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JFL I got low IQ recently

First loss

First loss

I call unto the Lady of the Night
Dec 3, 2018
I noticed my last posts and threads are fucking low IQ and retarded compared to the previous. Even my writing style has worsened. I legit don't know what is happening to me.
if you find a cure please do tell
if you find a cure please do tell
it's probably because i'm sad, lonely and depressed and whatnot tbhtbh I don't give a fuck about how I express myself here and in RL too.
you should summon a lot of succubus and inv all incels to help them ascend
It is because your emotional state improved for a while. Happy people dont need a brain.
JFL at people calling themselves high IQ.

literally everyone is low iq here
It's spring. You need to fuck, not to think.
gotta get off the sauce kiddo
it's probably because i'm sad, lonely and depressed and whatnot tbhtbh I don't give a fuck about how I express myself here and in RL too.
Are you more retarded in real life though? You said your writing style got worse. What you're describing might have happened to me a few months ago while I was on a uni break, and when I came back to uni I was still able to do the course work just as well as before. I think in my case it wasn't that I got worse at writing things or got more retarded, I just lost a great deal of drive to create hopefully-decent effortposts out of my own volition. It's set to the backdrop of a general loss of drive and ability to appreciate things that's been slowly occurring since puberty, I just noticed this step down the staircase because it was a bit sharper and more sudden than the others. It's pretty fucking bad, normalfags like to go "teehee I'm so dead inside" but as time goes by I am actually starting to understand what those words mean and it's awful, when people joke that they're dead inside I cringe because they still seem to identify with things and live to do things. It's like somebody is actually trying to kill who I am inside. I get emptier and emptier as that person gets weaker and weaker, and although my perception of things gets duller and greyer, and things like my spatial awareness get somewhat worse, I remain more or less as cognisant as I was a few years ago. The voice in my head is narrating everything exactly the same as before. My cognisance, instead of disappearing, is increasingly focused on the emptiness and the process of things being converted into emptiness.

It's like being one of those brain injury patients who can't voluntarily move most of their muscles after a brain injury and can only communicate with doctors by blinking, except instead of losing the ability to exert control over my muscles I lose the ability to exert control over my willpower and appreciation of things that aren't related to base urges. It seems like most people around me are absolutely unable to appreciate anything other than the good feelings that come out of their base urges, and because I have to deal with them to get basic necessities they are able to slowly grind me down into them. I'm still okay at the things I was okay at, provided they were useful enough to a kike slave-driver to not rub up against the sensibilities of the slaves, but everything else is a shadow of its former self. I don't know what else it could be if it's not dealing with the world around me, I'm too young to have any sort of neurodegenerative disease and depression is a meme.

I seriously hope that I am more unwilling to embrace this shit than the average person, and that there is some sort of uncommon psychological trait I have that will prevent me from fully embracing it at any point. If this is the case, the end-stage of this process will fail to prevent me from caring about it (even if I become extremely apathetic about everything else) and I will eventually be driven to do something about it via it getting so bad I overcome my extremely cumbersome fear of death and become ready for drastic action. That something I do about it could either be a permanent solution to an incurable problem on my own or, if I am able to connect the one thing I am still fixated on with its cause and shift caring over to the cause, me forfeiting the tangible assets of the slave-drivers who did this to me by designing the system the way they did. I don't want these now, but hopefully if what's happening doesn't manage to snuff me out completely I will because that's better than being a meat-puppet.

You know what I mean?
Are you more retarded in real life though? You said your writing style got worse. What you're describing might have happened to me a few months ago while I was on a uni break, and when I came back to uni I was still able to do the course work just as well as before. I think in my case it wasn't that I got worse at writing things or got more retarded, I just lost a great deal of drive to create hopefully-decent effortposts out of my own volition. It's set to the backdrop of a general loss of drive and ability to appreciate things that's been slowly occurring since puberty, I just noticed this step down the staircase because it was a bit sharper and more sudden than the others. It's pretty fucking bad, normalfags like to go "teehee I'm so dead inside" but as time goes by I am actually starting to understand what those words mean and it's awful, when people joke that they're dead inside I cringe because they still seem to identify with things and live to do things. It's like somebody is actually trying to kill who I am inside. I get emptier and emptier as that person gets weaker and weaker, and although my perception of things gets duller and greyer, and things like my spatial awareness get somewhat worse, I remain more or less as cognisant as I was a few years ago. The voice in my head is narrating everything exactly the same as before. My cognisance, instead of disappearing, is increasingly focused on the emptiness and the process of things being converted into emptiness.

It's like being one of those brain injury patients who can't voluntarily move most of their muscles after a brain injury and can only communicate with doctors by blinking, except instead of losing the ability to exert control over my muscles I lose the ability to exert control over my willpower and appreciation of things that aren't related to base urges. It seems like most people around me are absolutely unable to appreciate anything other than the good feelings that come out of their base urges, and because I have to deal with them to get basic necessities they are able to slowly grind me down into them. I'm still okay at the things I was okay at, provided they were useful enough to a kike slave-driver to not rub up against the sensibilities of the slaves, but everything else is a shadow of its former self. I don't know what else it could be if it's not dealing with the world around me, I'm too young to have any sort of neurodegenerative disease and depression is a meme.

I seriously hope that I am more unwilling to embrace this shit than the average person, and that there is some sort of uncommon psychological trait I have that will prevent me from fully embracing it at any point. If this is the case, the end-stage of this process will fail to prevent me from caring about it (even if I become extremely apathetic about everything else) and I will eventually be driven to do something about it via it getting so bad I overcome my extremely cumbersome fear of death and become ready for drastic action. That something I do about it could either be a permanent solution to an incurable problem on my own or, if I am able to connect the one thing I am still fixated on with its cause and shift caring over to the cause, me forfeiting the tangible assets of the slave-drivers who did this to me by designing the system the way they did. I don't want these now, but hopefully if what's happening doesn't manage to snuff me out completely I will because that's better than being a meat-puppet.
I do feel like I am dying inside, my mental state worsening day by day, my grades failing and I just don't care to fix them. I also noticed I am a lot more stupid and act stupid in situations that require logical thinking and social situations too. I can't write poetry just as good anymore. Before I felt words and phrases coming at me while I wrote and now I can barely construct a nice sentence.
Look at the contents, spelling, grammar and overall quality of posts.

My emotional state detoriated tbh.
I just remember that you started to post low iq when you felt better. Maybe im mistaken though. But dont worry. Your posts brought some optimism here. It is enough to have users like me who post boring posts filled with anguish . Your fine.
Being on this forum lowers my IQ tbh
I just remember that you started to post low iq when you felt better. Maybe im mistaken though. But dont worry. Your posts brought some optimism here. It is enough to have users like me who post boring posts filled with anguish . Your fine.
There was a point when I got better but things got fucked up again tbh. I wish I was normal iq again tbh
It's the beginnings of cognitive decline, a somewhat underrated part of the age pill. It will keep getting worse for sure until you rope, I can vouch for that.
It's the beginnings of cognitive decline, a somewhat underrated part of the age pill. It will keep getting worse for sure until you rope, I can vouch for that.
I think it's the consequence of the modern age. My grandpa was cognitively capable even in old age. Nowdays even youngsters(my generation) is brain damaged. You're lucky if you are not, sad times indeed. But I'd rather be a clown than a doomer.
I went through a phase not long ago where I couldn't think straight and my posts were autistic and only strung together by fucking ellipses, like this:
Your brains got worse because the sun made it expand...
Maybe I should be worried
Are you more retarded in real life though? You said your writing style got worse. What you're describing might have happened to me a few months ago while I was on a uni break, and when I came back to uni I was still able to do the course work just as well as before. I think in my case it wasn't that I got worse at writing things or got more retarded, I just lost a great deal of drive to create hopefully-decent effortposts out of my own volition. It's set to the backdrop of a general loss of drive and ability to appreciate things that's been slowly occurring since puberty, I just noticed this step down the staircase because it was a bit sharper and more sudden than the others. It's pretty fucking bad, normalfags like to go "teehee I'm so dead inside" but as time goes by I am actually starting to understand what those words mean and it's awful, when people joke that they're dead inside I cringe because they still seem to identify with things and live to do things. It's like somebody is actually trying to kill who I am inside. I get emptier and emptier as that person gets weaker and weaker, and although my perception of things gets duller and greyer, and things like my spatial awareness get somewhat worse, I remain more or less as cognisant as I was a few years ago. The voice in my head is narrating everything exactly the same as before. My cognisance, instead of disappearing, is increasingly focused on the emptiness and the process of things being converted into emptiness.

It's like being one of those brain injury patients who can't voluntarily move most of their muscles after a brain injury and can only communicate with doctors by blinking, except instead of losing the ability to exert control over my muscles I lose the ability to exert control over my willpower and appreciation of things that aren't related to base urges. It seems like most people around me are absolutely unable to appreciate anything other than the good feelings that come out of their base urges, and because I have to deal with them to get basic necessities they are able to slowly grind me down into them. I'm still okay at the things I was okay at, provided they were useful enough to a kike slave-driver to not rub up against the sensibilities of the slaves, but everything else is a shadow of its former self. I don't know what else it could be if it's not dealing with the world around me, I'm too young to have any sort of neurodegenerative disease and depression is a meme.

I seriously hope that I am more unwilling to embrace this shit than the average person, and that there is some sort of uncommon psychological trait I have that will prevent me from fully embracing it at any point. If this is the case, the end-stage of this process will fail to prevent me from caring about it (even if I become extremely apathetic about everything else) and I will eventually be driven to do something about it via it getting so bad I overcome my extremely cumbersome fear of death and become ready for drastic action. That something I do about it could either be a permanent solution to an incurable problem on my own or, if I am able to connect the one thing I am still fixated on with its cause and shift caring over to the cause, me forfeiting the tangible assets of the slave-drivers who did this to me by designing the system the way they did. I don't want these now, but hopefully if what's happening doesn't manage to snuff me out completely I will because that's better than being a meat-puppet.

You know what I mean?
Didn't read it at all even though I always read long posts. Proof of low IQ
JFL at people calling themselves high IQ.

literally everyone is low iq here

There are a couple of people that are pretty damn well read and make intelligent arguments here.
There are a couple of people that are pretty damn well read and make intelligent arguments here.
they just try too hard not actually intelligent
it's probably because i'm sad, lonely and depressed and whatnot tbhtbh I don't give a fuck about how I express myself here and in RL too.
Depression attenuates grey matter in the prefrontal cortex.
they just try too hard not actually intelligent

@blackcel has a masters in Computer Science I believe. You gotta be pretty well above average to complete this kind of degree.
The banned member @Fontaine used to regularly form succinct way of expressing complex ideas.

There are more than that here, but I'm too lazy to tag them all.

There are plenty of people here that conflate writing massive blocks of text with intelligence. What's in their writing is mostly fluff that can reduce to a couple of sentences though.
Are you more retarded in real life though? You said your writing style got worse. What you're describing might have happened to me a few months ago while I was on a uni break, and when I came back to uni I was still able to do the course work just as well as before. I think in my case it wasn't that I got worse at writing things or got more retarded, I just lost a great deal of drive to create hopefully-decent effortposts out of my own volition. It's set to the backdrop of a general loss of drive and ability to appreciate things that's been slowly occurring since puberty, I just noticed this step down the staircase because it was a bit sharper and more sudden than the others. It's pretty fucking bad, normalfags like to go "teehee I'm so dead inside" but as time goes by I am actually starting to understand what those words mean and it's awful, when people joke that they're dead inside I cringe because they still seem to identify with things and live to do things. It's like somebody is actually trying to kill who I am inside. I get emptier and emptier as that person gets weaker and weaker, and although my perception of things gets duller and greyer, and things like my spatial awareness get somewhat worse, I remain more or less as cognisant as I was a few years ago. The voice in my head is narrating everything exactly the same as before. My cognisance, instead of disappearing, is increasingly focused on the emptiness and the process of things being converted into emptiness.

It's like being one of those brain injury patients who can't voluntarily move most of their muscles after a brain injury and can only communicate with doctors by blinking, except instead of losing the ability to exert control over my muscles I lose the ability to exert control over my willpower and appreciation of things that aren't related to base urges. It seems like most people around me are absolutely unable to appreciate anything other than the good feelings that come out of their base urges, and because I have to deal with them to get basic necessities they are able to slowly grind me down into them. I'm still okay at the things I was okay at, provided they were useful enough to a kike slave-driver to not rub up against the sensibilities of the slaves, but everything else is a shadow of its former self. I don't know what else it could be if it's not dealing with the world around me, I'm too young to have any sort of neurodegenerative disease and depression is a meme.

I seriously hope that I am more unwilling to embrace this shit than the average person, and that there is some sort of uncommon psychological trait I have that will prevent me from fully embracing it at any point. If this is the case, the end-stage of this process will fail to prevent me from caring about it (even if I become extremely apathetic about everything else) and I will eventually be driven to do something about it via it getting so bad I overcome my extremely cumbersome fear of death and become ready for drastic action. That something I do about it could either be a permanent solution to an incurable problem on my own or, if I am able to connect the one thing I am still fixated on with its cause and shift caring over to the cause, me forfeiting the tangible assets of the slave-drivers who did this to me by designing the system the way they did. I don't want these now, but hopefully if what's happening doesn't manage to snuff me out completely I will because that's better than being a meat-puppet.

You know what I mean?
Can you elaborate why you fear death?
Are you more retarded in real life though? You said your writing style got worse. What you're describing might have happened to me a few months ago while I was on a uni break, and when I came back to uni I was still able to do the course work just as well as before. I think in my case it wasn't that I got worse at writing things or got more retarded, I just lost a great deal of drive to create hopefully-decent effortposts out of my own volition. It's set to the backdrop of a general loss of drive and ability to appreciate things that's been slowly occurring since puberty, I just noticed this step down the staircase because it was a bit sharper and more sudden than the others. It's pretty fucking bad, normalfags like to go "teehee I'm so dead inside" but as time goes by I am actually starting to understand what those words mean and it's awful, when people joke that they're dead inside I cringe because they still seem to identify with things and live to do things. It's like somebody is actually trying to kill who I am inside. I get emptier and emptier as that person gets weaker and weaker, and although my perception of things gets duller and greyer, and things like my spatial awareness get somewhat worse, I remain more or less as cognisant as I was a few years ago. The voice in my head is narrating everything exactly the same as before. My cognisance, instead of disappearing, is increasingly focused on the emptiness and the process of things being converted into emptiness.

It's like being one of those brain injury patients who can't voluntarily move most of their muscles after a brain injury and can only communicate with doctors by blinking, except instead of losing the ability to exert control over my muscles I lose the ability to exert control over my willpower and appreciation of things that aren't related to base urges. It seems like most people around me are absolutely unable to appreciate anything other than the good feelings that come out of their base urges, and because I have to deal with them to get basic necessities they are able to slowly grind me down into them. I'm still okay at the things I was okay at, provided they were useful enough to a kike slave-driver to not rub up against the sensibilities of the slaves, but everything else is a shadow of its former self. I don't know what else it could be if it's not dealing with the world around me, I'm too young to have any sort of neurodegenerative disease and depression is a meme.

I seriously hope that I am more unwilling to embrace this shit than the average person, and that there is some sort of uncommon psychological trait I have that will prevent me from fully embracing it at any point. If this is the case, the end-stage of this process will fail to prevent me from caring about it (even if I become extremely apathetic about everything else) and I will eventually be driven to do something about it via it getting so bad I overcome my extremely cumbersome fear of death and become ready for drastic action. That something I do about it could either be a permanent solution to an incurable problem on my own or, if I am able to connect the one thing I am still fixated on with its cause and shift caring over to the cause, me forfeiting the tangible assets of the slave-drivers who did this to me by designing the system the way they did. I don't want these now, but hopefully if what's happening doesn't manage to snuff me out completely I will because that's better than being a meat-puppet.

You know what I mean?
yes bro
There are plenty of people here that conflate writing massive blocks of text with intelligence. What's in their writing is mostly fluff that can reduce to a couple of sentences though.
cough BlackPillPres cough
every month of inceldom your iq drops 30 points. this is scientifically proven
@blackcel has a masters in Computer Science I believe. You gotta be pretty well above average to complete this kind of degree.

There are plenty of people here that conflate writing massive blocks of text with intelligence. What's in their writing is mostly fluff that can reduce to a couple of sentences though.

ayy lmao. I also have two different bachelor degrees, CS and math.

Maybe I just sucked the right kind of dicks. I mean, that is what foids do, right?
I also find my senses and ability to form sentences weaken as age and depression worsen. Good luck OP
:feelsLSD: Commence meditation. Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream. :feelsLSD:

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