I'm a fat fuck/fatcel as I've regularly stuffed my face with unhealthy Mcdonalds food, burgers and pizza for years, but believe it or not, these are NOT my true addictions, that have made me a fat fuck. Contributing factors for sure but I think not the main ones.
My true addiction is soft drinks, Coca Cola especially, but I love almost all the other brands as well.
If a person were to take me hostage, hold a gun to my head and say:
"Alright motherfucker, you have to give up unhealthy foods or soft drinks or die!"
I'd honestly have to choose giving up the food.
Keep in mind, in this hypothetical scenario, my would be captor, would have the ability, somehow to enforce my choice upon me.
Anyway, rather than a desire to hate on the presumable skinny people in the thread who hate me just for being a well...a Fat Link heh...my mind actually was drawn to another thought other than self defense, due to another poster's post.
One of you got me thinking...damn...I've never timed myself eating Mcdonalds food or any food to the best of my knowledge.
This makes me want to break out the ifag stop watch feature next time I get a good bag of Mcdonalds food and see whether I'm a fast or slow fatty when it comes to eating or not?
I get the skinny people stereotype that goes, we fat fucks love food so much, we must enhale it all in one second when its presented before us, but I don't think thats true or always true.
Keep in mind many of us have slow metabolisms and move through life like slugs, so its actually probably more intelligent to consider that we may actually eat like we do everything else in life ie slowly.