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RageFuel i genuinely dont care about normie cucks that rope



defeated by the NT , face and heightpill
Nov 22, 2022
Subhumans barely rope it's mostly normiescum and they have no reason to rope. Most of them rope because some toilet dumped them or because they've permanently damaged their brain with jewpills.

Why would you feel bad for such vermin ?

A subhuman has a valid reason to rope and they are usually linked with big gambling loses, deformed face , being bullied by society his entire life now that's a valid reason to end your life.

Normie suffering is our suffering on medium mode meanwhile we experience it full on nightmare.

"but muh men suicide rates" I don't give a shit.

A normie still has a bigger chance to rope than a subhuman. The bullied subhuman's brain cannot comprehend the act of roping because he's either afraid or wants to live just a little bit more. Eventually they'll die from some addiction but most subhumans won't really rope. They'll cope with alcohol, cigarettes, video games etc.

Normies are impulsive animals and they'll act on their impulses even if they regret it during the act of taking their own life.

All of a sudden they'll remember how good they had it prior the jump but it's going to be too late. They will smash their brains and that's a good thing.
I just don't care when foids rope
I would never rope anyways and If ever decide to I would do what Trevor Philips does best in GTA.:society::society:
I would never rope anyways and If ever decide to I would do what Trevor Philips does best in GTA.:society::society:
based. I would probably never rope either. Roping is mostly a normie thing most subhumans don't end up roping even if they think about it every single day. Too low-inhib but normies will act on their impulse for sure.
I cannot agree, as you assume that:

1. Normies may have suffered it much more intensely than an incel. I never received bullying, of course, I suffered rejection, but never blows or insults.
2. As much as we are told that selfishness is the elemental factor of human beings, so is compassion. And even if one wants to establish that compassion is pure masked selfishness, The truth is that neurochemically compassion has specific areas in the brain
3. Roping It has always been the consequence of many people who have sought to make you, as an incel or as a useless man, commit suicide. It is not natural, it is not logical, and it does not obey anything. Rope is probably the stupidest thing an incel or frustrated man can do, just by going ER you impose your revenge on societyn (in videogame).

Most normies definitely have it screwed up, no matter how much you think it's some kind of conspiracy.
The bullied subhuman's brain cannot comprehend the act of roping because he's either afraid or wants to live just a little bit more
The thing is that pain is relative. We have better live than normie from middle age from objectiv measures but we probably suffer more than them because they were used to live in the dirt and having to work in the field until day is over and only eat meat in rare occasion.
How can a dumb whore rope when her entire life was on tuto mode ? Because one little problem can lead her to huge amount of mental pain.
I am completly subhuman and I understand the act of roping. I just don't care when normie and foids do it.
The thing is that pain is relative. We have better live than normie from middle age from objectiv measures but we probably suffer more than them because they were used to live in the dirt and having to work in the field until day is over and only eat meat in rare occasion.
How can a dumb whore rope when her entire life was on tuto mode ? Because one little problem can lead her to huge amount of mental pain.
I am completly subhuman and I understand the act of roping. I just don't care when normie and foids do it.
roping is a foreign concept for toilets. When everything is being handed to you and you don't have to do shit in this life how could you suffer from suicidal thoughts ?
roping is a foreign concept for toilets. When everything is being handed to you and you don't have to do shit in this life how could you suffer from suicidal thoughts ?
How can a dumb whore rope when her entire life was on tuto mode ? Because one little problem can lead her to huge amount of mental pain.
I cannot agree, as you assume that:

1. Normies may have suffered it much more intensely than an incel.
Normies don't really get bullied because they are one with the crowd. That's always been the case all normies group up on bullying subhumans together.

I've never seen an actual normie get bullied they've always ganged up on unattractive man.
How can a dumb whore rope when her entire life was on tuto mode ? Because one little problem can lead her to huge amount of mental pain.
men literally have to do everything meanwhile toilets can just consoom and rely on their oofy doofy husband for a good life. Over for modern men. They had easier life prior to foid rights too. Same fucking shit. Men die on the construction sites meanwhile they lay all day in their beds.
men literally have to do everything meanwhile toilets can just consoom and rely on their oofy doofy husband for a good life. Over for modern men. They had easier life prior to foid rights too. Same fucking shit. Men die on the construction sites meanwhile they lay all day in their beds.
my man privileges are being sent to the battlefield and nothing else. Meanwhile they'll flee and fuck some foreign CHAD. Total entitled whores death.
Subhumans rope all the time

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