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Venting I hate my life. I hate it! Fuck it all!

Deleted member 677

Deleted member 677

Nov 8, 2017
Every. Fucking. Day, I have to go through this psychological torture thanks to my ugliness. I have to walk around school seeing groups Chads who bully me, Staceys who follow them like sheep and give me dirty looks if I get too close (i.e. look at them for a millisecond), and other obnoxious couples who kiss in the hallways in front of everyone. In one of my classes, the teacher put me next to a group of Staceys. Their scent gave me an erection, but I have to listen to them say this shit every day:
(actual quotes)
"Do you think that [Chad] is hot?"
"We should invite him to my cottage this summer."
"I totally want to become a stripper."
"Yeah, me too!"
*They start coming up with stripper names*
"He told me that he has my nude pics and I said 'Yeah, who doesn't?'"
"[Chad]'s dick is so huge."
"Yeah, we all know!"
"I fuck him every weekend."
"Guys don't like it when your ass is firm. They want something to squeeze."
"The day we become old enough, we're all becoming strippers."
"Fuck, [Chad] is so sexyyyyyy."

I FUCKING WANT TO KILL THEM ALL! They make Chads' lives heaven and they make my life hell. But do you know the absolute worst types of girls? Cute ones. These are the ones that my heart obsesses over. They're very rare but I consider them 11/10s because of their cute faces. When I see a cute girl, I imagine her being my perfect girlfriend (I believe animecels call them "waifus"), I'd stroke he hair behind her ears and tell her she's beautiful every day. But I always find out that the cute ones are still Staceys who drink themselves half to death every weekend and get nailed by Chads. It hurts my heart.

I can't get rid of my biologically-hardwired attraction to the female body, no matter how much I want to. Whenever a femoid has the unfortunate situation of sitting next to me (God help her!), I always think "Heaven is right there, it's the holy grail to my genitals, but I can't have it.". This one quote on one of my other threads really got to me on an emotional level:
"The vagina is very complex and each part serves a distinct purpose. No two pussies are ever the same and it truly is a form of art. You use your senses to appreciate such a delight. You touch and feel the warm, gooey insides and the sound when the labia rub against each other. You smell the aroma coming from inside and of course, you stare into its magnificence. That, that's where we come from. That's home right there, son."
I've never felt more aroused and miserable at the same time.

I'm even afraid to go out now because of the chance that I'll run into a group of teenage girls at have a heart attack from walking past them awkwardly and knowing that they're probably making comments about my hideous face. So I just lay down and rot during my free time.

And I'm suffering this hellhole of a life why? Because my skull isn't shaped the right way? Really, genetics? Really? Fuck. It's all because of a few millimeters of bone that I can't enjoy my teenage years. I'm less than dirt in the eyes of everyone. Chads bully me for it, femoids stigmatize me for it, and my parents are ashamed of me for it. Fuck it all.

Sperg rant over.
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damn man i can see myself in this post i know how you feel. But now on social media i see all those bitches that are exactly how you described the ones at your school and have 3 kids and Chad or Tyrone is nowhere in site lol. You might be feeling alone now just wait a few years trust me dog all of those bitches and Chads are gonna have that shit come right back to them
Every. Fucking. Day, I have to go through this psychological torture thanks to my ugliness. I have to walk around school seeing groups Chads who bully me, Staceys who follow them like sheep and give me dirty looks if I get too close (i.e. look at them for a millisecond), and other obnoxious couples who kiss in the hallways in front of everyone. In one of my classes, the teacher put me next to a group of Staceys. Their scent gave me an erection, but I have to listen to them say this shit every day:
(actual quotes)
"Do you think that [Chad] is hot?"
"We should invite him to my cottage this summer."
"I totally want to become a stripper."
"Yeah, me too!"
*They start coming up with stripper names*
"He told me that he has my nude pics and I said 'Yeah, who doesn't?'"
"[Chad]'s dick is so huge."
"Yeah, we all know!"
"I fuck him every weekend."
"Guys don't like it when your ass is firm. They want something to squeeze."
"The day we become old enough, we're all becoming strippers."
"Fuck, [Chad] is so sexyyyyyy."

I FUCKING WANT TO KILL THEM ALL! They make Chads' lives heaven and they make my life hell. But do you know the absolute worst types of girls? Cute ones. These are the ones that my heart obsesses over. They're very rare but I consider them 11/10s because of their cute faces. When I see a cute girl, I imagine her being my perfect girlfriend (I believe animecels call them "waifus"), I'd stroke he hair behind her ears and tell her she's beautiful every day. But I always find out that the cute ones are still Staceys who drink themselves half to death every weekend and get nailed by Chads. It hurts my heart.

I can't get rid of my biologically-hardwired attraction to the female body, no matter how much I want to. Whenever a femoid has the unfortunate situation of sitting next to me (God help her!), I always think "Heaven is right there, it's the holy grail to my genitals, but I can't have it.". This one quote on one of my other threads really got to me on an emotional level:
"The vagina is very complex and each part serves a distinct purpose. No two pussies are ever the same and it truly is a form of art. You use your senses to appreciate such a delight. You touch and feel the warm, gooey insides and the sound when the labia rub against each other. You smell the aroma coming from inside and of course, you stare into its magnificence. That, that's where we come from. That's home right there, son."
I've never felt more aroused and miserable at the same time.

I'm even afraid to go out now because of the chance that I'll run into a group of teenage girls at have a heart attack from walking past them awkwardly and knowing that they're probably making comments about my hideous face. So I just lay down and rot during my free time.

And I'm suffering this hellhole of a life why? Because my skull isn't shaped the right way? Really, genetics? Really? Fuck. It's all because of a few millimeters of bone that I can't enjoy my teenage years. I'm less than dirt in the eyes of everyone. Chads bully me for it, femoids stigmatize me for it, and my parents are ashamed of me for it. Fuck it all.

Sperg rant over.
The best thing you can do is to not have kids. Don't pass on your inferior shitty genes. Let the Chad's and Stacy's breed to create more beautiful people.
I feel you OP but you're 16
how do you get bullied
"The vagina is very complex and each part serves a distinct purpose. No two pussies are ever the same and it truly is a form of art. You use your senses to appreciate such a delight. You touch and feel the warm, gooey insides and the sound when the labia rub against each other. You smell the aroma coming from inside and of course, you stare into its magnificence. That, that's where we come from. That's home right there, son."

Clitoris and vagina are basically just underdeveloped cock and balls tbh
Nice rant. It's so fucking unfair. Gotta find ways to cope. Try things out until you find something that helps: get fit, strength training & minfap, martial arts classes are good. Don't give up or despair until all your cope options have run out at least.
damn man i can see myself in this post i know how you feel. But now on social media i see all those bitches that are exactly how you described the ones at your school and have 3 kids and Chad or Tyrone is nowhere in site lol. You might be feeling alone now just wait a few years trust me dog all of those bitches and Chads are gonna have that shit come right back to them
Hopefully they all die of alcohol poisoning or OD.
Posts like this fuel my hatred.

Whitecels are locationcels or completely retarded autists like that guy with the tinder experiment thread

Unless blackops2cel mogs you I don't think you can identify as incel as white and even then any Asian would love your white cock in her ass
...knowing that they're probably making comments about my hideous face.

This. The amount of stupid ass comments I hear every time I walk past a group of women makes me furious. They just always have to comment on everything even on the most pettiest shit. Just shut the fuck up don't they have anything else to flap their gums about like how many chads they sucked off this week or something.
Let the hatred fuel your wrath
Every. Fucking. Day, I have to go through this psychological torture thanks to my ugliness. I have to walk around school seeing groups Chads who bully me, Staceys who follow them like sheep and give me dirty looks if I get too close (i.e. look at them for a millisecond), and other obnoxious couples who kiss in the hallways in front of everyone. In one of my classes, the teacher put me next to a group of Staceys.

As an old man more than twice your age, one foot in the shadows of the Garden and the other firmly planted in the Grave, I would love to assure you that it gets better. I wish I could promise that the looks of disgust become ones of appreciation, that as women grow older they become more discerning and, with wisdom, will be able to see the virtues you've been blessed with rather than the curses you've been afflicted with. After all, when I was your age, I was offered similar sentiments by parents and friends. "When those girls at long last become women, all of those nasty snickers will become sighs of appreciation. Time will sharpen their perception and, after years of having ridiculed and hated you because of the ugliness of your flesh, they'll at long last be able to see the beauty of your soul."

But if I were to tell you these things, I would be the most egregious of liars. Now, rest assured, women will become too sophisticated to giggle in your presence, call you ugly to your face or cheer as the handsome boys they're so enamored of beat you for their amusement. They'll treat you with apparent respect, condemn bullies for their vicious behavior and swear before God, Man and Devil that a beautiful spirit is infinitely more valuable than a pretty face. You would almost be tempted to believe that advanced age had made Gnostics of them all.

Sadly, at least for the unlovely, all of those pretty words are never anything more than pretty fables uttered by pretty people. The girl who dreamed of the handsome man, more than willing to endure the worst of his abuse for the sake of his most casual embrace, is still harboring the same fantasies as her hair fades to gray and wrinkles begin to line her once porcelain face. Being a human being, our woman of a certain age still despises the ugly even though she knows she is morally obligated to do otherwise. So she won't laugh and point and insult. Older now, she'll merely turn away in the presence of an ugly man and maintain a dignified silence. Instead of returning his friendliness with a look of blatant disgust and harsh laughter, she'll manage a grim smile: the closest thing Nature will permit Her daughter to express by way of the civility expected of adults. Her hatred of the repulsive becomes more subtle as the sands trickle from the top of the hour glass to the bottom.

Lamentably, so too does the ability of the men she reviles to discern her loathing. The woman and the monster, the former despising the latter and the latter pining for the former, grow older in lockstep, learning each other's tricks as the lady marches toward her burial plot in God's Grand Garden and the unlovable ghoul to his proper place burning in one of Pandemonium's many ghettos.

When it comes to what is most essential, most significant and real, there is no difference between the nursery, playground, geriatric ward and tomb. So what if the language spoken in each sounds just a little bit different? These are regional dialects, nothing more. The distinction is nothing more than variations on a single theme that will repeat again and again and again until the day when the nursery, playground, geriatric ward and tomb exist no longer.
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As an old man more than twice your age, one foot in the shadows of the Garden and the other firmly planted in the Grave, I would love to assure you that it gets better. I wish I could promise that the looks of disgust become ones of appreciation, that as women grow older they become more discerning and, with wisdom, will be able to see the virtues you've been blessed with rather than the curses you've been afflicted with. After all, when I was your age, I was offered similar sentiments by parents and friends. "When those girls at long last become women, all of those nasty snickers will become sighs of appreciation. Time will sharpen their perception and, after years of having ridiculed and hated you because of the ugliness of your flesh, they'll at long last be able to see the beauty of your soul."

But if I were to tell you these things, I would be the most egregious of liars. Now, rest assured, women will become too sophisticated to giggle in your presence, call you ugly to your face or cheer as the handsome boys they're so enamored of beat you for their amusement. They'll treat you with apparent respect, condemn bullies for their vicious behavior and swear before God, Man and Devil that a beautiful spirit is infinitely more valuable than a pretty face. You would almost be tempted to believe that advanced age had made Gnostics of them all.

Sadly, at least for the unlovely, all of those pretty words are never anything more than pretty fables uttered by pretty people. The girl who dreamed of the handsome man, more than willing to endure the worst of his abuse for the sake of his most casual embrace, is still harboring the same fantasies as her hair fades to gray and wrinkles begin to line her once porcelain face. Being a human being, our woman of a certain age still despises the ugly even though she knows she is morally obligated to do otherwise. So she won't laugh and point and insult. Older now, she'll merely turn away in the presence of an ugly man and maintain a dignified silence. Instead of returning his friendliness with a look of blatant disgust and harsh laughter, she'll manage a grim smile: the closest thing Nature will permit Her daughter to express by way of the civility expected of adults. Her hatred of the repulsive becomes more subtle as the sands trickle from the top of the hour glass to the bottom.

Lamentably, so too does the ability of the men she reviles to discern her loathing. The woman and the monster, the former despising the latter and the latter pining for the former, grow older in lockstep, learning each other's tricks as the lady marches toward her burial plot in God's Grand Garden and the unlovable ghoul to his proper place burning in one of Pandemonium's many ghettos.

When it comes to what is most essential, most significant and real, there is no difference between the nursery, playground, geriatric ward and tomb. So what if the language spoken in each sounds just a little bit different? These are regional dialects, nothing more. The distinction is nothing more than variations on a single theme that will repeat again and again and again until the day when the nursery, playground, geriatric ward and tomb exist no longer.
That is a BRUTAL Blackpill... but it's true...
As an old man more than twice your age, one foot in the shadows of the Garden and the other firmly planted in the Grave, I would love to assure you that it gets better. I wish I could promise that the looks of disgust become ones of appreciation, that as women grow older they become more discerning and, with wisdom, will be able to see the virtues you've been blessed with rather than the curses you've been afflicted with. After all, when I was your age, I was offered similar sentiments by parents and friends. "When those girls at long last become women, all of those nasty snickers will become sighs of appreciation. Time will sharpen their perception and, after years of having ridiculed and hated you because of the ugliness of your flesh, they'll at long last be able to see the beauty of your soul."

But if I were to tell you these things, I would be the most egregious of liars. Now, rest assured, women will become too sophisticated to giggle in your presence, call you ugly to your face or cheer as the handsome boys they're so enamored of beat you for their amusement. They'll treat you with apparent respect, condemn bullies for their vicious behavior and swear before God, Man and Devil that a beautiful spirit is infinitely more valuable than a pretty face. You would almost be tempted to believe that advanced age had made Gnostics of them all.

Sadly, at least for the unlovely, all of those pretty words are never anything more than pretty fables uttered by pretty people. The girl who dreamed of the handsome man, more than willing to endure the worst of his abuse for the sake of his most casual embrace, is still harboring the same fantasies as her hair fades to gray and wrinkles begin to line her once porcelain face. Being a human being, our woman of a certain age still despises the ugly even though she knows she is morally obligated to do otherwise. So she won't laugh and point and insult. Older now, she'll merely turn away in the presence of an ugly man and maintain a dignified silence. Instead of returning his friendliness with a look of blatant disgust and harsh laughter, she'll manage a grim smile: the closest thing Nature will permit Her daughter to express by way of the civility expected of adults. Her hatred of the repulsive becomes more subtle as the sands trickle from the top of the hour glass to the bottom.

Lamentably, so too does the ability of the men she reviles to discern her loathing. The woman and the monster, the former despising the latter and the latter pining for the former, grow older in lockstep, learning each other's tricks as the lady marches toward her burial plot in God's Grand Garden and the unlovable ghoul to his proper place burning in one of Pandemonium's many ghettos.

When it comes to what is most essential, most significant and real, there is no difference between the nursery, playground, geriatric ward and tomb. So what if the language spoken in each sounds just a little bit different? These are regional dialects, nothing more. The distinction is nothing more than variations on a single theme that will repeat again and again and again until the day when the nursery, playground, geriatric ward and tomb exist no longer.
Jesus H this brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful post.
This teenager is severely mentally ill maybe offing himself is the best solution
Spread open pussy lips looks gross to me. Especially if there's any extra skin or roast beef.

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