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Venting I hate being told to "man-up"

The End

The End

Apr 17, 2018
Approximately 1 in 4 American men in their twenties are incel. And, according to the majority of the public, all of those men need to "man-up".

If we believe that we have a huge amount of men who don't qualify as men then what is it are they? Well, they're certainly not women -- women are never told to "woman-up"; merely existing provides women with enough worth to demand a free ride. The same free ride mentality apply for children; ie boys and girls.

I guess... I guess those men are not only not men, not only not women, but not human at all. And if they're not human, we don't need to spend any time addressing their problems or trying to empathize with them.

So what does it mean to man-up? Well don't complain for starters. Keep all those sissy feelings to yourselves! Oh, and you must have worth to the world -- that means have money! So get to work-- oh, you have money? Obviously not enough, or women would like you already. You are not a real man if you are not a millionaire!

Go on be confident, be strong like a man. No! Not, like--not like that! Are you trying to fail on purpose?!? Come on, do it the right way! Wait- oh god, don't do that, you creep! What the fuck is wrong with you!? You want to go to fucking jail?! You deserve to be alone forever!

So what does it mean to man-up to me? Take a guess.
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Man-up means making your jaw line up, making your recessed chin up, and then making your height up.

For ethnics, it's making your race up.
Man up is a boomer tier meme when being anything but a beta cuck (or mentally ill) could guarantee you some pussy.


Boomers are delusional.
While being able to express testosteronic development is very important for establishing ground in civilization, non-incel individuals often confuse the inability to express this as weakness or foolishness. On the contrary, I believe that testosteronic development can be faked through the means of adaptation. If you develop those common social skills, then life could potentially get better.
Female control of their own sexuality is not dooming society to a wreckage of male violence. At least, not if men stop viewing female sexuality as an economic right they can win through social success. Most men do not view women with anger and resentment. Most men don’t view women as things to be won and mated with. Even the men who cannot date, due to their social inhibitions, more often feel sad and lonely, rather than violently angry. These negative reactions are predicted by personality traits such as psychopathy or low agreeableness, not by access to sex. Most men are seeking intimate, connected relationships, where their partners’ happinessis as important to them as their own. These men don’t act enraged when they can’t get a date. Men who throw tantrums when they go dateless (or act violently when they cannot mate) reveal that there is a very good reason that women aren’t having sex with them – they don’t have the emotional maturity to succeed in a world of egalitarian sexual control. Teaching young men to view females as equal, and changing the social institutions of religion, entertainment, law, and politics where female sexuality is treated as an economic resource to be controlled, distributed and "enforced," is how we truly reduce these kinds of violence.

I don't want to make another thread, but damn that pissed me off.

While being able to express testosteronic development is very important for establishing ground in civilization, non-incel individuals often confuse the inability to express this as weakness or foolishness. On the contrary, I believe that testosteronic development can be faked through the means of adaptation. If you develop those common social skills, then life could potentially get better.
Sooo... you don't believe in the blackpill, or you are being sarcastic.

Have you heard of the 80/20 rule? There will always be a large swath of men who are deemed undesirable no matter how much everyone man-ups. Women are in a biological competition with other women to have the best children, so even if the guy is Brad Pitt if he is at the bottom of the totem pole he is undesirable (theoretically).
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My dad always used to tell me that. Whenever I was sad or upset about something “just man up”
i don't care about online faggot bluepillers writing about manning up, because those retards have no clue anyway.

but if someone told me this irl I would sperg out for sure. it's an insult.
Just go up 3-5 points and get a good career br0
God forbid we talk about our feelings, MRA's were a great example of it.
"man up" is sexist, women are strong and independent as well

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