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I hate my class



feminae stultae sunt | 5'3 goblin-manlet
May 19, 2018
fuck this class is fucking retarded. Its a class on antebellum america (I'm not even specializing in American History so its bullshit that I have to take US history classes) and its super discussion based. Literally 25% of the grade is based on how much you talk and how much the professor likes what you say. He is super biased politically so if you aren't 100% shilling his political beliefs he acts like you are 100% wrong. its fucking retarded!! The class is once a week which is nice but its also almost 3 hours long. I can't wait till its over.
fuck dat noise bruh
not worth it tbh. They also offer very few classes in my major a semester (its a small school and a small major) so I wouldn't be full time anymore. Also the other class option I can find is run by an even worse professor so I would rather just stick with the annoying male. At least most of the history department is men tbh, I cant imagine how much it would suck to have mostly female professors. I'm at a point in my degree that theres only so many professors you can have sadly, so if you get stuck with a subject you dont like the amount of classes to chose from is small.
fuck dat noise bruh
tbhtbh. I would LARP being sick but we are only allowed to be sick/miss class twice or we get kicked out.
Not studying stem :feelshaha::feelsPop:
Not studying stem :feelshaha::feelsPop:
I was originally (I even got a scholarship for physics) but I dropped since being a landlord makes way more money. My goal is to be a landlord and be an archeologist on the side but I need a history PhD to do it.
In my class there's a 9/10 skull mogger chad dating a 4/10 skinny becky. And he is just doing it for fun i can see it, im sure as fuck he cheats on her with stacies. And there's a chadlite dating a noodlewhore, plus a 6'5 tyrone who's dating a annoying ass hot black stacy. He is a nice guy and everything but i envy him so much im so fucking jealous
In my class there's a 9/10 skull mogger chad dating a 4/10 skinny becky. And he is just doing it for fun i can see it, im sure as fuck he cheats on her with stacies. And there's a chadlite dating a noodlewhore, plus a 6'5 tyrone who's dating a annoying ass hot black stacy. He is a nice guy and everything but i envy him so much im so fucking jealous
brutal. most students in my classes are truecels and like 1 or 2 chad lites.
brutal. most students in my classes are truecels and like 1 or 2 chad lites.
True as fuck. All the other students are normie/incels, with the exception of 2 chadlites, 1 chad and 1 tyrone in my class. Yet im the ugliest. Its fucking over.
True as fuck. All the other students are normie/incels, with the exception of 2 chadlites, 1 chad and 1 tyrone in my class. Yet im the ugliest. Its fucking over.
brutal. Im one of the ugliest but theres one guy who is more ugly than me and i always feel bad for him. his eyes are super tiny and his chin looks fat/like a double chin but he isnt even fat.
brutal. Im one of the ugliest but theres one guy who is more ugly than me and i always feel bad for him. his eyes are super tiny and his chin looks fat/like a double chin but he isnt even fat.
I have a truecel friend but im uglier than him. The whole class once agreed I was the ugliest. Only a few people don't bully me. I personallly have nothing against the tyrone in my class because he was always chill and cool with me. Im the ugliest, i have a special condition that makes me skinny no matter how much i eat, plus assymetrical face, bald, bug eyes, shit eye area, recessed chin dude its fucking depressing just to think about it. :cryfeels::feelsrope::kys:
Fuck my exam is pretty close. fuck it fuuuuckkkk
I hate when they put a grade on participation. I usually don't say shit the whole semester and on the last class I say as much as possible to sabee my grade
I hate when they put a grade on participation. I usually don't say shit the whole semester and on the last class I say as much as possible to sabee my grade
same, participation grades are bullshit unless its a public speaking class. I usually spout out some irrelevant bullshit so the professor doesnt even want me to talk and is more lenient when i dont open my mouth.
fak i hate classes like these they grade u based on how nt and attractive u are
american politics are gigaragefuel,just degenerates demanding for your hard working to be going towards them because they're too useless to do it themsevles
american politics are gigaragefuel,just degenerates demanding for your hard working to be going towards them because they're too useless to do it themsevles
at least the class isnt technically a politics class so Im sure politics wont be involved all the time.
They deserve not going ER
at least the class isnt technically a politics class so Im sure politics wont be involved all the time.
sounds better tbh,bulgarian classes with politics are based,all the teachers shitting on israel
Is the subject that extensive to warrant a 3 hour class on it?
sounds better tbh,bulgarian classes with politics are based,all the teachers shitting on israel
jfl, same here though. one of my professors refuses to call it israel he just calls it illegally occupied palestinian land
I hate school ngl

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