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It's Over i got doxxed for real this time



May 8, 2018
fuck. i got doxxed. i guess i talked so much shit online some cuck dedicated himself to finding me. i made a edgy post on the KF Doxxers thread and i guess they took it serious. i'm too low-IQ and a Christcuck as well so i'd never hurt nobody but these faggots take everything seriously and probably had their hackers find me. . as a paranoid schizophrenic my biggest fear (i would literally kill myself) is having my pics leaked or if they found out i wrote my life story on this website.. well i was on my troll facebook account and someone messaged me(no idea how because i used a fake email but did fuck up by using my real phonenumber) basically a picture of my doktordoom profile. holy shit guys. he knows im on edge and told me to just quit incels.is or my picture would be leaked on a secret discord. (so i guess hes been following my posts)

fuck im scared right now... when ever i have a psychotic break or close to it i start to feel clouds in my head.... right now im gonna talk to the head psychiatrist and admit everything so hopefully he can put me on something fast acting because right now the shit im on aint helping. i really dont wanna go crazy crazy psychosis because then i'll probably die from malnoutrition because i can't eat or a heart attack from not sleeping and meds wont work because this time my paranoid is over 9000 literally not lying man. so i gotta get on a fast acting med asap.. im even trembling as i post fuck this is what i've been reduced to. rambling and raving like a scared PTSD kidnap victim in a cold room pumped full of meds that aren't working scared of some cuck who has me by the balls..its already affected me. i aborted the plan with the chadlite to collect evidence on the alpha chad breaking the rules.

i'm sorry. i need to quit the internet because it's ruining my life. when i was off the internet for a week my life actually improved and i was somewhat happy. but every time i come back on here i see the horrible news of the world, the blackpill, the evil leftists and cucks, the harlots and manwhores we idolize, i just can't deal with it. i'm even breaking this laptop in two because i've come to realize the biggest source of my problems and selfhatred comes from the internet.

i'm also asking my psychiatrist if i can be medically castrated(or something less severe) because i want to stop jacking off and actually focus on life. 2-3 hours of constant stroking masturbation a day and thinking about sex every 10 seconds (severe ADD too) is ruining my well being.

also im completely signing my rights away. i can't function. so fuck it the head psychiatrist will now control my life. hes a good guy so i trust him (i did a background check on him hes Irish Catholic so he's not jewish which is good)

i wish i could let myself just completely loose myself in psychosis but i cant'. even though you can have positive psychosis when its negative psychosis i'm stuck in literal hell like i can even smell death so that's why i don't wanna go completely psychotic.

the blackpill destroyed me. fuck. fuck fuck. i wish i could be a blue pilled cuck. but theres no going back.

I request for a full permanent ban.
Good bye internet.
Hello normie life.

@13k @Gremlincel (and one other person but idk his name sargeant please delete my inbox messages) please delete the photos i sent you of me. please don't add fuel to the shit fire of my life)
Wait! Isn't a ban extreme? Can't you just not visit? No need to have your account locked up, right?
Wait! Isn't a ban extreme? Can't you just not visit? No need to have your account locked up, right?
im quitting the internet for good since its a big source of my problems and concentrating on improving my mental health.
What makes them hate us to this degree?
What makes them hate us to this degree?
i know man. i never threatened nobody or went to their websites to talk shit but i guess they need to find ppl to persecute..

free speech is dead
At an active mod, @knajjd
im quitting the internet for good since its a big source of my problems and concentrating on improving my mental health.

Even so, can't you just not use it, instead of destroy it? Or can you not trust your self control at this point?
On a serious note, I really think we should completely close this forum off to non-members.
Nothing good has ever come from letting normies browse this site.
Damn man. I'm sorry all of this shit happened to you. Leaving the internet for a long while is definitely a good idea
Pictures are gone.
Farewell, brother. I'm sorry all this happened to you. You've had one tough fuckin life. I hope your remaining years aren't too hard..
Stay strong, until the end. I'm gonna see you at incel valhalla, I promise. I look forward to meeting you. You're one hell of a guy.
Until then.. good luck.

Farewell, brother. I'm sorry all this happened to you. You've had one tough fuckin life. I hope your remaining years aren't too hard..
Stay strong, until the end. I'm gonna see you at incel valhalla, I promise. I look forward to meeting you. You're one hell of a guy.
On a serious note, I really think we should completely close this forum off to non-members.
Nothing good has ever come from letting normies browse this site.
told me to just quit incels.is

Of all things. Why are these onanistic goons so invested in this site? It's beyond me why some fat failure in his late 20s would care about a ~20 y/o schizophrenic hateposting online.

Break out the Soylent tonight, you shitbearded slaves. Drink your tits swollen.

You were a good presence here, @doktordoom. Wish you the best.
Damn man.. I was already feeling unusually emotional tonight, but this shit sent me over the edge. I don't know if it's because I've drank a little, or what, but I'm crying like hell, I can't pull myself together. It's not fair..
It doesn't matter how much I tell myself I hate the world, I hate humanity, how cold and uncaring I try and become, at the heart, I still want for things to be good, I still hate to see people suffer like they do. I never wanted to become this. I want to be a good person, I want to tell others that it's going to be okay in the end, I want to believe that, somehow, people, at core, they aren't as evil as they seem, that the world isn't as evil as it seems. But it doesn't matter how fucking much I wish for that, I can't change reality, I can't change how things really are for us all... fuck.. it's too much. I'm sorry. None of us should have to go through all this. :feelscry:
This can't be all there is to life. It can't be this horrible, it can't be this meaningless, please.. I'm not strong enough.
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Farewell doktordoom, i will miss your high tier shitpost
Bastards. I bet those cucks are thinking of themselves as heroes for threatening to destroy a “big bad” incel’s reputation. Self righteous punks. You aren’t vigilantes, you’re cowards.
L8er g8er

Good luck, bro, suck my dick kiwifags.
dont put ur pics on the internet dumbass. when that's ur biggest fear.
Good bye, brother, i genuinely enjoyed your posts. Wish you best at your gymcelling further. West is turning into nazi utopia right now, people are persecuted for their non-degenerate views.
It doesn't matter how much I tell myself I hate the world, I hate humanity, how cold and uncaring I try and become, at the heart, I still want for things to be good, I still hate to see people suffer like they do. I never wanted to become this. I want to be a good person, I want to tell others that it's going to be okay in the end, I want to believe that, somehow, people, at core, they aren't as evil as they seem, that the world isn't as evil as it seems. But it doesn't matter how fucking much I wish for that, I can't change reality, I can't change how things really are for us all... fuck.. it's too much. I'm sorry. None of us should have to go through all this.
Amen, brother.
Goodbye anon your posts were god tier
Whats your point? Theyre gonna message mommy that u post on incels.is? Fucking cuck
If people find out who I am, I have nothing to lose. No family, no friends.
Actually, I tell everybody my situation. Everybody already knows.
Everybody knows I have sex with High End Ultra-Realistic Black Sex Dolls.
I even show people pictures of them.
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Amen, brother.
I've finally relaxed somewhat. God, that was awful, I sobbed for like two hours straight, to the point I felt sick and my head hurt, I couldn't help it, I'm so exhausted now. :feelsrope:
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man best larp poster ever U will be missed by all of us

I thought and still think you are a LARPer, but if you are a legit truecel then so long brother. Good luck out there.
just make an alt you dumbass with a different profile pic
I had a whole group of moralfags after me when when I was a facebook troll way back in 2010, they tracked me down to my city but didn't dox me but they did dox others and used to send printed screencaps in the mail to the neighbours of people that they doxxed, some of them got put in prison and were in the news.

I think the best way to handle it is laugh it off & pretend you don't care. What else can one do?
On a serious note, I really think we should completely close this forum off to non-members.
Nothing good has ever come from letting normies browse this site.
fuck. i got doxxed. i guess i talked so much shit online some cuck dedicated himself to finding me. i made a edgy post on the KF Doxxers thread and i guess they took it serious. i'm too low-IQ and a Christcuck as well so i'd never hurt nobody but these faggots take everything seriously and probably had their hackers find me. . as a paranoid schizophrenic my biggest fear (i would literally kill myself) is having my pics leaked or if they found out i wrote my life story on this website.. well i was on my troll facebook account and someone messaged me(no idea how because i used a fake email but did fuck up by using my real phonenumber) basically a picture of my doktordoom profile. holy shit guys. he knows im on edge and told me to just quit incels.is or my picture would be leaked on a secret discord. (so i guess hes been following my posts)

fuck im scared right now... when ever i have a psychotic break or close to it i start to feel clouds in my head.... right now im gonna talk to the head psychiatrist and admit everything so hopefully he can put me on something fast acting because right now the shit im on aint helping. i really dont wanna go crazy crazy psychosis because then i'll probably die from malnoutrition because i can't eat or a heart attack from not sleeping and meds wont work because this time my paranoid is over 9000 literally not lying man. so i gotta get on a fast acting med asap.. im even trembling as i post fuck this is what i've been reduced to. rambling and raving like a scared PTSD kidnap victim in a cold room pumped full of meds that aren't working scared of some cuck who has me by the balls..its already affected me. i aborted the plan with the chadlite to collect evidence on the alpha chad breaking the rules.

i'm sorry. i need to quit the internet because it's ruining my life. when i was off the internet for a week my life actually improved and i was somewhat happy. but every time i come back on here i see the horrible news of the world, the blackpill, the evil leftists and cucks, the harlots and manwhores we idolize, i just can't deal with it. i'm even breaking this laptop in two because i've come to realize the biggest source of my problems and selfhatred comes from the internet.

i'm also asking my psychiatrist if i can be medically castrated(or something less severe) because i want to stop jacking off and actually focus on life. 2-3 hours of constant stroking masturbation a day and thinking about sex every 10 seconds (severe ADD too) is ruining my well being.

also im completely signing my rights away. i can't function. so fuck it the head psychiatrist will now control my life. hes a good guy so i trust him (i did a background check on him hes Irish Catholic so he's not jewish which is good)

i wish i could let myself just completely loose myself in psychosis but i cant'. even though you can have positive psychosis when its negative psychosis i'm stuck in literal hell like i can even smell death so that's why i don't wanna go completely psychotic.

the blackpill destroyed me. fuck. fuck fuck. i wish i could be a blue pilled cuck. but theres no going back.

I request for a full permanent ban.
Good bye internet.
Hello normie life.

@13k @Gremlincel (and one other person but idk his name sargeant please delete my inbox messages) please delete the photos i sent you of me. please don't add fuel to the shit fire of my life)

Rip dude.

Although slightly hysterical at times you did make valid points.

I have asked the creator of the thread about doxing for further advice. So far nothing.
On a serious note, I really think we should completely close this forum off to non-members.
Nothing good has ever come from letting normies browse this site.

Smoke a peace pipe and count to ten. Why do you care so much? What do you have to lose even if your shit got leaked?
RIP, your posts were enjoyable :feelsbadman:

On a serious note, I really think we should completely close this forum off to non-members.
Nothing good has ever come from letting normies browse this site.
It would increase fake registrations too much. Imagine if every cucktears poster made a fake account. The mods would cry
I'm sorry brother.
It's all my fault.
I havent given enough advice for your safety.
I didn't protect you, my brother in arms in a society persecuting us.
I hope you have a safe and lovely life brother.
We shall cross paths again.
It's interesting how there is more hate for disadvantaged people than lazy rich people.
Can anyone explain what so bad about being doxxed? (English isnt my 1st language)
Can anyone explain what so bad about being doxxed? (English isnt my 1st language)

Personal information about people on the Internet, often including real name, known aliases, address, phone number, SSN, credit card number, etc.
"Someone dropped Bob's dox and the next day, ten pizzas and three tow trucks showed up at his house."

by Anonymous97875864 August 16, 2008

Dox, or being doxed, in terms of online forum sites, is the physical equivalent of being butt-raped irl. Just as all the greats have, when a person is "doxed", all their personal information is made available for all users to see. Names, addresses, phone numbers and school/work are not spared, and this usually leads to the person ceasing all ties with said websites, if not the interwebs as a whole.

by Hayobi52 May 15, 2010
Personal information about people on the Internet, often including real name, known aliases, address, phone number, SSN, credit card number, etc.
"Someone dropped Bob's dox and the next day, ten pizzas and three tow trucks showed up at his house."

by Anonymous97875864 August 16, 2008

Dox, or being doxed, in terms of online forum sites, is the physical equivalent of being butt-raped irl. Just as all the greats have, when a person is "doxed", all their personal information is made available for all users to see. Names, addresses, phone numbers and school/work are not spared, and this usually leads to the person ceasing all ties with said websites, if not the interwebs as a whole.

by Hayobi52 May 15, 2010

But if you never give your Personal Information in the Internet, so then they cant doxx you, right?

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