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Venting I hate older women

  • Thread starter Deleted member 60
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Deleted member 60

Deleted member 60

Nov 7, 2017
they are disgusting worthless cunts, literal human garbage. If I had my way I would put every foid over the age of 20 in an industrial wood chipper.
I need a mommygf. That usually entails a slightly older girl.

It'd be kind of weird with one younger than me.

they are disgusting worthless cunts, literal human garbage. If I had my way I would put every foid over the age of 20 in an industrial wood chipper.
Over 20? You're cutting out some prime years there boyo. Plus milfs can be good as cumdumps
Younger women aren't much better.

Only hope for a good wife is to get a woman in her prime and mold her into your wife.
cum for mommy
I hate all women.
Younger women aren't much better.

Only hope for a good wife is to get a woman in her prime and mold her into your wife.
I hate women
Call me volcel but women past the age of 25 disgust me. They get so ugly and for me I would only wanna fuck them for there pussy. I want a 4'10 mommy gf, I have one in dreams :(
Past 25 and it’s a huge drop off in looks. That’s who the Reddit “ladies’ men” mostly rack up as conquests.
Past 25 and it’s a huge drop off in looks. That’s who the Reddit “ladies’ men” mostly rack up as conquests.
The wall is real, I don't care what the cucks on this site say
Call me volcel but women past the age of 25 disgust me. They get so ugly and for me I would only wanna fuck them for there pussy. I want a 4'10 mommy gf, I have one in dreams :(
I wish I had got sex in my teenage years. 15-19 is when the female is at her prime.
nothing againts older cunts, if they actually love you for you and arent hypergamous pieces of shit
I hate them less than young foids as I imagine them to view me less like a subhuman, because my relative youth overshadows it. Probably cope though.

Come to think of it the main reason I hate them less is probably because Im less physically attracted to them.
nothing againts older cunts, if they actually love you for you and arent hypergamous pieces of shit
I hate them less than young foids as I imagine them to view me less like a subhuman, because my relative youth overshadows it. Probably cope though.

Come to think of it the main reason I hate them less is probably because Im less physically attracted to them.
you're both bluepilled idiots and future betabux. These roasties would want you dead if they were just a few years younger. They're only nice because they know they're hitting the wall.

mogs me
Call me volcel but women past the age of 25 disgust me. They get so ugly and for me I would only wanna fuck them for there pussy. I want a 4'10 mommy gf, I have one in dreams :(

4'10 is the equivalent of either a 5'2 male or a 6'4 male in a normal population
Seeing single women 30+ is life fuel because they're expiring badly at that point i literally can't stand them know but knowing this is more than enough for those bear up tuna slots
I wish I had got sex in my teenage years. 15-19 is when the female is at her prime.
I do also, my age of prime is before 25 obviously
4'10 is the equivalent of either a 5'2 male or a 6'4 male in a normal population
Yea its rare but I like very short girls a lot. Wouldnt wanna have a kid with em though so my kid aint 5'5 male
Same. And I find it amazing how these bitches hit the wall but refuse to see it, like that 50 year old getting drunk at the club --- you're not sexy, you look like a decorated leather bag.
they are disgusting worthless cunts, literal human garbage. If I had my way I would put every foid over the age of 20 in an industrial wood chipper.
I also have these sort of thoughts. Once a femoid turns either 30 or 40, she should have a bolt put in her head like we "humanely" do with livestock and be thrown in some sort of giant femoid landfill (preferably in the desert so as little gets contaminated as possible, throwing them in the ocean would probably be bad for marine life and is not worth it). Women can't raise kids properly so if she already has them executing her is no great loss, the kids can get over it and hopefully be raised by a man who actually knows what he's doing.

Turning the wall into a real thing that foids quite literally cannot survive would be the only foid government social program worth funding with our taxes. As artificial womb and robot pussy technology advances the age can be brought down until we start terminating foid foetuses.
Everytime I've had to work with an older woman (especially if they were in a higher position than me) we have always had problems. They hate me even if I don't interact with them and try to be nice. Most have a stick up their ass and resent males because they can't get Chad dick anymore.
Everytime I've had to work with an older woman (especially if they were in a higher position than me) we have always had problems. They hate me even if I don't interact with them and try to be nice. Most have a stick up their ass and resent males because they can't get Chad dick anymore.

JFL @ working with females :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
be thrown in some sort of giant femoid landfill (preferably in the desert so as little gets contaminated as possible, throwing them in the ocean would probably be bad for marine life and is not worth it).
"An ocean is a desert with its life underground, and a perfect disguise above." Throwing femoids into the desert would be bad for desert life, too. I say we shoot them into the sun. At least they'll have a use that way, providing fuel for the great life-giver.
I don't know dude, older women, 50+ seem chill for the most part and treat me with dignity.

on the other hand women in their 20s -40s treat me like dog shit,
I don't know dude, older women, 50+ seem chill for the most part and treat me with dignity.

on the other hand women in their 20s -40s treat me like dog shit,
yeah that's the age range I meant. I wasn't talking about old ladies
Grannies are usually nice tho.
Old women or young women, they're all pieces of shit
I don't know dude, older women, 50+ seem chill for the most part and treat me with dignity.

on the other hand women in their 20s -40s treat me like dog shit,

Same. Over 50-ish women are really sweet and (from overhearing or second hand information) always have nice things to say about me. Young bitches (late teens to early middle age) in contrast treat me as if I was holding my exposed dick in my hand.
Same. Over 50-ish women are really sweet and (from overhearing or second hand information) always have nice things to say about me. Young bitches (late teens to early middle age) in contrast treat me as if I was holding my exposed dick in my hand.
Lmao I i legit lmao'd reading that last sentence
They treat you with dignity coz they lack validation.
If they were younger, they'd drop you.
at least they have their standards slightly lower
they are disgusting worthless cunts, literal human garbage. If I had my way I would put every foid over the age of 20 in an industrial wood chipper.

Women are worst once they have children.
Young women are usually less secure about themselves and about their place in life which can make them durable. But once they have emotionally matured, have a long-term relationship and a child, they are getting REALLY, REALLY bad.
Surveys also come to the conclusion that older women are more confident AND more often identify as feminist.
This is just one more reason why tradcucks are idiots: they are so fixated on women not getting (enough) children and they worship mothers and motherhood so much, focusing on Merkel being without children etc - but actually, mothers are THE WORST.

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