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RageFuel I hate foids in their 20's and 30's



3'9 autistic goblin with CP (the disease)
Apr 10, 2020
They all want to betabux & cuck a man instead of being used properly: as a sex object. Women in their 40's+ are too old but they seem to care less about bringing hellspawn into this world. And foids 12-16 seem the nicest, and that's definitely an overstatement but in my experience they seem to be the most open-minded and don't care about money or height or even face as much as young adult cunts.
Yes, foids in the 12-15ish age group tend to be extremely cruel sometimes, but in my experience I saw foids that age hooking up with ugly manlets who had SOMETHING to offer that wasn't money, social status, etc.

In a nutshell, pubescent foids seem more "pure" to me. Some are not yet indoctrinated by hypergamy, heightism, and many other woes that lengthen the list of a 20-something cunt's ridiculous standards.

Hypergamy and whatnot are bred in them since birth, but I don't see it become severe and widespread until late teens/early 20's when a foid must select a mate.

Then when a foid hits the wall in her 30's, she often focuses her bitchiness indiscriminately on random people instead of expressing hatred for inferior men. These are known as Karens.
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shut up u faggot pedo
I was ugly to foids when I was younger and I’m ugly to them now. I used to work as a councilor in highschool for an elementary school and the little girls would call me ugly jfl

Don’t even get me started on how the older ones acted around me
Young foids are more open about bullying ugly males, but nothing hurts more than the cruel gravity of an adult's words and actions rather than juvenile, petty 12 year old remarks.
@Napoleon de Geso jfl @ this roastie worshipper
fuck u nigger i wont fuck a 12 yr old wtf
Normie gtfo
I'm not attracted to girls as young as 12, was just making an observation, retards. Way to ignore context.
12 year old girls arent anything like u said, this is the decade of hoes, when i was in grade 8 this girl in my class sucked dick for weed jfl @ u
fuck u nigger i wont fuck a 12 yr old wtf

12 year old girls arent anything like u said, this is the decade of hoes, when i was in grade 8 this girl in my class sucked dick for weed jfl @ u

At least she sucked dick. Women in their 20's would just steal it from you and suck Chad's dick. And I even said 12-15 year old foids are extremely cruel but you can't exactly disprove one person's anecdote and personal experience can you.

I wasn't making a declaration of how things are in general, I was sharing my personal belief based on things I've witnessed in my life. But yeah, I am making a declaration of how foids are in their 20's. I've never felt so much pain from being an inferior male as I do now. Once you reach my age, you'll see what I'm talking about.
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I'm pretty sure you're just a fucking pedo, because teenage foids are brutal and far more insufferable than their slightly older counterparts.
20 old foids special kind of toxic, with thinking their so "experienced" and "mature" in comparison to teen girls, when their "matureness" is just sucking more dicks and becoming more greedy and picky
I'm pretty sure you're just a fucking pedo, because teenage foids are brutal and far more insufferable than their slightly older counterparts.
Or just another questionable greycel quarantine join date.
At least she sucked dick. Women in their 20's would just steal it from you and suck Chad's dick.
are u retarded? she sucked chads dicks, she wont suck u smelly incel, girls at that age are still hypergamous. The reason they sometimes date there looksmatch because in some schools they dont readily get chads as they're not in the sameschool etc
I'm pretty sure you're just a fucking pedo, because teenage foids are brutal and far more insufferable than their slightly older counterparts.
excactly teen foids are the worse im turning 17 and i go to school with them everyday, they're the biggest cunts, although some are nicer than roasties i presume
theyre already hypergamous sluts the minute they are conceived. this is their nature and it can never be changed. blackpilled wise men of the past who invented religions realized that and placed men above them. there is no redeemable or virtuous foid in human existence. even in islam we know that the majority in hell are women.
All women are awful so water is wet
I'm pretty sure you're just a fucking pedo, because teenage foids are brutal and far more insufferable than their slightly older counterparts.

How old are you? I hated teenagers when I was a teenager too. But I'm a graycel, so I get pedo accusations instead of "12 year olds are pure" agreements even when my statement wasn't that bold.
are u retarded? she sucked chads dicks, she wont suck u smelly incel, girls at that age are still hypergamous. The reason they sometimes date there looksmatch because in some schools they dont readily get chads as they're not in the sameschool etc

excactly teen foids are the worse im turning 17 and i go to school with them everyday, they're the biggest cunts, although some are nicer than roasties i presume

12 year olds were nicer to me than women in their 20's are now. And I'm pretty sure she'd suck a sub6 dick due to this purity (depravity) I speak of. I was just venting though. I was expressing my hatred for an age group of foids I deal with, clearly you aren't there yet so you have no opinion.

Women in their 20's are absolute scum. All foids are scum but women in their 20's will murder their own children, commit relentless adultry against a man she has kids with, fight hard to put your ass in prison for no god damn reason. You have no idea.
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I wasn't making a declaration of how things are in general, I was sharing my personal belief based on things I've witnessed in my life. But yeah, I am making a declaration of how foids are in their 20's. I've never felt so much pain from being an inferior male as I do now.
As painful as it is to be an inferior 19-year-old, life was worse when I was 15 or 16.

are u retarded? she sucked chads dicks, she wont suck u smelly incel

excactly teen foids are the worse im turning 17 and i go to school with them everyday, they're the biggest cunts, although some are nicer than roasties i presume
High schoolers are fucking nasty. Most of them don't have a filter. I'm not saying that older individuals generally do, but chances are, they've got slightly more awareness as to what speech is considered socially acceptable.

Does OP really think that teenage foids are pure? Tell that to all the kids who went ER at their schools after years of bullying. "Hypergamy" and "heightism" are by and large intrinsic behaviour; it is not "learned". I'd be wary of someone who thinks that teenagers are "pure", because they're mistaking immaturity for purity.

The only accurate point that OP made is that foids in their 20s and 30s are more likely to care about money or social status. And what's wrong with that?
How old are you? I hated teenagers when I was a teenager too. But I'm a graycel, so I get pedo accusations instead of "12 year olds are pure" agreements even when my statement wasn't that bold.

Women in their 20's are absolute scum. All foids are scum but women in their 20's will murder their own children, commit relentless adultry against a man she has kids with, fight hard to put your ass in prison for no god damn reason. You have no idea.

No, it's not because you're a graycel, it's because you're wrong. Most of us on this forum had a hellish teenage experience and the idea that teenagers are "pure" is nothing but bullshit.

Foids of all ages are scum. If more teenagers had the legal resources to really screw someone else over, they would.
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