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I hate guys who think their suicide or death will be revenge. They die and almost no one shows up for their funeral or cares



Dec 28, 2017
I come from (or used to since most are dead / ghosted) a large half working class, half office workers white family. We've already lost 3 of the younger generation (under 30) to the overdose heroin thing.

I went to two of the funerals and no one even shows up. Maybe 5 of his relatives, lol. Usually his mom and his aunts.

Once I had a fat older uncle die from diabetes he didn't even bother to treat. Only 4 people showed up. His siblings. At this point I just gave up on this shit and didn't even go.

the city workers are so used to male suicides they'll probably forget they had to move his corpse a week a later
hospital and morgue churns through dead white guys like a foid goes high calorie junk food

I don't have a solution, all I can say is that killing yourself won't achieve anything.
true. never suicide.it will be win for ur bullies
Going to die anyway eventually might as well make yourself as comfortable as possible while you're alive and healthy. Time goes by so quickly anyway.
I think about this regularly. I know once my parents pass away, I'll have no relatives that will even visit me/let alone attend my funeral when I finally suicide.

There is a group of "old boys" (students who graduated from the college I went to) that keep track of fellow old boys who pass away and attend their funerals. Why do they do this? Cos half the old boys have had successful careers, but die isolated and miserable. It's over when you have former students who you haven't seen for 20 yrs attending your funeral just cos there is nobody else to attend it.

I know I'll end up in a paupers grave lol - it will be my fuck you to society by having the gov pay for my funeral :cryfeels:
there is legit no reason to live as a young white male in the west
Sad shit man. So many countries have this issue where their men are just garbage that needs be ground up. Hypergamous, bad gender ratios, women that decided there's a whole population outside the country's borders that they should be fucking instead of the native men.

I always advocate for people just ragemaxxing to keep themselves going, start kicking back at everyone giving you shit, which if you're an incel, chances are it's probably a lot of people, sadly including family and colleagues. Just kick back and hate hard to replace the suicidal feelings. Get off on being "inconvenient".
I don't understand either, females are happy when an incel ropes, how the fuck is that revenge
Sad shit man. So many countries have this issue where their men are just garbage that needs be ground up. Hypergamous, bad gender ratios, women that decided there's a whole population outside the country's borders that they should be fucking instead of the native men.

I always advocate for people just ragemaxxing to keep themselves going, start kicking back at everyone giving you shit, which if you're an incel, chances are it's probably a lot of people, sadly including family and colleagues. Just kick back and hate hard to replace the suicidal feelings. Get off on being "inconvenient".

be like those old guys who get in everyone's way, do gross shit in public and give zero fucks. everyone seems to be afraid of them because they know they'll just be a huge hassle.
I think about this regularly. I know once my parents pass away, I'll have no relatives that will even visit me/let alone attend my funeral when I finally suicide.

There is a group of "old boys" (students who graduated from the college I went to) that keep track of fellow old boys who pass away and attend their funerals. Why do they do this? Cos half the old boys have had successful careers, but die isolated and miserable. It's over when you have former students who you haven't seen for 20 yrs attending your funeral just cos there is nobody else to attend it.

I know I'll end up in a paupers grave lol - it will be my fuck you to society by having the gov pay for my funeral :cryfeels:
there is legit no reason to live as a young white male in the west
lol at least u have ur own place*
be like those old guys who get in everyone's way, do gross shit in public and give zero fucks. everyone seems to be afraid of them because they know they'll just be a huge hassle.
in 2019 just having a backbone is enough for people to react like you're one of those gross old guys
Suicide is only really legit to escape from constant, incurable and painful physical and psychological problems.

Suicide is the worthless as revenge as you will only be doing foids and society a favour since they want incels dead anyway.
Suicide isn't revenge against against women, it's revenge against life.
This is why you go ER and write a manifeso
Yeah, ropers really piss me off. Trying to build a rebellion here and they keep giving life fuel to the enemy.
never have i read "i will suicide, this will show them foids". We suicide because we cannot cope any longer and having no people showing up to our funeral is just why we may be this miserabel in the first place?
Suicide is cuckoldry.
It's over for men.

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