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I hate communism



May 13, 2018
Not only is a retarded ideology that has never worked and never will, but I also hate the attitude of communists, their moral superiority and how they look down and belittle you if you don't agree with their retarded system. Some examples:
-You don't agree with me? Then you must be a nazi, we beat the nazis in WW2 so that makes us the good guys
-You're not communist because you haven't educated yourself, stop being a lumpenproletariat useful idiot and read communist theory
-Real communism never has been tried and each time it was tried (see the contradiction) it failed because the CIA funded coups and mercenaries
-Having too much money, owning a business or renting property is immoral, bootlicker if you don't agree, everyone richer than you is your enemy
-Cops are class traitors because they defend those who are opressing them and attack those who are fighting for a fair system, all cops are bastards!
-Actually, everything we see in the media about misery in communist/socialist countries is fake and it's capitalist propaganda, people in Cuba, Venezuela or North Korea live happier lives than people in the US or Europe.

It doesn't help either that most have very punchable, soyboyish, hipster-like, liberal arts student, cuck faces. Btw bet all those shirts were made by slave kids in Bangladesh, India or China, so much solidarity with the poor and opressed :feelskek::feelskek:




Fuck commies

View: https://youtu.be/vvzmBhCpWvA
Why those brocels wear so much red tbh?
Also communism ruined most if not all Latin American countries. Anglosaxon countries were smart and went for capitalism and free markets, Latin Americans were idiots and went for communism and they're still paying the consequences. You learn English and you can work in a rich 1st world country, you learn Spanish and you can work in a 3rd world hellhole kek.

Communism, marxism-leninism, maoism, socialism, trotskyism, juche, bolivarianism, call it what you like. All of them suck.
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Fuck you nigger faggot, you deserve to be an incel. just showing a bunch a truecels copeing with ideology to to try to win an argument is already enough for me but in any way arguing that capitalism is better is anti-incel behavior. The sexual market and the economic market are one and the same retard. Just because you hate leftists doesn't mean you should suck jewish Dick and hate on truecels.
JFL those you call truecels would kill you if they had a chance because you hate foids, I have no sympathy for them cucks :feelskek:
arguing that capitalism is better is anti-incel behavior. The sexual market and the economic market are one and the same retard. Just because you hate leftists doesn't mean you should suck jewish Dick and hate on truecels.
Disagree tbh, capitalism is obviously flawed, and I'm conservative (politics is good cope) but acknowledge that some right-wingers take shit too far and unironically think that all poor people are poor just because they didn't "pull themselves up by the bootstraps" and aren't trying hard enough or some stupid shit (which is indeed the same flawed logic that occurs in the sexual market with "personality").

The thing is that no economic system is perfect, but capitalism is the best option, as the alternative of communism/socialism is outright economically dysfunctional because it has little to no regards for propelling human incentives for innovation, and therefore fails to progress the human race. Even a seemingly perfect form of socialism where people are rewarded for how much they contribute to society simply can't exist in the current age because it would be far too complex of a system with too much possibility for corruption or poor management etc. And most likely people would lack a true incentive to innovate because they know that they are at the hands of the government regardless of the true value of whatever product they may produce. Obviously social safety nets and having a minimum standard of living are a good thing, but socialism isn't the inclusion of these things, rather it is the removal of the free market as a whole. Capitalism/the free market can coexist with universal health care, the problem currently with America is just that retarded tankies bait conservatives into thinking that health care is "socialist" when in reality it isn't at all, and so the absolute tragedy that is the two party system fails us all again.

I do absolutely agree though that foids tend to be extremely liberal (or if they're conservative it's just because they listen to whatever their parents do since they can't think for themselves), but then suddenly rigorously enjoy the reaping of the insanely brutal free market that is the current day polyamorous sexual market.
Communism is basically done for. China is effectively capitalist, and what's left in Cuba and North Korea isn't that impressive
The real blackpill is that capitalism and communism was created by the same people as a way of dividing up the entire world where neither is acceptable, fascism in an ideal world would be the solution or answer to both.
Also I forgot to add there's nothing more retarded than an American communist. Nigga you live in the most capitalist country of the world and your country rules the world thanks to capitalism, how much brain damage do you have to want the useless communist system kek.
Bunch of jewloving racetraitors.

Their highest level argument is to ask you to "define communism" as well. Easily countered by asking them to define national socialism.

Also reminder @FullTimeLoser is a communist, further proof that he's a Jew/Jewlover.
It doesn't help either that most have very punchable, soyboyish, hipster-like, liberal arts student, cuck faces
Even in an incel forum you can't escape lookism

If you think that capitalism is good for incels you are retarded. our capitalist overlords are more likely to hire, promote, and less likely to lay off good looking people. while us losers are more likely to be discriminated and bullied, less likely to be hired,and less likely to be promoted. I am not saying communsim is good I just want to say that I hate capitalism, communism and fascism equally.
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The real blackpill is that capitalism and communism was created by the same people as a way of dividing up the entire world where neither is acceptable, fascism in an ideal world would be the solution or answer to both.
Best post. Once we get a fascist ethnostate we're going to have state mandated robot gfs. Also, commies/leftists are the ones that want to put us all in re-"education" camps for saying le mean things about da precious womenz. fuck commies/leftists.
Legit only reason to hate communism is the lack of religion and the atheism related to it
Also equality between the sexes, but that exists in capitalist countries too, so not really an argument against communism
Other than that it's better than liberalism and conservatism or any of the major ideologies
idk why people defends capitalism, I really don't
Not only is a retarded ideology that has never worked and never will, but I also hate the attitude of communists, their moral superiority and how they look down and belittle you if you don't agree with their retarded system. Some examples:
-You don't agree with me? Then you must be a nazi, we beat the nazis in WW2 so that makes us the good guys
-You're not communist because you haven't educated yourself, stop being a lumpenproletariat useful idiot and read communist theory
-Real communism never has been tried and each time it was tried (see the contradiction) it failed because the CIA funded coups and mercenaries
-Having too much money, owning a business or renting property is immoral, bootlicker if you don't agree, everyone richer than you is your enemy
-Cops are class traitors because they defend those who are opressing them and attack those who are fighting for a fair system, all cops are bastards!
-Actually, everything we see in the media about misery in communist/socialist countries is fake and it's capitalist propaganda, people in Cuba, Venezuela or North Korea live happier lives than people in the US or Europe.

It doesn't help either that most have very punchable, soyboyish, hipster-like, liberal arts student, cuck faces. Btw bet all those shirts were made by slave kids in Bangladesh, India or China, so much solidarity with the poor and opressed :feelskek::feelskek:




Fuck commies

View: https://youtu.be/vvzmBhCpWvA

@FullTimeLoser thoughts
@FullTimeLoser thoughts
Sound like a child who just got into american right wing politics and got told by a youtube video what communism is. every single point he's making is so generic and embarassing.
Communism is the ultimate economic system but it will emerge organically as scarcity diminishes. Like when you're able to snap your fingers and get a luxury car to fly you to your space yacht that you also got by snapping your fingers. It could take a few more decades though.
Communism is impossible because of the impact of the neolithic revolution on humans, but its menace at least forced capitalists to bribe goys by relatively fair wages and welfare state. Now these things don't exist and oppression only grows.

It's so cringe to see Pinochet and Reagan in this forum. They were Zionists who betrayed and sold their nations to Jews. Conservatives like them only because Jews convinced them that somehow laissez-faire and liberalism is "right-wing" and not being laissez-faire and liberal means communist. False dichotomy, and total bollocks. From the beginning, obsession about private property and individual liberty is a leftist thing. Don't forget that bourgeoisie had a huge share in the French revolution. Yes, it wasn't ancien régime, it was fucking left-wing. You can't expect anything other, these ideologies are centered on egoism and short-term profit. It doesn't really support tradition, which is truly right-wing value.
It's how it always fails yet they want to try it again and their moral superiority what pisses me off.
The real blackpill is that capitalism and communism was created by the same people as a way of dividing up the entire world where neither is acceptable, fascism in an ideal world would be the solution or answer to both.

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