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I got falsely charged with a crime based on my looks.

Sparrow's Song

Sparrow's Song

Violent Convicted Chomo
Dec 14, 2017
I'll repost with an update after I win this shit in both. This shit is a waste of fucking time and the cunt didn't show up today and gets a free pass, if I didn't show up the death squad would come, kek. This is literally the dumbest shit I've ever dealt with, in 2018, any lying piece of shit can try to fuck up your life. I guess it gets darkest just before dawn , can't wait to gymcel after this dumb bracelet gets taken off.
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Did you actually say all this shit in reception..? Lol
TLDR; you're under arrest for being ugly
Definitely happened tbh
TLDR; it's over. Good luck getting any respectable job with already a criminal record. Get it expunged.
Weed said:
Did you actually say all this shit in reception..? Lol
I'm low inhib af and speak my mind unfiltered 99% of the time, the bitch at the BMV that triggered me was your stereotypical fat sassy black roastie... I keep it real at all times, never letting a bitch talk down to me.

anincelforlifelol said:
TLDR; it's over. Good luck getting any respectable job with already a criminal record. Get it expunged.
No criminal history prior to this pathetic abuse of the already corrupt justice system.
Slow it down sum, be humble and don’t ruin ur life.
mirin your inhibition levels but you probably shouldn't say shit like that to people lol
whogivesafucc said:
mirin your inhibition levels but you probably shouldn't say shit like that to people lol
Had no idea they would pull some bullshit like that. This whole fucked up situation started with a joke about blood and semen samples, I thought somebody would laugh but it snowballed into this. One of the arresting officers was like "these are sensitive times".._ i was thinking, " these are cucked times dude".
JFL at 'aggravated menacing' i didnt even know that existed
Garbage said:
JFL at 'aggravated menacing' i didnt even know that existed
I thought of the Don't Be a Menace movie when the investigator said it.
As fucking horrible as this is, you lost when you tried to joke with a roastie. Roasties don't understand jokes.
This is one of the reasons my post count is so low, busy with this bullshit and wagecucking...

ropecel said:
As fucking horrible as this is, you lost when you tried to joke with a roastie. Roasties don't understand jokes.
So fucking true... If your avatar is over 16, I'd smash tbh.
America is a police state.
you werent arrested because you are ugly. you were arrested because you were a dick
just sneezing will get you put in jail. What is happening? Maybe after this you could show up at that bmv again just to scare the old man. It's not illegal and would be good revenge
This shit happens if we try to be funny lmao they really want us dead.
Your theme song:

This is larping on a whole other level. Good job.
this shit is like what happened to me at uni on steroids. fuck.
you did good to not take shit
Pasteleiro said:
Your theme song:

That song was playing in my head when the death squad officer asked me about the BMV.

newcel997 said:
you werent arrested because you are ugly. you were arrested because you were a dick
Both are legal though... for now.
i got charged too. charged for eating too much ass
ArtoriasWolf said:
just sneezing will get you put in jail. What is happening? Maybe after this you could show up at that bmv again just to scare the old man. It's not illegal and would be good revenge
Nah, when I sue him I'll call his local police and say I'm "worried" he will seek "retaliation"... If I can sue him for six digits and make him where and ankle bracelet... justice will be served.

Indari said:
this shit is like what happened to me at uni on steroids. fuck.
you did good to not take shit
I heard about that. Both of our situations are MoveTheFuckOutOfAmericaBecauseIt'sCorruptAsFuckFuel.
newcel997 said:
you werent arrested because you are ugly. you were arrested because you were a dick

legit tbh. She said "Excuse me, sir! ..." and he responds with "...roastie pig" LMFAO, mirin low inhibition.

I hope this isn't LARP but if it isn't, I hope you get out - this is kinda fcked.
I believe you though, there's always that woke Hebrew Israelite.
Spidey said:
newcel997 said:
you werent arrested because you are ugly. you were arrested because you were a dick
legit tbh. She said "Excuse me, sir! ..." and he responds with "...roastie pig" LMFAO, mirin low inhibition.
I hope this isn't LARP but if it isn't, I hope you get out - this is kinda fcked.
I believe you though, there's always that woke Hebrew Israelite.
how do you feel about the fact that i always catfish women on tinder and get them to go meet me at fancy resturants in fancy dresses and then i never show up?
Meh.... If true, you're a legendcel. If not, GTFO and rot.
TheVman said:
how do you feel about the fact that i always catfish women on tinder and get them to go meet me at fancy resturants in fancy dresses and then i never show up?

You're a retard accomplishing nothing of value. You have caused a minor inconvenience to a roastie. Congrats.
Templarcel421 said:
You have caused a minor inconvenience to a roastie. Congrats.
That's at least some kind of revenge. its great. also i got one fat roastie to actually travel literally
Best story post so far.
TheVman said:
how do you feel about the fact that i always catfish women on tinder and get them to go meet me at fancy resturants in fancy dresses and then i never show up?

Quite funny lmfao. Catfishing is wrong but so is being so low IQ that you will do anything for Chad.
good read, you should write a manifERsto
Spidey said:
So if you got catfished by a landwhale, it would be right. fk that sht boyo.
I already got shit way worse done to me. don't care anymore. they deserve it for being hypergamus cunts
TheVman said:
I already got shit way worse done to me. don't care anymore. they deserve it for being hypergamus cunts

exactly, what was done to you was wrong. don't cope.
Spidey said:
exactly, what was done to you was wrong. don't cope.
It aint coping. its payback.

"hey goys be good goys alright. don't do bad stuff to women aigt"
I will read this when I get home.
Spidey said:
newcel997 said:
you werent arrested because you are ugly. you were arrested because you were a dick
legit tbh. She said "Excuse me, sir! ..." and he responds with "...roastie pig" LMFAO, mirin low inhibition.
I hope this isn't LARP but if it isn't, I hope you get out - this is kinda fcked.
I believe you though, there's always that woke Hebrew Israelite.
I would post my mugshot on the ratings thread but the jail takes them off the site when you leave.
Damn, this is insane. :'(
The investigator didn't know what a roastie was, I had to tell him it meant "a useless and undesirable female".
Eventually, a line of female inmates goes by and despite me looking like an unkept shepherd and being surrounded by taller BBCs, the are smiling and waving and blowing kisses at me... the dude closest to the door is like "Yo dog they say you look like a pornstar in that robe and they want that beard to tickle their pussies".[/quote]

kkt6 said:
Eventually, a line of female inmates goes by and despite me looking like an unkept shepherd and being surrounded by taller BBCs, the are smiling and waving and blowing kisses at me... the dude closest to the door is like "Yo dog they say you look like a pornstar in that robe and they want that beard to tickle their pussies".
This was the robe I was arrested in... About four to six people in jail asked me if it was Versace... unironically. https://www.amazon.com/YUAKOU-Phoenix-Pattern-Nightwear-Bathrobes/dp/B072JB8GK4/ref=sr_1_26?s=apparel&ie=UTF8&qid=1519354921&sr=1-26&nodeID=1045704&psd=1&keywords=Men%27s+kimono
I've rarely had to use tl;dr.
undeadcel said:
This shit happens if we try to be funny lmao they really want us dead.

I wanna be dead too so I can't fault them for it
The seven hundred pound whiteknight looked like an agepilled boogie2988 plus three hundred pounds... JFL at a fatass like that wagecucking at the BMV when he could get disability. He literally moves at 15 waddles per minute.
If you're incel you should be serious all the time and talk as little as possible. Trying to be outgling like Chad will just get you punished.
Enigmatic said:
If you're incel you should be serious all the time and talk as little as possible. Trying to be outgling like Chad will just get you punished.
It was more about my perceived ethnicity than ugliness tbh...

Both are legal though... for now.

true but its not the decrimination you paint it to be
newcel997 said:

Both are legal though... for now.

true but its not the decrimination you paint it to be[/quote]
It's bullshit because the fucker knows he can lie and get away with it because I look mena. If I was a fat alcoholic with Germanic features, he wouldn't even risk lying.

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