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RageFuel I hate it when you give CuckTears content and a reason to believe incels get rejected due to personality



I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017


FFS. Why are some of you giving CuckTears outrageous, edgy, weird content and an excuse to blame our behaviour for why women find us ugly? I mean, really? Smelling women's SHIT? Not expecting shit that comes out of anus not to smell of shit because the anus belongs to a WOMAN? I mean, did you really not expect SHIT to smell like SHIT? What are you, 3? "I walked into a stall where someone had just shat and lo-and-behold, the smell reflected what was coming out of their rectum. SHOCK FUCKING HORROR".

And then the antisocial, autistic, immature behaviour of leaving the door open. It cheered you up to sit in a room that smells of shit? "Ohh take that roastie! Checkmate! Now we can all breathe your poo into our lungs. Such an incel-win, right there". While you were typinh this up, the roastie in question was probably setting up a date with a few Chads on Snapchat or Tinder. You didn't win shit. All you won was the opportunity to sit smelling shit. Strong victory.

When you make threads like this, you allow CuckTears to drop the "And they wonder why they can't get a gf" line.

What this forum could do to silence CuckTears is post blackpill truth after blackpill truth. We have the truth, scientific studies, and observable reality on our side. When a nutjob, Dylan-Roof-minded incel posts shit like this, it hurts our cause. It makes it easier for outsiders to see us as awkward weirdos who need to improve our personalities. I am almost entirely incel due to LOOKS, AGE, FACE, HAIR, etc. I don't want to get lumped in with an edgy, potiential school-shooter who doesn't have the social awareness to see that not only does this behaviour not help you get a gf or better-looking, but also POSTING IT just makes us look more unjustified, more wrong, more misguided, more mentally-ill in our views on what is actually a biological truth.
We share the exact same views. The difference is I get banned for a day or warnings for expressing them.
cucktears is just an echo chamber that will bash us the instant they see something out of place even if it’s out of context.
its another troll, never really hard of a place that has shared bathrooms, only time ive heard that is on fucking american pie haha
Probably bullshit. Probably he jerked off in there.
WTF are you talking about? This shit is hilarious.
why do you care? why do any incels even read inceltears? seriously who gives a fuck
cucktears is just an echo chamber that will bash us the instant they see something out of place even if it’s out of context.

Reminder that people like this automatically assume virgins/incels don't shower. It's not just IT, it's a common point used by many normalfags. They will make up anything as a reason why we're rejected by society just to never admit someone is physically unattractive.
"What this forum could do to silence CuckTears is post blackpill truth after blackpill truth. We have the truth, scientific studies, and observable reality on our side."

It doesn't matter. They don't care about facts. To them, we all women hating misogynists. That's why we are alone. They will never believe that exists people so ugly that no one will ever love them. It's like playing chess with a pigeon.

The same thing with race and IQ . It's a fact but people refuse to believe because the truth is so vile. Not even "redpilled", right-wing or neonazi men will believe in the black pill. It's just sad to accept that some people simply can't win in this world. That's why MGTOW exists. It's the ultimate cope.
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The only reason they're allowed to hate us is because they can dehumanize us with shit like this. It isn't just cucktears, it's everyone. I find it hilarious, but save it for a discord chat or something.
cucktears is just an echo chamber that will bash us the instant they see something out of place even if it’s out of context.
Your mistake is trying to reason with IT, they cant be reasoned with. They assume that personality matters and go from there. Anything that conflicts this world view must be wrong. Its pointless really, just like they cant understand why saying stupid shit about women online on some obscure forum has no effect on how women perceive you irl, instead they claim women have some mysterious 6th sense that can tell them you post mean things online but cant help them avoid abusive Chads. Just ignore them tbh
Trying to preach to a bunch of late teens early 20's boys is never going to work.
We're a tiny community no one cares about, as is IncelTears. There's no reason for anybody to care about what they do, or adjust their posting style to maintain good optics for people who hate us. Keep your mind on your business and don't think about them.
Why do some of you care so much about offending Cucktears? They don't watch their mouths around us. They don't try to do anything to make us think society isn't shit. Unless you think Cucktears is better than you, there's no reason to censor yourself around them. What are they, your masters?
it's a joke. wouldn't be out of place at all to find a post like that on 4chan. but cucktears are FAR too unintelligent to understand anything as subtle as a joke

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