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Venting I get ROID RAGE level anger when people assume that I have/have had a girlfriend or am bound to get married



Professional misanthrope
Jan 7, 2018
I don't care if they're just trying to be nice or are just incredibly stupid, it fucking pisses me off. It doesn't happen often but whenever someone says something implying that I have or previously had a girlfriend, or will soon be getting married, I fucking lose it. You cannot imagine how badly I want to shout at them that I've never even kissed a girl, never held a girl's hand, never got a romantic text, zero IOIs. These are the same fucking bluepilled dumbass normies who take their looks/race/NT mind for granted and think that getting a girlfriend is as easy as breathing.
> NT

If you aren’t NT, chances are you can’t recognize IOIs even if they beat ya over the face with it. Doubly so if you oneitis
> NT

If you aren’t NT, chances are you can’t recognize IOIs even if they beat ya over the face with it. Doubly so if you oneitis


Septembercels at it again!
View attachment 43303

Septembercels at it again!
Low IQcel at it again. Vast majority of yall aren’t trucels, but youngcels or mentalcels who could ascend to betabux/MGTOW but won’t.

Dude betrays he’s at least normie tier in looks alone based off the conversations people have with him. Trucels wouldn’t get that shit from anyone but a parent.

Sometimes I wonder if fakecels larp and rage on here because the circlejerk is addictive, a sick comfort far easier than looks/status/lifemaxxing could ever be.
Low IQcel at it again. Vast majority of yall aren’t trucels, but youngcels or mentalcels who could ascend to betabux/MGTOW but won’t.

Dude betrays he’s at least normie tier in looks alone based off the conversations people have with him. Trucels wouldn’t get that shit from anyone but a parent.

Sometimes I wonder if fakecels larp and rage on here because the circlejerk is addictive, a sick comfort far easier than looks/status/lifemaxxing could ever be.

You're quite naive if you don't think that normies assume every guy, including ugly ones, have been in a relationship.

That goes for you too.
You're quite naive if you don't think that normies assume every guy, including ugly ones, have been in a relationship.

That goes for you too.
Objectively false. I’ve seen how dudes act around trucels, and can confirm you need to be sub-3/10 or severely retarded for them to not bring up GF situations.
> NT

If you aren’t NT, chances are you can’t recognize IOIs even if they beat ya over the face with it. Doubly so if you oneitis

What is this crap anyway? I've heard about the IOIs that girls give, it's so obvious that most autists would get it. I mean if a woman stares at you for at least a few seconds and especially maintains eye contact, if she giggles incessantly when you talk, if she goes out of her way to say hi or talk to you, if she tries to sit next to you, etc. Do you think I'd be on here if this actually happened to me?
Objectively false. I’ve seen how dudes act around trucels, and can confirm you need to be sub-3/10 or severely retarded for them to not bring up GF situations.
Oh really? I've seen 3/10 and literally disabled guys and people always try to ask them if they have GFs to make them feel good. It's all an act. In my case it could be either them trying to be polite or just ignorant as fuck.
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What is this crap anyway? I've heard about the IOIs that girls give, it's so obvious that most autists would get it. I mean if a woman stares at you for at least a few seconds and especially maintains eye contact, if she giggles incessantly when you talk, if she goes out of her way to say hi or talk to you, if she tries to sit next to you, etc. Do you think I'd be on here if this actually happened to me?

Oh really? I've seen 3/10 and literally disabled guys and people always try to ask them if they have GFs to make them feel good. It's all an act. In my case it could be either them trying to be polite or just ignorant as fuck.

True, but They can be way more subtle that that. Also, if you’ve ever onitis’d, I can almost guarantee you missed IOIs from other girls based off how you talk. You are 3-4+/10.
True, but They can be way more subtle that that. Also, if you’ve ever onitis’d, I can almost guarantee you missed IOIs from other girls based off how you talk. You are 3-4+/10.

I haven't had a oneitis in 4 years now. I'm literally open to any girl at this point. Also, if someone is attractive at least to some women, they won't keep getting "very subtle" IOIs that are easy as fuck to miss. Eventually some girl is going to make it obvious. What's more likely, that someone who never got a clear IOI just kept getting "subtle" ones that are easy to miss over and over for 20+ years, or that they never got any IOIs in the first place? Occam's razor my friend.
the one thing we want we can't have. It's all over
> NT

If you aren’t NT, chances are you can’t recognize IOIs even if they beat ya over the face with it. Doubly so if you oneitis


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It'd be funnier and make more sense if the guy in the pic was ugly as fuck.

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