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Venting I hate living so fucking much



卐 卍࿕࿖࿗࿘ꖦ
Oct 12, 2018
My life is going nowhere. I can't fucking take this shit anymore I swear. I just wanted one thing in life, a girlfriend. I don't even have one girl talking to me when attractive males have thousands. Fucking coin flip to see if your life is pain or luxury. I'm so sad all the time and drugs don't even fill the void anymore. I can't do it anymore I can't I JUST WANT A FUCKING GIRLFRIEND I JUST WANT ONE AND YOU MOTHERFUCKERS ARE TAKING ALL OF THEM WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY
my head is hurting. maybe it's time to just lay down for awhile...
Wanting a gf/love is cope. It won't fix your face.
10/10 can relate :feelsbadman:
Women are scum.
Hiveminded, bacteria laced, hypocritical, heartless, barbaric, scumasites that spread disease and misfortune wherever they go...
Brutal , can't help you tbh
Even monkeymaxxxing couldn't save you, it's over.
God damn bud i feel this so bad. All ive wanted in life for so long is a girl who can love me and i can love back, witj the promise of starting a family and sharing a home and a life together, with mutual compromises being made to accommodate each other in mutual devotion.

Alas, we know this ideal to be a mirage with little basis in reality, at least not without the constraints imposed by traditionalist cultures, if that. Feminism, through its manipulative contorsion of reality via its corruption of academia and the intelligentsia, has persuaded the cucks and simps to disregard those mechanisms of social cohesion long ago, thereby leading to the degenerate culture we may observe today

And we know that women are inherently enslaved to their hypergamous instincts to chase Chad regardless of the consequences for herself, society, or low status males. Yet, we are also enslaved to our own reptilian OOGA BOOGA monkey brains to desire female affection and sex despite us knowing cognitively that we would better off without such desires.

This is why i tend to be inclined towards transhumanism, as the promise of transcending the human body and the urges and inconveniences of its compulsions for fornication would likely improve our qualities of life, as i see it. I believe Elliot expressed a similar wish that sex simply just did not exist, and we need not even be aware of its existence, thereby allowing us to not care about inceldom anymore
If you had a girlfriend, you would probably be cucked and when you discovered that you would cry and kill yourself.
I regularly fantasize about someone shooting me so I don't have to kill myself tbh tbh ngl
@BummerDrummer I hear ya man. None of us, it seems, has any satisfying answer. Which is why this site exists. In particular, I hear you that "drugs don't even fill the void anymore." That's the curse of addiction-coping, I guess. The things that made us feel better yesterday just lose their effectiveness... You ever think of something like this?
I regularly fantasize about someone shooting me so I don't have to kill myself tbh tbh ngl
same tbh... if someone were to rob me at gun point, I'd probably react just to get shot and die already
its cope or rope bro
Today I’m going to buy start vaping I’m going to a store just when they open it’s 5 am now and I’m also going to gym soon.
Honestly, women are not magical beings or gifts. They're ordinary as fuck. What I want is a peace of mind. To feel great. A basic ass woman is not gonna solve that
Same but it will en soon
Wanting a gf/love is cope. It won't fix your face.

It won't make you happy either as women are horrible to men unless you're Chad. Blue pilled cope to think having a girlfriend is all you need in life. That's how you get cucks.
Not gonna happen bud, sorry to say. Life shows no mercy and if you fall that far behind there is no way back. It was all predetermined anyway with bad genetics.
I wouldn’t care much about my face if someone loved me
There is no such thing as love.

There is only face.

Only face.
you should nevER evER kill yourself. CHOose life instead. MAKE THEM PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAKE THEM RUE THE DAY THEY DID THIS TO YOU
My life is going nowhere. I can't fucking take this shit anymore I swear. I just wanted one thing in life, a girlfriend. I don't even have one girl talking to me when attractive males have thousands. Fucking coin flip to see if your life is pain or luxury. I'm so sad all the time and drugs don't even fill the void anymore. I can't do it anymore I can't I JUST WANT A FUCKING GIRLFRIEND I JUST WANT ONE AND YOU MOTHERFUCKERS ARE TAKING ALL OF THEM WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY
My desire for love and affection has turned into pure hatred. I have no empathy for women and I will never be able to fall in love with one of them ever again. Fuck this earth.
There is no such thing as love.

There is only face.

Only face.
Cope. We all know you're madly in love with @FullTimeLoser :lul::lul::lul::lul:
at this point i'd be content being alone my whole life as long as I don't have to wage cuck, as long as I have financial and legal stability.

How do you expect my to slave with literally nothing in return
My life is going nowhere. I can't fucking take this shit anymore I swear. I just wanted one thing in life, a girlfriend. I don't even have one girl talking to me when attractive males have thousands. Fucking coin flip to see if your life is pain or luxury. I'm so sad all the time and drugs don't even fill the void anymore. I can't do it anymore I can't I JUST WANT A FUCKING GIRLFRIEND I JUST WANT ONE AND YOU MOTHERFUCKERS ARE TAKING ALL OF THEM WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY
If not having girlfriend is your biggest problem, then you don't have it as bad as some of us. I can't even properly communicate with people, my whole fucking school life was nothing more than a repititious of video games, being bullied for being obese despite all my exiercise and efforts to lose weight (While my fucking mother kept telling me when I was not Fat, when clearly I fucking was and had, and still have trouble sleeping.), sleep apnea, and learning bullshit that I would forget and have to all relearn through college courses that I dropped out of due to burn-out, ostracization, and the anti-social nature of the people in college. I was forced to go into IEP classes where the Special-Ed teachers would pretend to be my friend, and then do a 360 and talk shit to me, just to get me angry.
I still ask myself why the fuck did I have to go through all this bullshit, and then stupid normies attack and gaslight me as if it is all my fault that I went through all this shit. They try to put all the blame on me when I know that I

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