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I grew up with this guy who committed this murder



Oct 13, 2019
It happened in December of 2006 at EMU but this guy named Orange Taylor was going around breaking in dorm rooms that he thought no one was in. He entered one dorm room and there was a girl in it named Laura Dickinson. Apparently he raped her and then held a pillow over her face and smothered her to death. He says that he didn't rape or kill her. They found his semen on her legs and on her bed sheets. But they found no evidence of penetration. He said it got there because when he broke in and saw her, he thought she was sleep and jacked off onto her. He claims she must have been dead when he entered her room (they say she had a heart condition), he thought she was alive but sleep and jacked off on her.

When cops searched his home, they found him with her laptop and a pair of her panties which had his semen on them. The other students in the dorm complained about an odd smell coming from her room. When the custodian didn't get any answer when he knocked, he used his key to get into her room and found her dead on the bed and her body was decomposing.

The first trial he had was a mistrial because they couldn't determine how she died. The second trial he was convicted of felony murder and given a life sentence. I grew up with him and we knew each other since we were kids.

damn man this some wacked up shit nigga ngl
damn man this some wacked up shit nigga ngl
His parents took out a 2nd mortgage on their house and sold a lot of their belongings to pay for an attorney for him which cost over $100,000 USD. The first trial was a mistrial and the 2nd time around they had to depend on a public defender because they didn't have more money to keep him on the case.
His parents took out a 2nd mortgage on their house and sold a lot of their belongings to pay for an attorney for him which cost over $100,000 USD. The first trial was a mistrial and the 2nd time around they had to depend on a public defender because they didn't have more money to keep him on the case.
damn nigga that shit wack
This is why you don't jack off on dead - or sleeping - bitches!
She deserved it.
Mental note: don't enter a girl's dorm and Jack off on her.
What a Tyrone in that thumbnail
well I am hungry after all this and I might eat some nice white chicken with some mayo.
Was he liked by girls?
Yeah he had foids.....I don't know what was going through his mind...I think he may have just happened upon a half naked helpless Stacy and just went crazy.
She isn't entitled to protection
He's black. It's the USA. Even if he's innocent he's no got much of a chance. Justice system in America is corrupt as fuck.
well I am hungry after all this and I might eat some nice white chicken with some mayo.
seems good bro
do you eat with the skin on? do you get the big woollies roast ones?
He's black. It's the USA. Even if he's innocent he's no got much of a chance. Justice system in America is corrupt as fuck.

Like OJ? Like Rodney Reid? Like the Central Park 5?

You've taken the media pill.

Also, it shows where we're at that people could even think Orange Taylor is innocent. A dead body is covered in his spunk. She just happened to die a few minutes before he decided to do the old 'wank over a sleeping girl' routine. Laughable defence.
Like OJ? Like Rodney Reid? Like the Central Park 5?

You've taken the media pill.

Also, it shows where we're at that people could even think Orange Taylor is innocent. A dead body is covered in his spunk. She just happened to die a few minutes before he decided to do the old 'wank over a sleeping girl' routine. Laughable defence.
Are you fuckin high? this case aside, there are numerous cases of miscarriages of justice in America. It's not just against ethinic minorities. If your a poor white cunt your just as likely to get shafted by the justice system than if your black. Plus you have industrial prison complex and retarded as fuck bail bonds. Everything stacked against the poor.
Are you fuckin high? this case aside, there are numerous cases of miscarriages of justice in America. It's not just against ethinic minorities. If your a poor white cunt your just as likely to get shafted by the justice system than if your black. Plus you have industrial prison complex and retarded as fuck bail bonds. Everything stacked against the poor.

You opened your post with "He's black". Not "He's poor".
You opened your post with "He's black". Not "He's poor".
The Racial Wealth Gap: Addressing America's Most Pressing Epidemic
The Racial Wealth Gap: Addressing America's Most Pressing Epidemic
That links not working. These is numerous citations online showing the wealth gap between whites an the rest. So being black statistically ensures that you are also poor. They are at a disadvantage before then face the build in racist bias of the justice system.
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The Racial Wealth Gap: Addressing America's Most Pressing Epidemic

I'm well aware that blacks are poorer on average but it's pure SJWery to think that the legal system is out to get them in 2019. If it really were, TYT would be able to milk actual examples of it. Instead, we get OJ, Rodney Reid and Orange Taylor (probably).
I'm well aware that blacks are poorer on average but it's pure SJWery to think that the legal system is out to get them in 2019. If it really were, TYT would be able to milk actual examples of it. Instead, we get OJ, Rodney Reid and Orange Taylor (probably).
That's cherry picking a few high profile cases. When theres literally thousands of miscarriage of justice again African Americans especially in the south. It wasnt that long ago that jim crow laws forced racial segregation. Or do you believe they'd of got a fair hearing during the justice system? I know that was then an things are a bit better. But the racial bias is built into the system.

An example: under the Rockefeller drug laws. 5 grams of crack will get you 5 years in jail. To receive the same sentence of powder cocaine you would need to be caught with 500g. Which person sounds more of a drug dealer, the guy with 5 or 500g? What's the difference, one is a predominantly black drug. The other a middle class white drug. I know these sentences were reduced slightly under Obama but it's still fucked up. Here both are a class A drug. Sentencing with be equal will go by the amount.
That's cherry picking a few high profile cases. When theres literally thousands of miscarriage of justice again African Americans especially in the south. It wasnt that long ago that jim crow laws forced racial segregation. Or do you believe they'd of got a fair hearing during the justice system? I know that was then an things are a bit better. But the racial bias is built into the system.

An example: under the Rockefeller drug laws. 5 grams of crack will get you 5 years in jail. To receive the same sentence of powder cocaine you would need to be caught with 500g. Which person sounds more of a drug dealer, the guy with 5 or 500g? What's the difference, one is a predominantly black drug. The other a middle class white drug. I know these sentences were reduced slightly under Obama but it's still fucked up. Here both are a class A drug. Sentencing with be equal will go by the amount.

So why can't TYT or Talcum X or Tariq Nasheed present one example of a black who was clearly stitched up by the racist legal system? They push a different case every few weeks and every single one of them falls apart under scrutiny. If the system is racist and evil as we're told this game should be easy for them.
So why can't TYT or Talcum X or Tariq Nasheed present one example of a black who was clearly stitched up by the racist legal system? They push a different case every few weeks and every single one of them falls apart under scrutiny. If the system is racist and evil as we're told this game should be easy for them.
What you mean like Walter McMillan or joe Sullivan or ed brown. Theres is a plethora of cases showing a miscarriage of justice. Go check out the innocence project and you will find plenty of them.
What you mean like Walter McMillan or joe Sullivan or ed brown. Theres is a plethora of cases showing a miscarriage of justice. Go check out the innocence project and you will find plenty of them.

The same innocence project that supported Rodney Reid? They've zero credibility. Just another arm of the SJW race-baiting machine.

And those cases you've cited are from 40 and 50 years ago. I've no doubt things were a bit different in 1970 and I'm not saying that miscarriages of justice don't happen today. I'm saying that the justice system in modern times isn't racist against black people. If it were, professional race-hustlers would be able to put forward examples. They cannot.
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The same innocence project that supported Rodney Reid? They've zero credibility. Just another arm of the SJW race-baiting machine.
You're clearly entrenched in you views. So you just regard the whole system of helping miscarriage of justice due to one case. One case out of thousands. Plus the case you stated no dna evidence found of rodney at crime scene just the murdered girls and her partners. Who works for the cops. His and another cops DNA found on beer cans next to murder scene. I dont think its unreasonable to look at the facts again in that case. Bad example buddy boy.
You're clearly entrenched in you views. So you just regard the whole system of helping miscarriage of justice due to one case. One case out of thousands. Plus the case you stated no dna evidence found of rodney at crime scene just the murdered girls and her partners. Who works for the cops. His and another cops DNA found on beer cans next to murder scene. I dont think its unreasonable to look at the facts again in that case. Bad example buddy boy.

Her vaginal and anal cavities were full of Rodney's spunk and his wet saliva was still visible on her breast.

But he's black, she's white so racism.
Life imprisonment..hes 33 this yr, long way to go. Ngl This nigga dumb af if he really did it.
If he gets old and dies naturally, he'll live another 40-60 years and he has natural life imprisonment, not you do 20 years then are eligible for parole kind of life.
If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit.

-Johnny Cochran
Are you fuckin high? this case aside, there are numerous cases of miscarriages of justice in America. It's not just against ethinic minorities. If your a poor white cunt your just as likely to get shafted by the justice system than if your black. Plus you have industrial prison complex and retarded as fuck bail bonds. Everything stacked against the poor.
In this particular case, he was from a solidly middle class family. How else do you think they were able to come up wit $100 thousand dollars (at least the first time around) for a private attorney? Sure they had to mortgage their home, but most people, black or white, don't have $100 thousand cash just lying around.
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Her vaginal and anal cavities were full of Rodney's spunk and his wet saliva was still visible on her breast.

But he's black, she's white so racism.
They were going out. Many folks would of testified to that. Not allowed in court. The cop she was also dating who's dna was found at the scene was jailed for rape in 2007 and threatened to murder the women. You wrong about the saliva. No dna of his found at murder scene.

a retired NYPD homicide investigator came to the conclusion that Stacey was murdered before midnight. This was several hours earlier than the time proposed by the original medical examiner and the prosecuting attorney at trial. The physical evidence has since been shown to world renowned forensic pathologists Drs. Michael M. Baden, Werner U. Spitz, and Cyril H. Wecht. All three agreed that Stacey must have died before midnight, which places her back in the apartment during the time that her fiancé, Jimmy Fennell, stated he was present with her.
If he gets old and dies naturally, he'll live another 40-60 years and he has natural life imprisonment, not you do 20 years then are eligible for parole kind of life.

If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit.

-Johnny Cochran

In this particular case, he was from a solidly middle class family. How else do you think they were able to come up wit $100 thousand dollars (at least the first time around) for a private attorney? Sure they had to mortgage their home, but most people, black or white, don't have $100 thousand cash just lying around.
Again I dont know the specifics of that case. I was making a general observation of the criminal justice system.
You're clearly entrenched in you views. So you just regard the whole system of helping miscarriage of justice due to one case. One case out of thousands. Plus the case you stated no dna evidence found of rodney at crime scene just the murdered girls and her partners. Who works for the cops. His and another cops DNA found on beer cans next to murder scene. I dont think its unreasonable to look at the facts again in that case. Bad example buddy boy.
I hate to say it, but in most major inner cities, the justice system is ran by black people from the top down. Most of the police force, prosecutors and judges are black. Like in Detroit. The lead prosecutor is a black woman (her name is Kym Worthy you can look her up), Detroit now has it's first white mayor in over 45 years (the last white mayor before this one was in 1972), the majority of the police force is black and many of the judges are black. So you mean to tell me that all of them are racist against black people when they sentence black men to prison?

The fact of the matter is that most people in prison, regardless of race, committed the crime they were accused of and deserve to be there. It's not a conspiracy out to get them.
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He dindu nuthin he's a good boy that went to church every Sunday.
They were going out. Many folks would of testified to that. Not allowed in court. The cop she was also dating who's dna was found at the scene was jailed for rape in 2007 and threatened to murder the women. You wrong about the saliva. No dna of his found at murder scene.

a retired NYPD homicide investigator came to the conclusion that Stacey was murdered before midnight. This was several hours earlier than the time proposed by the original medical examiner and the prosecuting attorney at trial. The physical evidence has since been shown to world renowned forensic pathologists Drs. Michael M. Baden, Werner U. Spitz, and Cyril H. Wecht. All three agreed that Stacey must have died before midnight, which places her back in the apartment during the time that her fiancé, Jimmy Fennell, stated he was present with her.

Again I dont know the specifics of that case. I was making a general observation of the criminal justice system.

I can't be arsed to argue the case with you but do you know who else thinks Rodney is innocent? Incel Tears. That's the demographic who can't see past what MSM tells them.

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