Clown world, My family sees my brothers as better than me because they achieved more, I didnt choose to be born autistic, ADHD ugly deformed nose prey eyes Whateverthefuck curvedspinebastard, Hurts every time they roast me, DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE SON!
Like what? Just go and be humiliated? NO ONE wants to be assosiated with me irl! The fuck am i supposed to do, Bluepill myself into oblivion and then pretend my looks isnt an issue when people clearly point it out, Oh it must be something in my brain, Mom this isnt an LSD trip, People are actually commenting on my apperance negatively, Its not in my head...
Its so fucking over man, Like they think people can sense my personality if they dont even talk to me, How will they know my personality, A random person on the street doesnt know i post on .is a random person on the street doesnt know me, They only know my appearance, Using that as an example, They have to actually want to talk to me but if my looks repulse them, Then they cant blame my personality, Because theive never spoken to me at all and are repulsed by my looks before i can open my mouth. Yeah it must sooo be my personality...... Clown World!