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RageFuel I hate globalist faggots



Jan 1, 2019
The truth is the WEF is actually a relatively benevolent organization that pools resources from altruistic billionaire philantrophists to try and solve world issues. In many ways they are a very good group that does a lot for the world.

I totally disagree with their push for feminism and a few cucked policies, but other than that I largely agree with them. They support redistribution of the worlds wealth, taking action against climate change, ensuring public health, making sure everyone has their basic needs met, etc....

They're the only hope we have at normalizing MMT, something that could truly unlock humanities power for good.
The truth is the WEF is actually a relatively benevolent organization that pools resources from altruistic billionaire philantrophists to try and solve world issues. In many ways they are a very good group that does a lot for the world.
Greynigger :feelsohgod::feelswhat::feelspuke:
Schwab has (((Rotschild))) relatives
The truth is the WEF is actually a relatively benevolent organization that pools resources from altruistic billionaire philantrophists to try and solve world issues. In many ways they are a very good group that does a lot for the world.

I totally disagree with their push for feminism and a few cucked policies, but other than that I largely agree with them. They support redistribution of the worlds wealth, taking action against climate change, ensuring public health, making sure everyone has their basic needs met, etc....

They're the only hope we have at normalizing MMT, something that could truly unlock humanities power for good.
The truth is the WEF is actually a relatively benevolent organization that pools resources from altruistic billionaire philantrophists to try and solve world issues. In many ways they are a very good group that does a lot for the world.

I totally disagree with their push for feminism and a few cucked policies, but other than that I largely agree with them. They support redistribution of the worlds wealth, taking action against climate change, ensuring public health, making sure everyone has their basic needs met, etc....

They're the only hope we have at normalizing MMT, something that could truly unlock humanities power for good.

Fucking greycels.

Can a mod ban this retard?
The truth is the WEF is actually a relatively benevolent organization that pools resources from altruistic billionaire philantrophists to try and solve world issues. In many ways they are a very good group that does a lot for the world.

I totally disagree with their push for feminism and a few cucked policies, but other than that I largely agree with them. They support redistribution of the worlds wealth, taking action against climate change, ensuring public health, making sure everyone has their basic needs met, etc....

They're the only hope we have at normalizing MMT, something that could truly unlock humanities power for good.
It's better to have different countries and languages, cultures etc. The WEF wants one World Government and one mixed race of people. Also you should let nature take its course and let some people starve. That's better for the gene pool and the human soul.
Fucking greycels.

Can a mod ban this retard?
Yeah, I'm stupid because I actually read Desmond Moores, Galbraith, and Dawkins, instead of base my worldview off tinfoil conspiracies.

Being a nutjob who believes these WEF conspiracies is one reason we're a laughing stock.
Yeah, I'm stupid because I actually read Desmond Moores, Galbraith, and Dawkins, instead of base my worldview off tinfoil conspiracies.

Being a nutjob who believes these WEF conspiracies is one reason we're a laughing stock.

What conspiracy theories? I didn't mention any.

I didn't invent the "you'll own nothing, and you'll be happy". What you seem to think about redistribution of wealth, climate change, public health and so on are political views. Not agreeing with them does not make you a conspiracy theorist.

There is no conspiracy since they work in plain sight.
What conspiracy theories? I didn't mention any.

I didn't invent the "you'll own nothing, and you'll be happy". What you seem to think about redistribution of wealth, climate change, public health and so on are political views. Not agreeing with them does not make you a conspiracy theorist.

There is no conspiracy since they work in plain sight.
You called me a retard for praising the world economic forum. I don't know why you'd do that unless you were a conspiracy nut who believed they're some malevolent shadow organization. If you take them at their word, they're just a thinktank who push for progressive social and economic policy.
who push for progressive social and economic policy.

So did Stalin and Mao. We know where that kind of "benevolence" leads.

"You'll own nothing and you'll be happy" They should add : and if you're not happy, to the Gulag you go.

I can't believe how people keep falling for the same shit over and over again.
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So did Stalin and Mao. We know where that kind of "benevolence" leads.

"You'll own nothing and you'll be happy" They should add : and if you're not happy, to the Gulag you go.
>"You'll own nothing and be happy"

That's because of the nature of capitalism. The nature of capitalism during a non-growth period is to slowly consolidate wealth in the hands of a fewer and fewer who then rent their capital out to the working class at a continually lower rate of profit. It's not a conspiracy, it's just how the system works. Wealth mobility and acquiring assets is only possible in a perpetually growing world, something that is coming to an end.

The solution isn't pure socialism, that leads in ruin, but a system where the working classes don't OWN anything, but are given UBI to perpetually rent from the capitalist owner class is the most humane and reasonable compromise. If you get to grow up, rent a nice house to live in, rent a car, go on vacations, drink booze, etc.... but you don't technically "OWN" anything because the ownership costs are out of reach.... is your life really any worse?

Even if you don't like this outcome, I don't see a way around it.
>"You'll own nothing and be happy"

That's because of the nature of capitalism. The nature of capitalism during a non-growth period is to slowly consolidate wealth in the hands of a fewer and fewer who then rent their capital out to the working class at a continually lower rate of profit. It's not a conspiracy, it's just how the system works. Wealth mobility and acquiring assets is only possible in a perpetually growing world, something that is coming to an end.

The solution isn't pure socialism, that leads in ruin, but a system where the working classes don't OWN anything, but are given UBI to perpetually rent from the capitalist owner class is the most humane and reasonable compromise. If you get to grow up, rent a nice house to live in, rent a car, go on vacations, drink booze, etc.... but you don't technically "OWN" anything because the ownership costs are out of reach.... is your life really any worse?

Even if you don't like this outcome, I don't see a way around it.

Some people do want to be treated as cattle, what can I say.

We are not going to make any progress on the capitalism vs communism debate here. We do have a bunch of leftists here as well as a fair amount of libertarians/right-wing whatever. We tend to avoid arguing about these issues here because that's not what this forum is for.

You're a greycel so you might not be aware of that. I can't force you to keep your non-inceldom-related retarded political views for yourself, hopefully you will, though.
Some people do want to be treated as cattle, what can I say.

We are not going to make any progress on the capitalism vs communism debate here. We do have a bunch of leftists here as well as a fair amount of libertarians/right-wing whatever. We tend to avoid arguing about these issues here because that's not what this forum is for.

You're a greycel so you might not be aware of that. I can't force you to keep your non-inceldom-related retarded political views for yourself, hopefully you will, though.

>some people do not want to be treated as cattle

They're not, they're treated as Gods/Kings. They are given everything they can possibly want. The only people who would complain are entitled whiners who think they deserve wealth and power for existing.

As cringe as boomers are, one thing they are totally on the mark is that this is the most entitled and whiny generation to ever live when it comes to economic expectations.

>We are not going to make any progress on the capitalism vs communism debate here. We do have a bunch of leftists here as well as a fair amount of libertarians/right-wing whatever. We tend to avoid arguing about these issues here because that's not what this forum is for.

I understand, it's because we have ppl like you who don't understand this stuff.
The only people who would complain are entitled whiners who think they deserve wealth and power for existing.
Says the guy who just brought up UBI as a way to "rent from capitalist owners".
I totally disagree with their push for feminism and a few cucked policies, but other than that I largely agree with them. They support redistribution of the worlds wealth, taking action against climate change, ensuring public health, making sure everyone has their basic needs met, etc....
Nice bluepill soy faggotry here
Yeah, I'm stupid because I actually read Desmond Moores, Galbraith, and Dawkins, instead of base my worldview off tinfoil conspiracies.
Uahhahahaah "dawkins" and "conzpirazii deoriesss" in the same sentence. You are a certified moron. Secular, Western faggot praising a Rothschild
nut who believed they're some malevolent shadow organization
They are. I have been following them and critics about them for 2 Years. They actually are a shadow malevolent selfish organization. They also labeled themselves as "elites" being ridiculed and attacked even on Twitter by average leftoids.

If you are so moronic to think harari and schwab are two philantropist you deserve the communism 2.0 coming to the West. Hopefully i will just move.

Oh and enjoy all the secular, godless, lgbt, feminist, anti male retardation they push for since they are "benevolent".

Enjoy transhumanism and all thar abstract perverted crap
Says the guy who just brought up UBI as a way to "rent from capitalist owners".

Yes, you are entitled to three meals a day, and a roof over your head, and basic living expenses.

What you are not entitled to do is to become part of the capitalist ruling class, which is essentially what zoomers are asking for when they demand to own their home. Property ownership is a luxury that traditionally only a small class of people had, this idea that everyone needs to own a home must die.
They are. I have been following them and critics about them for 2 Years. They actually are a shadow malevolent selfish organization. They also labeled themselves as "elites" being ridiculed and attacked even on Twitter by average leftoids.

If you are so moronic to think harari and schwab are two philantropist you deserve the communism 2.0 coming to the West. Hopefully i will just move.

Oh and enjoy all the secular, godless, lgbt, feminist, anti male retardation they push for since they are "benevolent".

Enjoy transhumanism and all thar abstract perverted crap

>hey are. I have been following them and critics about them for 2 Years. They actually are a shadow malevolent selfish organization. They also labeled themselves as "elites" being ridiculed and attacked even on Twitter by average leftoids.

You're a low IQ right wing nut who believes conspiracy theories.

Oh, and you started following them right when every other right wing nut did too.
Yes, you are entitled to three meals a day, and a roof over your head, and basic living expenses.

And where will that come from? From people working for you for no other reasons than your entitlement.

You are not entitled to other's people work or property.
And where will that come from? From people working for you for no other reasons than your entitlement.

You are not entitled to other's people work or property.

Then you should strongly dislike capitalism, a system that forces you to work for the benefit of others.
Then you should strongly dislike capitalism, a system that forces you to work for the benefit of others.

You get paid, and you can resign. There are no miradors around a capitalist company, unlike in a gulag.
You get paid, and you can resign. There are no miradors around a capitalist company, unlike in a gulag.

You can't really resign, death via homelessness and starvation is arguably worse than being sent to a jail.
>hey are. I have been following them and critics about them for 2 Years. They actually are a shadow malevolent selfish organization. They also labeled themselves as "elites" being ridiculed and attacked even on Twitter by average leftoids.

You're a low IQ right wing nut who believes conspiracy theories.

Oh, and you started following them right when every other right wing nut did too.
I took the iq test because they had to diagnose me with autism. I am probably much higher than you in iq and also in consciousness and awareness. This is why i see through their real intention and you don't. Bevause you are a certified moron and a sheep.

Yes i started following then two Years ago but i already knew them same way i knew Dawkins in 2010 and i was into him, then leaving his very limited thought.

Sorry but i am human and you are a worm.

Oh and don't even try with the "right wing" Bs. I hate the right more than the left.
"Conspiracy" Hauahahaha typical buzzword used by worms to describe thinking humans. Bye faggot
You can't really resign, death via homelessness and starvation is arguably worse than being sent to a jail.
You just admitted you are a faggot and you prefer slavery to actuam free will/freedom lol
Tomorrow is Globalist Faggot Month (ie June)

You can't really resign, death via homelessness and starvation is arguably worse than being sent to a jail.

I did it and I'm still alive.

Granted, I'm willing to give leftists one point. When they say "free to starve", they are right. I do believe that in a purely capitalistic society, that is without government safety net whatsoever, many people would just not make it.

And yet, I'd rather take that than being told what to do, where to live, what to eat and so on all the time, with a gun on my head if I disobey.

View: https://youtu.be/M3yVRLjQ9js
I did it and I'm still alive.

Granted, I'm willing to give leftists one point. When they say "free to starve", they are right. I do believe that in a purely capitalistic society, that is without government safety net whatsoever, many people would just not make it.

And yet, I'd rather take that than being told what to do, where to live, what to eat and so on all the time, with a gun on my head if I disobey.

View: https://youtu.be/2E0Xf8vte3A

I'd rather live in a FREE society... and I believe you can't be free if you are impoverished. If you live in a society where everything requires monetary payment and you have no money or you must slave for your money where a capitalist takes the majority of your labor... you are very unfree.

A society where you are ensured a basic standard of living, can do what you would like, the only restraint is you can not accumulate a large sum of resources without your proceeds being taxed for the betterment of said society, is practically speaking, far more free.
You can't really resign, death via homelessness a
I did it and I'm still alive.

Granted, I'm willing to give leftists one point. When they say "free to starve", they are right. I do believe that in a purely capitalistic society, that is without government safety net whatsoever, many people would just not make it.

And yet, I'd rather take that than being told what to do, where to live, what to eat and so on all the time, with a gun on my head if I disobey.

View: https://youtu.be/2E0Xf8vte3A

nd starvation is arguably worse than being sent to a jail.

Finally a guy with some fucking consciousness and awareness and not a college kid acting smart because he jerks off to novelty ideas and who cock sucks the official version.

A society where you are ensured a basic standard of living,

Again : ensured by whom? You want other people to work for you.

Your freedom can not come from the enslavement of others.

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