindling money from the working class, I’d accept that as “part of the system” and I’ll have no real mental objection to working like any other normal member of society if I can at least use my resources to attract women if this was a patriarchal society where women can’t work or own property.

The moment women won the right to work and own property (thanks to feminism), they no longer need men in the modern era the way they needed men in the past, women themselves can earn an average salary with ease so the average man (average in terms of net worth) becomes invisible, non-existent and obsolete to most women. Women will only give chances to guys who are significantly high-earners and/or good-looking (at least 50% of men are not even part of the mating pool).

When you know that your hard work will not guarantee success but that you have a very small chance of getting a woman even after so much effort, you start to wonder if the juice really is worth the squeeze.
When you know that your hard work will not guarantee success but that you have a very small chance of getting a woman even after so much effort, you start to wonder if the juice really is worth the squeeze.
The best chance is too 3rd-world-max and get some foid with your Western money. The only problem is you can't bring her back bc she will monkey branch in the West. So you have to keep living in some humid shithole for the rest of your life and find work there.
The best chance is too 3rd-world-max and get some foid with your Western money. The only problem is you can't bring her back bc she will monkey branch in the West. So you have to keep living in some humid shithole for the rest of your life and find work there.

Living in a third world country is not worth it for me due to lack of safety and security, and the low value of human life in those countries. It doesn’t matter how much money you take with you to those countries as an expat, you need connections with powerful people in those countries to feel truly safe and secure. You got money to hire 2 bodyguards to travel with you at all times? A gang or cartel hit squad of 10 guys together will kill you and your bodyguards in a heartbeat, and they will rob the wealth you worked so hard to attain, from your corpse.

I want sex, but not that badly to the point where I’d put my survival in danger in order to acquire it, survival takes priority over sex because you can still survive if you don’t have sex whereas you can’t have sex if you don’t survive in the first place. So nobody should place their life in danger for sex, you might get sex today but you’ll be missing out on sex tomorrow and the rest of your life if you get killed today after endangering yourself while being in the process of acquiring sex
Living in a third world country is not worth it for me due to lack of safety and security, and the low value of human life in those countries. It doesn’t matter how much money you take with you to those countries as an expat, you need connections with powerful people in those countries to feel truly safe and secure. You got money to hire 2 bodyguards to travel with you at all times? A gang or cartel hit squad of 10 guys together will kill you and your bodyguards in a heartbeat, and they will rob the wealth you worked so hard to attain, from your corpse.

I want sex, but not that badly to the point where I’d put my survival in danger in order to acquire it, survival takes priority over sex because you can still survive if you don’t have sex whereas you can’t have sex if you don’t survive in the first place. So nobody should place their life in danger for sex, you might get sex today but you’ll be missing out on sex tomorrow and the rest of your life if you get killed today after endangering yourself while being in the process of acquiring sex
SEA is probably the safest region. I'm mainly scared of Africa and South America.
Even with all these elites swindling money from the working class, I’d accept that as “part of the system” and I’ll have no real mental objection to working like any other normal member of society if I can at least use my resources to attract women if this was a patriarchal society where women can’t work or own property.

The moment women won the right to work and own property (thanks to feminism), they no longer need men in the modern era the way they needed men in the past, women themselves can earn an average salary with ease so the average man (average in terms of net worth) becomes invisible, non-existent and obsolete to most women. Women will only give chances to guys who are significantly high-earners and/or good-looking (at least 50% of men are not even part of the mating pool).

When you know that your hard work will not guarantee success but that you have a very small chance of getting a woman even after so much effort, you start to wonder if the juice really is worth the squeeze.
I think that even if we lived in a patriarchal society, I still wouldnt want a woman around me. Because what you are saying is basically women would only stick to a man because she has no economical independance. But thats nothing but a survival interest. in that scenario, there is no genuine interest to be your partner or to give half a fuck about you. Thats women nature, and I dare say people in general.
Even if the entire world condemned hypergamy, cheating, etc, women wouldnt do it because its the right thing. They wouldnt do it just out of fear for the punishment. Thats why deep inside, they would crave to go back to those practices.
And thats the reason why I cant even entertain the idea of having a girlfriend. I dont feel any particular interest in a soulless potential lying snake who doesnt give a fuck about me.
When I see normalniggers talking about how they fucked XYZ girls like it was fucking nothing, I simply keep my silence, because I cant conceive the idea of fucking some meathole with no genuine feelings in between. Fucking clown world. Its all so fucking plastic and fake.
If I earn money and leech welfare is not because I want a girl. I already hate them and most part of humanity. I only do it because even tho my existence is completely miserable and solitary, I still find joy doing certain things (building computers with different parts, playing instruments, etc). But I have it completely clear that regardless of how much money I have, I d never have a girlfriend, much less sex. Because, even if I was fucking Chad Chaderson with the best physical features on the market (which I m fucking not), I wouldnt allow myself to be part of such an empty experience. Fuck women, and fuck their brains.
SEA is probably the safest region. I'm mainly scared of Africa and South America.

True, SEA is still more unsafe than my western feminist shithole country, but far safer than Africa and South America especially.

As long as you don’t show much wealth to the outside world (live in a humble/modest house/apartment instead of a villa, drive a normal car instead of driving a supercar, wearing simple unbranded clothes with basic or no jewellery/fashion accessories), you will catch nobodies attention and can live a quiet life without showing up on the radar of other people, let alone becoming a target of anyone who is powerful and can pose danger towards you.

Also don’t associate with the underworld, cos once you become a part of it, it sucks you in until you end up in jail or brutally murdered by criminals.

So yeah, just be a law-abiding citizen and try to fit in with the crowd, presenting yourself as average person, giving no reason for others to distinctly notice you from a crowd of others for any reason other than the racial difference exhibited by your outward appearance.
True, SEA is still more unsafe than my western feminist shithole country, but far safer than Africa and South America especially.

As long as you don’t show much wealth to the outside world (live in a humble/modest house/apartment instead of a villa, drive a normal car instead of driving a supercar, wearing simple unbranded clothes with basic or no jewellery/fashion accessories), you will catch nobodies attention and can live a quiet life without showing up on the radar of other people, let alone becoming a target of anyone who is powerful and can pose danger towards you.

Also don’t associate with the underworld, cos once you become a part of it, it sucks you in until you end up in jail or brutally murdered by criminals.

So yeah, just be a law-abiding citizen and try to fit in with the crowd, presenting yourself as average person, giving no reason for others to distinctly notice you from a crowd of others for any reason other than the racial difference exhibited by your outward appearance.
I don't plan on living there as I have no idea or skill to find work there, but I hope I will be able to go on a vacation to Phillipines or Thailand and ascend. If I find no willing foid I can still enjoy some cheap hookers.
I don't plan on living there as I have no idea or skill to find work there, but I hope I will be able to go on a vacation to Phillipines or Thailand and ascend. If I find no willing foid I can still enjoy some cheap hookers.

I’m lucky in that I got cheap hookers in my area, so I don’t have to travel for that. However, even though there are cheap hookers overseas, you have to take into consideration travel cost and accomodation cost of vacationing, and after taking these costs into consideration you realise that taking a vacation to Thailand for 2 weeks to fuck 20 escorts costs as much as fucking 20 cheap Thai escorts closeby your area in the country you are living in right now. The only difference is that travelling requires more effort, time and energy so it’s actually a less rewarding option than occasionally fucking cheap whores in your local area, hence its really not worth it for me I guess.

Work whole year and sacrifice sex the whole time just to save up for a month of binge-sex, after which you return to a life of sexlessness and inceldom for the next 11 months once your money ran out, so you can save for the next vacation.


As you work, set aside some money every week to see an escort in regular intervals once a week or at least once a fortnight so that you have regular and consistent access to sex instead of going through this extended dry chapters of sex-deprivation just so you can try to catch up on all of it in one month of depravity and degeneracy which will leave you even more unfulfilled once it ends and you’re back to regular shitty life
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I’m lucky in that I got cheap hookers in my area, so I don’t have to travel for that. However, even though there are cheap hookers overseas, you have to take into consideration travel cost and accomodation cost of vacationing, and after taking these costs into consideration you realise that taking a vacation to Thailand for 2 weeks to fuck 20 escorts costs as much as fucking 20 cheap Thai escorts closeby your area in the country you are living in right now. The only difference is that travelling requires more effort, time and energy so it’s actually a less rewarding option than occasionally fucking cheap whores in your local area, hence its really not worth it for me I guess.

Work whole year and sacrifice sex the whole time just to save up for a month of binge-sex, after which you return to a life of sexlessness and inceldom for the next 11 months once your money ran out, so you can save for the next vacation.


As you work, set aside some money every week to see an escort in regular intervals once a week or at least once a fortnight so that you have regular and consistent access to sex instead of going through this extended dry chapters of sex-deprivation just so you can try to catch up on all of it in one month of depravity and degeneracy which will leave you even more unfulfilled once it ends and you’re back to regular shitty life
True. German prostitutes are not too expensive anyway. I just want to have sex without paying for it at least once in my life.
True. German prostitutes are not too expensive anyway. I just want to have sex without paying for it at least once in my life.

Dude sex is sex whether you pay for it or not. Whether the woman is attracted to you or not makes no difference to how the act physically feels to your body.

Whether you pay for a steak or get it for free, it tastes the same. Same applies to pussy, paying for it doesn’t magically make it feel any less enjoyable than having sex with a woman for free
Dude sex is sex whether you pay for it or not. Whether the woman is attracted to you or not makes no difference to how the act physically feels to your body.

Whether you pay for a steak or get it for free, it tastes the same. Same applies to pussy, paying for it doesn’t magically make it feel any less enjoyable than having sex with a woman for free
Brutal. It's just, for some reason, although I visited escorts, I still feel like a virgin. I hope unpaid sex could change that. Seeing an escort feels like a cheat code, the sex wasn't earned.
Brutal. It's just, for some reason, although I visited escorts, I still feel like a virgin. I hope unpaid sex could change that. Seeing an escort feels like a cheat code, the sex wasn't earned.

Of course the sex was earned, you contributed something of Value to society so society rewarded you with shekels to purchase sex.

It’s actually Paying for sex which should be considered “earning sex”, cos you earnt sex through your contribution to society. It’s people who get sex for free that didn’t earn it, as they got sex for simply being born with good looks instead of earning it through any work or endeavour
True, SEA is still more unsafe than my western feminist shithole country, but far safer than Africa and South America especially.

As long as you don’t show much wealth to the outside world (live in a humble/modest house/apartment instead of a villa, drive a normal car instead of driving a supercar, wearing simple unbranded clothes with basic or no jewellery/fashion accessories), you will catch nobodies attention and can live a quiet life without showing up on the radar of other people, let alone becoming a target of anyone who is powerful and can pose danger towards you.

Also don’t associate with the underworld, cos once you become a part of it, it sucks you in until you end up in jail or brutally murdered by criminals.

So yeah, just be a law-abiding citizen and try to fit in with the crowd, presenting yourself as average person, giving no reason for others to distinctly notice you from a crowd of others for any reason other than the racial difference exhibited by your outward appearance.
High IQ , again.

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